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Unit3 Our hobbies Topic1 Whats your hobby?单元复习练习题I. 英汉互译下列单词。1.业余爱好 _2. 背诵 _ 3. 诗 _ 4. 也许 _ 5. collect _(收藏品n.)_ 6. pet_7. 种植 _ 8. fond_ 9. be intersted in _1、在你的空闲时间 in your free /spare time 2、去钓鱼 go fishing3、看故事read stories 4、我最大的爱好my favoritehobby5. 背诵诗 recite poems 6、常去影剧院go to the movie theater a lot 7、rent DVDs租DVD 8、听起来不错Sounds good 9、需要改变一下 need a changeP56 1、遛狗 walk a pet dog 2、集邮collect stamps 3、 种花 plant flowers 4、 climb mountain s 爬山 5. go traveling去旅行1)你的爱好是什么?【课文原句】_ 【导学点拨】 . 类似的说法还有:What do you like doing ?=What are you interested in ? 2)enjoy, like, love, be fond of , prefer,be fond of,be interested in都可以表达个人兴趣和爱好,其后动词要用_形式。E,g. I enjoy_ (read) stories and _(listen) to music.I am interested in_(recite ) poems.3)我可能需要改变一下【课文原句】_ change 词性_ 意思_ change v. 改变,交换 Maybe 词性:adv. 意思: 也许;可能 Maybe it will work. 也许这个办法会有效。【区别】 may be “也许是” 谓语动词 It may be work. 它也许是工作。【课堂检测】:I.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 1.What do you often do in your f_ time? 2.My favorite h_ is fishing. 3.I am i_ in playing basketball. 4.I am f_ of acting. 5.I like c_ stamps. 6.I p_ playing soccer. 7.The woman loves w_ a pet dog. 8.The boy e_ dancing to music. ( )1.He enjoyed _ sports news on the Internet. A. to read B. reading C. to look at D. looking at ( )2.He is _ in the interesting story book. A. interesting B. interested C. interests D. interest ( )3.Look ,there are so many collections,I am _of it. A.Interested B.enjoy C.fond D.prefer( )4.Li Yutings grandpa is an opera fan, he prefers_ it. A.see B.sees C.saw D.seeing1. doll_ 2. 硬币_ 3. hate_4. pop =popular _ 5. 我收集的邮票_6. 过去常常做某事_1. What are you carrying? _ 2. 多么精美的邮票啊! _ 3. 那一定很有趣! _ 4. 我们可以从邮票中学到很多有关历史和人物的知识。5我过去收集棒球卡。但是我现在对篮球感兴趣。1. used to do sth. 意为“以前常做某事,过去常做某事”。 表示过去的习惯、状态,常用_形式,时态是_。 e.g. I used to go fishing on Sundays. 译:_ 1)否定用 didnt use to , 也可用 used not /usednt to ,但常用第一个。 e.g. He didnt use to drink. =He used not to drink. 他以前不常喝酒。 2) 疑问句常用Diduse to? 也可用Used to e.g. Did you use to be a teacher?=Used you to be a teacher?你以前是老师么? 区别: be/get/become used to (doing) sth. 表示“习惯于做某事” to为介词。 E.g. He is used to getting us early. 译:_ 2. 感叹句: 感叹句可分为以how, what 引导的两种句型。 1). how +形容词/副词+主语+谓语动词+其他! e.g. (1) How clever you are ! 你太聪明了! (1) How important happiness is!_(2) How tall the building looks! _ 2).what+(a/an)+形容词+名词+主语+谓语动词+其他 e.g. (1) What beautiful stamps! _(2) What a tall tree!_【课堂检测】: 按要求完成句子1. I used to climb mountains.(划线部分提问) _ _ I _ to do ?2.I used to collect stamps.(一般疑问句) _ I _ to collect stamps ?3. She _ _(过去常常) go shopping on weekends.4. _ _(多么美味) food it is!5. Johns favorite hobby is _ _(打棒球).【自主学习】:.英汉互译下列单词。1.友谊_2. 剪贴簿_3. 滑稽的_ 4. 愚蠢的_5.丑陋的_ 6.懒惰的_7. background_8. paper_9. 剪刀_10.胶水_11.伤口n.剪,切_ 12. 粘贴_13. title_14. passage_15.介绍_. 在课本中找出下列短语划在书上.1. more than =over 超过,多于 2.keep(kept)other things保存其他东西_ 3.most stupid ideas 最愚蠢的想法4. some other一些另一些5. most ugly最丑陋的6. get started开始7.start with 以开始 8.cut out剪下9. stick to 把粘上去10. lots of fun非常有趣11. share with与某人分享【课内合作交流】:I.1. They kept pictures,letters,poems and other things they wanted to remember.翻译:_2.first you should decide what you want to collect.翻译:_3.Itll be lots of fun to make your scrapbook and you can share it with your friends.翻译:_II.填空. Today people collect many things in scrapbook.Somepeople have_ collections, like the worlds _ _ideas or pictures of the worlds most _ dogs._people may _stories about bad weather. 【课堂检测】:I. 完成句子1.Lets _ _on the next job.让我们开始下一项工作吧。2.He _his lesson _an English song.他以一首英文歌开始他的课。3.Please _ the pictures _ the wall.请把照片贴在墙上。4.Lets _ your ideas _your friends.让我们和
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