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UNIT 10,Serving as a Tour Guide,世纪商务英语综合教程 ,Contents,Lead-in,Listen to the key new words with pictures above.,Tour Guide,Scenery,The Great Wall,Dragon,The Summer Palace,Listening & Speaking,I. Read aloud the following sample dialogues.,II. Listen to the following sample dialogues and repeat after the tape.,Section A,III. Simulated Communicative Tasks,Listen to a conversation and answer the following questions.,I. Listen to a passage and fill in the blanks with the words you hear on the tape.,Section B,II. Listen to the passage again and decide whether the following statements are true of false.,Section C,Mr. Emerson: What are we going to see tomorrow? Alice: We will go to the West Lake to see the beautiful scenery. Mr. Emerson:Thats great. Id also like to buy some tea. Alice: If time permits, we shall visit some tea stores there. Mr. Emerson:What time shall we start our journey? Alice: I will pick you up at 7:30 tomorrow morning. Do you think you can manage to get ready by then? Mr. Emerson:No problem! To tell you the truth, I have been dying to go there. Alice: Well, lets make it a happy day. See you tomorrow. Mr. Emerson:See you tomorrow.,Section A: I,Listening & Speaking,Dialogue 1,Li: Next well go to visit the Summer Palace. Mrs. Hubert: Oh, good. The Summer Palace is Yiheyuan in Chinese. Li: Your Chinese pronunciation is very good. Mrs. Hubert: Really? Thank you very much. Li: The Summer Palace lies about 20 kilometers northwest of Beijing, occupying an area of 290 hectares, and three-fourths of it is covered by bodies of water. Mrs. Hubert: It must be very beautiful. Li: The most beautiful part of the Summer Palace is its ancient residential area. There is the Long Corridor, one of the most famous garden landscapes in China. Lets first go there to have a look! Mrs. Hubert: OK, lets go.,Dialogue 2,Section A: I,Listening & Speaking,Luo: Here we are at the Great Wall. Mr. Brown: The Great Wall looks really great and magnificent. Luo: The wall was designed to be wide enough to accommodate six horses to run abreast. And the top surface of the Wall was paved with three or four layers of large bricks. Some of the rock slabs were as long as two meters and weighed as much as one ton. Mr. Brown: I wonder how these materials were carried on to the top of the mountains, as there were no cable carriers and no cranes at that time. Luo: All the work was done at the cost of backbreaking labor. According to rough calculation, the total number of bricks and slabs used to build the Wall would have been enough to construct a wall five meters tall and one meter thick around the world. Mr. Brown: The battlements and watchtowers also look splendid. Luo: Really, lets go there to see them. Mr. Brown: Oh, great. Lets go!,Dialogue 1,Section A: II,Listening & Speaking,Mrs. Green: Look at these photos, Alice. They are terrific. Alice: I couldnt agree more. They sure will remind you of the sweet days you had in China. Mrs. Green: Thats right. I enjoyed the sites we visited very much. The Summer Palace, the Great Wall, the Forbidden City. Ive really fed my eyes this time. Alice: You know, these attractions are typical Chinese style. No tourist would deny they are worth visiting. Mrs. Green: Absolutely. They look so magnificent and impressive. Alice: Im so happy you enjoyed the sightseeing. Mrs. Green: I love the wonderful sceneries. I love China. I wish I could stay longer. But I have to be back tomorrow. Thank you for your company these days. Thank you for all youve done for me. Alice: Its my pleasure to be your guide. I hope to see you again soon.,Dialogue 2,Section A: II,Listening & Speaking,You are talking about tomorrows schedule with your guest Mr. Smith. You and your guest Mr. Smith are on your way to the West Lake, one of the famous attractions in Hangzhou. Mr. Smith is eager to visit it. You and your guest Mr. Smith are now visiting the West Lake. Mr. Smith is fascinated by the beautiful scenery there. 4. You and your guest Mr. Smith have finished the tour of the West Lake, and are going back to the hotel. Mr. Smith expresses his thanks to you and you are seeking comments on your service from him.,Section A: III,Listening & Speaking,Where are they visiting? What does “nine” mean in China? When was the Hall of Supreme Harmony built? What is the height of the Hall of Supreme Harmony? 5. What kinds of decorations and ornaments did the emperors favor?,Section B,Listening & Speaking,They are visiting the marvelous and incredible Forbidden City.,“Nine” symbolizes a long life and a long reign for the emperor.,The Hall of Supreme Harmony was built in 1420.,Its 37.44 meters if the rooftop decoration is counted.,The emperors favored decorations and ornaments like dragons, bronze cranes and incense burners.,China is a difficult place to travel independently, especially outside the major cities and tourist sit
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