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Room environment and Human health,Interior design,potting,I N T E R I O R D E S I G N,Eight styles,1Chinese,2New Chinese,4Baroque,3Rococo,5Jane European,6European-style,7Mediterranean,8South-East Asia,Chinese中式风格,Represented by the Palace architecture interior design style of Chinese classical architecture. Indoor use more symmetrical layout(对称式的布局), elegant, simple and beautiful shape, strong and mature color.,Chinese,Eight styles,1Chinese,2New Chinese,4Baroque,3Rococo,5Jane European,6European-style,7Mediterranean,8South-East Asia,New Chinese新中式风格,New Chinese,Put modern and traditional elements together , build things full of traditional charm to the modern aesthetic needs(审美需求), so that the context of the traditional art can hand down(传承),New Chinese,Eight styles,1Chinese,2New Chinese,4Baroque,3Rococo,5Jane European,6European-style,7Mediterranean,8South-East Asia,Rococo洛可可风格,Rococo decorative art is absolutely court art(宫廷艺术) Expressing characteristics common to the court art, Focusing on decorative performance with obvious hedonism(享乐主义),Rococo,Feature: charming luxury华贵妩媚 extravagance and delicate奢丽纤秀 showing the feminine rhyme (阴柔之韵) and artificial temperament(矫揉造作的气质) keen on the crafted performance精雕细琢的 表现手法,Rococo,Eight styles,1Chinese,2New Chinese,4 Baroque,3Rococo,5Jane European,6European-style,7Mediterranean,8South-East Asia,Baroque巴洛克风格,The important feature : First, showing wealth. Second, the pursuit of novelty(新奇) Third, despite the structural logic, use irrational combination Fourth, tend to nature Fifth, cities and buildings have a joyful atmosphere.,Baroque,Eight styles,1Chinese,2New Chinese,4Baroque,3Rococo,5Jane European,6European-style,7Mediterranean,8South-East Asia,Jane European简欧风格,modern European use ivory (象牙白)and light color mainly and supplemented by a dark color. more fresh and more in line with the restrained aesthetic ideas of the Chinese people(更符合中国人内敛的审美观念),Jane European,Eight styles,1Chinese,2New Chinese,4Baroque,3Rococo,5Jane European,6European,7Mediterranean,8South-East Asia,European欧式风格,emphasize ornate(华丽的)decoration, strong colors, exquisite(精美的 )shape to reach an elegant decorative effect. Furniture characteristics: emphasize the intensity(力度), change and dynamic, sofa ornate cloth with exquisite carvings(雕刻) complement each other, put the noble shape and decorated floors together.,European,Accessories (配饰): white and pale.,Eight styles,1Chinese,2New Chinese,4Baroque,3Rococo,5Jane European,6European-style,7Mediterranean,8South-East Asia,Mediterranean地中海风格,Use several design elements : lime mud walls(白灰泥墙) continuous arcade(拱廊) and arches(拱门) ceramic tiles(陶砖), sea blue roof tiles(屋瓦), windows and doors. use bright, bold, rich colors simple, have nationality(民族性) and obvious characteristics.,Mediterranean,Eight styles,1Chinese,2New Chinese,4Baroque,3Rococo,5Jane European,6European-style,7Mediterranean,8South-East Asia,South-East Asia东南亚风格,a combination of design combined with the Southeast Asian nation of island specialties and exquisite cultural taste. 一个结合东南亚民族岛屿特色及精致文化品位相结合的设计.,South-East Asia,a combination of the concept of a new living and leisure extensive use of wood and other natural raw materials such as rattan(藤条), bamboo, stone, bronze and brass(黄铜) dark wood furniture, local gold wallpaper(壁纸), silk texture( 质感)of the fabric(布料),and lighting change reflect a stable and a sense of luxury.,South-East Asia,Eight styles,1Chinese,2New Chinese,4Baroque,3Rococo,5Jane European,6European-style,7Mediterranean,8South-East Asia,GUISING THE NEST?,I N T E R I O R POTTING,TWO TIPES,1Suitable for indoor,Purify the air,吊兰bracketplant,虎尾兰sansevieria,一叶兰pleione,kill germs,rose,Jasmine茉莉,Sweet-scented osmanthus桂花,Pink石竹,Violet紫罗兰,Mint 薄荷,Lavender 薰衣草,Cactus 仙人掌,Kaffir lily君子兰,TWO TIPES,2Unsuitable for indoor,Olaender夹竹桃,Aka red 一品红,Corn poppy虞美人,Narcissus 水仙,Common callalily马蹄莲,Tulipy郁金香,Azalea 杜鹃花,Cordate telosma夜来香,Chinese redbud 紫荆花,Mimose 含羞草,Greenish lily flower,Orchid 兰花,T H A N K S !,
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