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Unit 2Working the landPeriod OneWarming Up,Prereading and Reading1 Indeed,his sunburnt face and arms and his slim,strong body are just like those of millions of Chinese farmers,for whom he has struggled for the past five decades.(P10)拓展归纳struggle with/against与斗争struggle for努力争取;为而斗争struggle to do sth.努力做某事struggle for existence生存竞争without a struggle未经努力fight against.为反对而斗争fight with.与作战;与并肩战斗fight for.为争取而斗争compete against.与竞争/对抗fight,war,battle,struggle(1)fight意为“打仗;作战;战斗”,引申为一般的斗争。They fought back in selfdefence.他们进行了自卫还击。(2)war指全面战争,包含多次。We experienced two world wars in the last century.上个世纪我们经历了两次世界大战。(3)battle战役,指大的、连续数小时或数天的战斗。the Battle of Waterloo滑铁卢战役(4)struggle指较长时间的激烈的争斗,常指肉体、精神上的搏斗。They had to struggle for their freedom.他们不得不为自由而战。完成句子(1)He_has_been_struggling (他一直努力奋斗着) to succeed in his business.(2)She struggled_to_keep_back_the_tears (努力忍住泪水)(3)The lion made a sudden angry noise and struggled_to_its_feet (挣扎着站了起来)(4)After_a_long_struggle (经过长期的努力),she gained control of the business.2 拓展归纳(have) a hunger for sth.渴望某物/事a strong hunger for knowledge强烈的求知欲die of hunger死于饥饿hunger for sth.渴望某事(long for sth.)hunger for peace渴望和平be hungry for sth.渴望某物/事 完成句子(1)他饿死了。He died_of_hunger.(2)谚饥饿能使人冲破石墙。/饥饿使人造反。Hunger_breaks stone walls.(3)她渴望得到他的爱。She hungered_for his love.3Dr.Yuan searched for a way to increase rice harvests without expanding the area of the fields.(P10) 拓展归纳expand.into.把扩展/发展成expand into.发展成/扩大成expand on sth.细说/阐述expansion n扩大,膨胀expand,extend,enlarge,spread(1)expand扩大;使膨胀,指范围、体积的扩大。(2)extend扩充;伸长,指空间范围等的扩大,长度、宽度的延伸及时间的延长。(3)enlarge指面积、体积和范围的扩大以及能力的增长,不能用来指重量、速度、时间等。(4)spread侧重指向四面八方展开,强调其表面,也指物种、疾病、思想或文化习惯的传播、延伸。完成句子(1)水结冰时体积变大。Water expands when it freezes.(2)炎热的天气一直持续到十月份。The hot weather extended to October.(3)阅读能扩大你的词汇量。Reading will enlarge your vocabulary.(4)这种疾病迅速在整个村庄里蔓延。The disease spread quickly around the village.4He therefore gives millions of yuan to equip others for their research in agriculture.(P10) 拓展归纳equip.for.给某人/物配备以;使有能力做equip sb. with用装备起来,使装(具)备equip oneself整装,准备行装,装备自己be equipped for准备好,对有准备be equipped with装(配)备;安装be fully/specially/poorly/well equipped装备齐全/独特/简陋/完好完成句子(1)士兵们配备着最新式的武器。The soldiers were_equipped_with the latest weapons.(2)我们使孩子们受到良好的教育。We equip our children with_a_good_education.(3)我们为了北极探险而装备船只。We equipped our ship for an Arctic expedition.(4)她装备齐全,准备登山。She was_fully_equipped_for the climbing.5 Dr. Yuan is now circulating his knowledge in India,Vietnam and many other less developed countries to increase their rice harvests.(P10)拓展归纳circulate sth. to sb.把传递(送)给某人circulate sth.使某物循环(流通)circulation n循环;运行,流通;传播have a good/bad circulation流通(循环)好/不好in circulation在流通(散布) 完成句子(1)她死去的消息迅速传开。The news of her death circulated quickly.(2)散布流言者该受谴责。People who circulate_false_news are to be blamed.(3)有消息说美术老师要结婚了。There_is_a_story_circulating that the art teacher is getting married.6 拓展归纳get rid of去掉,除去,摆脱remind sb.of sth.让某人想起某事inform sb. of sth.通知某人某事rob sb. of sth.抢劫某人某物cheat sb.of sth.骗取某人某物because of,owing to,due to,as a result of,thanks to(1)because of由于,因为,作状语,可置于句首,也可置于句子主干后。(2)owing to由于,作状语或表语,可置于句首,也可置于句子主干后。(3)due to由于,因为,作状语或表语,只能置于句子主干后,不能置于句首。(4)as a result of因为,由于,作状语,置于句子主干前后皆可。(5)thanks to由于,多亏。 用恰当的动词填空(1)It is said that a tenminute fast walk can rid oneself of a low mood.(2)The old picture reminded him of his childhood.(3)Who can inform the director of the meeting?单项填空(4)_ his help,we can solve the problem.AFor BBecause CThanks to DDue to答案C(5)Its acknowledged that the traffic accident was largely _ the drivers carelessness.Abecause of Bdue to Cthanks to Dwith a result of答案B(6)_ our partys reform policy,the economic situation of our country has already _ much better than before.AOwing to;turned on BBecause of;turned overCDespite;turned around DThanks to;turned out答案D7 拓展归纳be satisfied with sb./sth.(be content/pleased with sb./sth.)对满意be satisfied that.对感到满意的satisfy vt.满足,满意,使满意/满足satisfy sb.使某人满意satisfy ones need for满足某人对的需要satisfied adj.满意的,满足的satisfying adj.令人满意的satisfaction n满足,高兴;令人满意的事satisfactory adj.令人满意的,圆满的to ones satisfaction(to the satisfaction of sb.)使某人满意的是with satisfaction满意地express ones satisfaction with sb./sth.对某人/某物表示满意用satisfy的适当形式填空(1)Shes never satisfied with what she has got.(2)Nick is looking for another job because
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