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科技英语写作 常用写作句型归纳与总结1、对作一分析/研究/比较make an analysis of make a study of make a comparison of A with/and Bmake a comparison between A and B2、对作一介绍/描述/解释give an introduction to give a description of give an explanation of 3、对的研究/分析/比较表明A study of shows thatAn analysis of shows that4、我们必须It is necessary for us to doWe must do5、我们能够It is possible for us to doWe can doWe are able to doWe are capable of doingWe are in a position to do6、值得注意的是It is worth noting thatWhat is worth noting is that7、必须解这个方程把未知数求出来。It is necessary to solve the equation for the unknown.8、直接应用这个定律我们就可以得到Direct application of this law yields/gives/produces/results in/leads toBy direct application of this law we obtain/have/get9、可取的/恰当的做法是It is well/proper/appropriate to do10、我们想要We wish to doOne wishes to doIt is desired to do11、本书已经出版三年了。It is/has been three years since this book was published.This book was published three years ago.12、已知,我们就能求出Given, we can find outKnowing, we can find out13、现有的数据the data availablethe data we have/possessthe existing datathe current data14、该理论认为The theory holds/maintains/claims/implies that15、所产生/得到的方程the resulting equationthe resultant equationthe equation which results16、因此,So, Thus, Therefore, Hence, As a result, It follows thatso thatsuch that17、有证据表明There is evidence thatThere is evidence to show/indicate/suggest that18、(存在)有There is/areis/are available/present,There is/are present/available19、显然It is clear/obvious/evident/apparent/transparent thatClearly/Obviously/Evidently/Apparently/Transparently, is/are in evidence,20、要是没有But forWere it not forIf there were noWithout21、下面,In what follows, In what is to follow, In the following, 22、我们具有We have/possess/are in possession of23、A随B变化的曲线图the graph/plot of A as a function of B A versus/against B the dependence of A on B the variation of A with B24、本章论述了This chapter deals withtreatsdescribesdiscussesinvolvescoversconcernsbears onThis chapter is devoted to concerned with confined to25、这个理论来源于The theory comes/stems/emerges/originates fromThe theory is obtained/provided/furnished from26、这一方法与现有的方法相比有许多优点。This method has many advantages over those available. the existing ones.This method is advantageous in many aspects (as) compared with those available. the existing ones.27、得到了广泛应用。is/are widely used.is/are in wide use.is/are widely in use.find(s) wide use/applications.28、这个参数表明This parameter is an indication ofThis parameter gives an indication ofThis parameter is indicative ofThis parameter indicates29、该实验未能说明The experiment failed to show/demonstrateThe experiment has not shown/demonstrated30、我们做了许多实验来检验这一理论。We have performed/done/made/conducted a number of experiment to test/verify/prove/check the theory.31、把M代入N,(我们)得到Substituting M in/into N, we have/obtain/getSubstituting M in/into N gives/produces/yields/results in/leads toSubstitution of M in/into N gives/produces/yields/results in/leads to32、与成正/反比be directly/inversely proportional tovary directly/inversely withdepend directly/inversely asbe in direct/inverse proportion to33、所得结果与计算机模拟相吻合。The result obtained agrees with the computer simulation. is in agreement with is consistent with is in line with fits into34、输入可用下面的等式表示。The input can be represented by the following equation. expressed given denoted35、毫无疑问There is no doubt/question thatBeyond doubt/question, Without doubt/question, No/Out of doubt, 36、这种方法的突出优点之一在于它很简单。One of / Among the great advantages of this method is its simplicity.One of / Among the great advantages of this method is that it is very simple.37、保持不变。remain(s)/stay(s) constant. unchanged. fixed. unaltered. the same.is/are kept/held/maintained/left constant/the same.38、这些数据帮助我们得出结论These data lead us to a conclusion that conclude thatThese data enable us to conclude thatOn the basis of these data, one/we can conclude thatFrom these data, it can be concluded that39、这个方程适用于This equation holds for holds true for is true for is valid for applies to40、这与没有(几乎没有;有一点;有很多)共同之处。This has nothing/little/something/much in common with41、A与B之间的关系可用C表示。A and B are related by C.A is related to B by C.The relation(ship) betwe
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