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CHAPTER 1 AUTOMOTIVE BASICS1.1 Principal Components 主要构成零部件Todays average car contains more than 15,000 separate, individual parts that must work together. These parts can grouped into four major categories: engine, body, chassis and electrical equipment. 现在,一般汽车由大约一万五千多个独立的零部件组成。这些部件分为四大类,即发动机(引擎系统),车身,底盘和电气设备。1.2 Engine 发动机/引擎系统The engine acts as the power unit. The internal combustion engine is most common: this obtains its power by burning a liquid fuel inside the engine cylinder. There are two types of engine :gasoline(also called a spark-ignition engine) and diesel(also called a compression-ignition engine).Both engines are called heat engines; the burning fuel generates heat which causes the gas inside the cylinder to increase its pressure and supply power to rotate a shaft connected to the transmission.引擎的作用是动力产生的部件。内燃机引擎最为常见。引擎通过燃烧其汽缸内的液体汽油来获得能量(将汽油的能量转化为动能来驱动汽车)。引擎分为汽油(火花引燃式)发动机和柴油(压燃式)发动机。 这两类发动机都被称为热力机。燃烧的汽油产生热量,促使汽缸内的气体气压增强,从而提供能量以旋转(启动)传输轴。1.3 Body 车身An automobile body is a sheet metal shell with windows, doors, a hood, and a trunk deck built into it. It provides a protective covering for the engine, passengers, and cargo. The body is designed to keep passengers safe and comfortable. The body styling provides an attractive, colorful, modern appearance for the vehicle.汽车车身是由金属薄片壳、车窗、车门、发动机罩和行李舱盖等共同构成。车身为发动机,乘客和货物提供了一个防护罩。车身的设计应该遵循保证乘客安全和舒适的原则。车身的风格使汽车具有了引人注目、彩色的,现代的外立面。1.4 Chassis 底盘The chassis is an assembly of those systems that are the major operating part of a vehicle. The chassis includes the transmission, suspension, steering, and brake systems.底盘由汽车的主要操作系统组装而成。包括传动系、行驶系、转向系和制动系四部分。Transmission systems conveys the drive to the wheels. The main components are clutch, gearbox, driveshaft, final drive, and differential.传动系-将驱动力传递到车轮。主要组成部件是离合器、变速箱、传动轴、主减速器和差速器。Suspension absorbs the road shocks.悬挂系-吸收路面震动。Steering controls the direction of the movement.转向系-控制汽车的行驶方向。Brake slows down the vehicle.制动系-使汽车减速缓行。1.5 Electrical Equipment 电气设备The electrical system supplies electricity for the ignition, horn, lights, heater, and starter. The electricity level is maintained by a charging circuit. This circuit consists of the battery, alternator (or generator). The battery stores electricity. The alternator changes the engines mechanical energy into electrical energy and recharges the battery.电气设备为汽车点火、喇叭、车灯、发热器和启动器提供电力。通过循环充电来维持电量。New WordsPrincipal component 主要部件category 种类,类型body 车身chassis 底盘layout 布置power unit 动力装置internal combustion engine 内燃机cylinder 汽缸gasoline 汽油spark 火花ignition 点燃,点火diesel 柴油机compression 压缩shaft 轴transmission 传动系sheet metal 金属板shell 外壳hood (发动机)罩trunk deck 行李舱盖cargo 货物styling 样式assembly 总成,装配suspension 悬挂,悬置shock 冲击steering 转向,操纵brake 刹车,制动器clutch 离合器gearbox 变速器driveshaft 传动轴final drive 主减速器,后桥differential 差速器slow down (使)慢下来,减速horn 喇叭starter 起动机charge 充电alternator 交流发电机Review Questions1. List the main parts of an automobile?2. What are the common types of a vehicle according to body styling?3. Which systems does a chassis include and what are the main functions of the chassis?4. Why are suspension systems used on vehicles?CHAPTER2 INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE 内燃发动机2.1 principle of operation 发动机的工作原理/操作原理2.1.1 Engine and power 发动机与能量 Engine is used to produce power. 发动机产生动能。The chemical energy in fuel is converted to heat by the burning of the fuel at a controlled rate. This process is called combustion. If engine combustion occurs with the power chamber, the engine is called internal combustion engine. If combustion takes place outside the cylinder, the engine is called an external combustion engine. 汽油燃料通过受控速度的燃烧讲自身的化学能转化为热能。这个过程称作燃烧。如果发动机的内燃在燃料室中发上,发动机被称作内燃发动机。如果内燃发生在汽缸外,发动机则被称作外燃发动机。 Engine used in automobiles are internal combustion heat engines. 汽车的发动机是内燃发动机。Heat energy released in the combustion chamber raises the temperature of the combustion gases with the chamber. The increase in gas temperature causes the pressure of the gases to increase. The pressure developed within the combustion chamber is applied to the head of a piston to produce a usable mechanical force, which is then converted into useful mechanical power. 燃烧汽缸中释放的热能将汽缸内的内燃其他温度升高。气体温度的升高导致其他压强增大。汽缸内的压强不断产生以用于活塞头产生可用的机械动力,随后转变成为有用的机械动能。2.1.2 Engine Terms 发动机术语 Linking the piston by a connecting rod to a crankshaft causes the gas to rotate the shaft through half a turn. 连动杆将汽缸活塞与机轴联接起来,这种连接促使气体The power stroke “uses up” the gas, so means must be provided to expel the burnt gas and recharge the cylinder with a fresh petrol-air mixture :this control of gas movement is the duty of the valves ;an inlet valve allows the new mixture to enter at the right time and an exhaust valve lets out the burnt gas after the gas has done its job. Engine terms ar
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