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高一英语第一节课一、Self-introduction.二、Talk something about English: 1. Do you like English ? 2. Do you think it is difficult or not ? Why do you think so ? 3. Do you think English is important ? Why ? 4. How did you learn English in junior middle school ?三、What is the difference between senior middle school and junior middle school English class ?1. Vocabulary: more difficult词汇量设置七级:24002500 (Modules 1-5)八级:3500 (Modules 1-8)九级:4500 (Modules 1-11)2. Articles: more new words, more long and complicated sentences必修阶段阅读篇章字数: Book 1- Book 2 300400 words Book 3- Book 5 400500 words 3. Grammar : more complicated and systematic (有系统的) 4. The difference between the test papers in senior middle school and junior middle school.四、The structure of the textbooks .(附下页)五、How can we learn English well ? (1) Attitude is everything, a good beginning is half done. (2)There is no shortcut , only be diligent. (3)Practice makes perfect. (4) You never know what you can do until you try. (5) Listening: You can listen to textbooks, simple English songs, E-materials from Internet. Speaking: Be confident and active in and after class. Dont be afraid of making mistakes Reading: Read in morning and evening reading classes. Read other materials to practice reading skills . (at least one or two passages a day) Writing: Write journal weekly using the words , phrases and sentences that we have learned.七、Requirements in my class: 1. Try your best to speak English in class, speak loudly and clearly. 2. Listen carefully and take notes if necessary. 3. Never forget to review and preview your lessons every day, not to delay your homework. 4. Prepare 3 notebooks: one for taking notes in class, and one for you to record your mistakes and one vocabulary book. 3 homework book: one for homework, one for dictation, one for composition 5. Learning tools : About the order of English Weekly, a dictionary .八、Homework: 1. Self-introduction and My learning plan of Senior I English. 2. Preview the first unit of Book 1 as quickly and carefully as you can.附:新高中英语的编写思路以话题为核心,以结构和功能项目为主线,渗透情感态度价值观的教育,注重学习策略和文化意识的培养,组织和安排听说读写的活动,创设大量的任务型语言运用活动,使学生能够通过亲身的参与和实践,感悟和体验英语,发展语言技能,进而提升综合语言运用能力。新高中英语全套共11册,其中必修有5个模块,顺序选修有6个模块。 每一册书有5个教学单元,每个单元围绕一个主要话题开展听说读写活动。 每册书分为两个主要部分:学生用书(Students Book) 练习册(Workbook) 学生用书板块介绍“热身” 该部分通常列出若干个问题,问题既与主题相关,又紧密联系阅读课文,启发学生展开简短讨论。“阅读” 以阅读入手,在语境中进行重要的语言输入 Information Vocabulary Structures必修阶段阅读篇章字数: Book 1- Book 2 300400 words Book 3- Book 5 400500 words“理解”“理解”部分练习和活动通常包括: 根据所读内容回答问题或判断正误 根据所读内容制作图表,整理信息 分析文章的框架结构 分析重点词汇用法、解析难句 转述所读内容 根据所读内容进行角色扮演、编对话 根据所读内容进行讨论 为课文选择或添加标题 语音练习“语言学习” 包括 Discovering useful words and expressions 和 Discovering useful structures两个部分。 采用发现和探究的方法,启发学生找出重点语言项目(包括词汇、语法等),形成发现和归纳构词规律和语法规则的能力。 完成各种形式的词汇和语法练习。新高中英语词汇教学的安排: 词汇主要在热身和主要阅读篇章中呈现 (in context) 课标词用黑体或色字标出 每个单元有专门的词汇教学部分: SB: Discovering useful words and expressions WB: Using words and expressions 词汇表: 推荐教学重点词汇(用黑体字标出) 课标词汇 非课标词汇(带 符号) 注:模块9-11增加了英文释义 词汇量设置七级:24002500 (Modules 1-5)八级:3500 (Modules 1-8)九级:4500 (Modules 1-11) 学生用书11个模块呈现了课标中的全部词汇。其中模块9-11词表中的黑体字(除专有名词外的生词)绝大部分已超出了课标中的词表范围,属于课标对九级的要求范围。全套教材的词汇总量接近4500个。词汇学习和记忆的规律:l 音形义相结合 语境中学习和记忆 按构词法成串记忆l 合成词比较 同根词语义比较 派生词转换l 近义词比较 反义词比较 联想成串记忆 归类记忆l 汉英对比 填空练习 字谜游戏l 视觉支持 归纳总结 词块学习 利用词典新高中英语语法教学的安排 单元重点语法项目主要在热身和主阅读篇章中呈现 每个单元有专门的语法教学部分: SB: Discovering useful structures WB: Using structures 附录中的Grammar:对本模块主要语法项目进行总结。 语法项目循环反复,多轮语法教学 第一轮语法学习: Modules 15 第一轮语法复习: Modules 68 第二轮语法复习: Modules 910 第三轮语法复习: Module 11Workbook:Listening, speaking, reading & writing (Contextualised)有关话题的跨文化交际信息+综合运用语言的空间=培养学生综合运用英语语言的能力“小结”学生自己归纳和总结Content, Words, & Structures+(Individual/Pair/Group work)=自主学习与合作学习的意识和能力认知策略的选用“学习建议” 与单元内容有关的学习建议 优化学生的学习方式,着重培养学生运用认知、调控、交际和资源等策略的能力,提高自主学习的能力 “趣味阅读”与单元主题相关的诗歌、谚语、歌曲等选学内容 所出现的词汇等不要求学生掌握=激发学生阅读兴趣,使学生喜爱英语、欣赏英语 Appendices: 附录3
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