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Abstract Writing,Definition and components of an abstract Samples of abstract writing Difference between summary and abstract,Abstract,An abstract is actually the first section of a report, coming after the title and before the introduction. It provides the reader with a brief preview of your study based on information from the other sections of the report. It is a highly condensed and factual summary of the full paper. Many readers depend on the abstract to give them enough information about the study to decide if they will read the entire report or not.,The abstract is directed to two groups of readers: Potential readers of the main article or thesis who use the abstract to decide whether or not to read the main article. Such readers are likely to be in the same field as the writer. Readers working in fields such as classification, editing, or library work, who use the abstract to decide how to catalogue or publish the main work. Such readers are not likely to be in the same field as the writer. The abstract should meet the needs of both groups of readers.,Abstracts may be published in lists of abstracts, either in paper format or on-line. Accordingly, the abstract should be written to facilitate easy searching manually or electronically.,Abstract,An abstract is a short summary of your completed research. If done well, it makes the reader want to learn more about your research. It is a condensed version of a longer piece of writing that highlights the major points covered, concisely describes the content and scope of the writing, and reviews the writings content in abbreviated form (正文的浓缩,突出要点,简单描述,回顾),An abstract should be:,clear, grammatically accurate, exact, and stylistically uniform(文体统一) impersonal and noncritical (客观公正) for a general academic paper,it is usu. about100 to 250 words in length present or past tense third person should be used,General functions of abstract,1. It frames the writers ideas for readers 2. Identifies the writers contribution for readers,The significance of an abstract,Abstract(摘要) 使读者对于本研究工作有一简短的大致了解(Preview) 虽然置于文章开头(正文之前),但写作时通常是最后写。因为只有在全文完成后,才能进行总结提炼其主要内容。,“A well-prepared abstract enables readers to identify the basic content of a document quickly and accurately, to determine its relevance to their interests, and thus to decide whether they need to read the document in its entirety“ (American National Standards Institute, 1979b).,The Abstract should not exceed 250 words and should be designed to define clearly what is dealt with in the paper. The Abstract should be typed as a single paragraph.,The Abstract should (1) state the principal objectives/purpose and scope of the investigation; (2) describe the methods employed; (3) summarize the results; (4) state the principal conclusions.,When writing the Abstract, examine every word carefully. If you can tell your story in 100 words, do not use 200. Most of the Abstract should be written in the past tense, because it refers to work done. The Abstract should never give any information or conclusion that is not stated in the paper. References to the literature must not be cited in the Abstract (except in rare instances, such as modification of a previously published method). Likewise, the Abstract should not include or refer to tables and figures.,Q: What isnt an abstract?,extracts from your paper it must stand alone.,It is NOT:,an introduction its purpose is to summarize not introduce,a plan to which your paper is written it is written last to summarize what your paper contains.,Types of Abstracts:,Descriptive abstracts Informative abstracts,1). Descriptive Abstracts:,Merely describes what the report is about No specific information about the problem, method, results,or conclusions (thus not very useful to many readers).,2). Informative Abstracts,It gives some specific information about the problem,method,results,or conclusions It also gives readers specific information which would tell them: (i) what they need to know about the article and its results or (ii) if they really need to get the article to inspect its contents more closely,一般性摘要包括部分及其排列次序 B = Some background information 一些基本背 景知识 P = Principal activity/ purpose of the study and its scope 本研究主要内容/目的及其范围 M = Some information about the methodology used in the study 关于本研究所采用的一些(试验)方法 R = The most important results of the study 最重要的研究结果 C = A statement of conclusion or recommendation 结论/意义,Suggestions on Writing Informative Abstracts,the following parts: purpose and objectives methods ( materials, procedures), results (data, observations, discussion) conclusion and recommendation,Background /problem statement/objectives: Why do we care about the problem? What practical, scientific, theoretical or artistic gap is your research filling?,Parts of an Abstract,Background: If the problem isnt obviously “interesting“ it might be better to put motivation first; but if your work is incremental progress on a problem that is widely recognized as important,
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