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1,但以理书 The Book of Daniel,神的救赎计划和 末世的预言性启示 安城华人基督教会 2006,2,Daniel 10. 但以理见人子之异象,To See Behind the Scenes,3,Daniel 11. 南方王/北方王/敌基督,The Worst Is Yet to Come,4,Daniel 11:36-12. 末世的征兆,Tribulation, Deliverance & Resurrection,5,Outline of Daniel 11:36-12,Prophecies concerning Antichrist (11:36-45) What is around the corner for Israel (12: 1-3) Conclusion of the end times (12: 4-13),6,Why “the king” is Antichrist?,Angels words,” 這異象關乎後來許多的日子” (10:14) Story of Antiochus complete in v. 35: . . .直到末了,因為到了定期,事就了結。 This king is not the king of the north (v. 40) The entire section (vv.36-45) corresponds remarkably with other prophecies Dan. 7:24-27; 8:23-25; 9:26-27; Rev. 13, 17 In connection with his rule, there will occur the time of Great Tribulation (12:1),7,His character, career and fate,He will act in self-will (v.36) He will exalt himself (v. 36) He will magnify himself above every god(v.36) He will blaspheme the true God (v.36) He will prosper for a limit period of time (v.36) He will be an irreligious person (v. 37),8,His character, career and fate,He will place confidence in military might (vv. 38-39) His military might will be challenged (v. 40) He will be initially victorious in battle (vv. 40-43) He will face renewed conflict (v.44) He will establish headquarters in Jerusalem (v.45) He will come to his end (v. 45),9,His origin, identity and time,His names: Antichrist, Man of Sin He is not Satan, but Satan incarnated human being He is the seed of the serpent (Genesis 3:15) He will be 1000 years earlier in the lake of fire than Satan (Dan. 11:45; 2 Thes. 2:8-9 ; Rev. 20:10),10,Outline of Daniel 11:36-12,Prophecies concerning Antichrist (11:36-45) What is around the corner for Israel (12: 1-3) Conclusion of the end times (12: 4-13),11,The Tribulation of Israel (12:1a),但 12:1a 那時,保佑你本國之民的天使長(註:原文作“大君”)米迦勒必站起來,並且有大艱難,從有國以來直到此時,沒有這樣的。 Michael to “stand up” for victory Rev. 12: 7-9 The Great Tribulation precipitated Rev. 12:12-14,12,The Tribulation of Israel (12:1a),啟 12:7 在天上就有了爭戰。米迦勒同他的使者與龍爭戰,龍也同牠的使者去爭戰, 啟 12:8 並沒有得勝,天上再沒有牠們的地方。 啟 12:9 大龍就是那古蛇,名叫魔鬼,又叫撒但,是迷惑普天下的。牠被摔在地上,牠的使者也一同被摔下去。 啟 12:12 所以諸天和住在其中的,你們都快樂吧!只是地與海有禍了,因為魔鬼知道自己的時候不多,就氣忿忿地下到你們那裡去了。” 啟 12:13 龍見自己被摔在地上,就逼迫那生男孩子的婦人。 啟 12:14 於是有大鷹的兩個翅膀賜給婦人,叫她能飛到曠野,到自己的地方躲避那蛇;她在那裡被養活一載二載半載。,13,Tribulation predicted in the Bible,Predicted in Deu. 4:30,Jer. 30:7,Joel 2:2 Referred to by Jesus in Matt.24: 21-22 in detail in Rev. 6-19,太 24:21 因為那時必有大災難,從世界的起頭直到如今,沒有這樣的災難,後來也必沒有。 太 24:22 若不減少那日子,凡有血氣的,總沒有一個得救的;只是為選民,那日子必減少了。,14,Tribulation predicted in the Bible,Predicted in Deu. 4:30,Jer. 30:7,Joel 2:2,申 4:30 日後你遭遇一切患難的時候,你必歸回耶和華你的 神,聽從他的話。,耶 30:7 哀哉!那日為大,無日可比,這是雅各遭難的時候,但他必被救出來。,珥 2:2 那日是黑暗、幽冥、密雲、烏黑的日子,好像晨光鋪滿山嶺。有一隊蝗蟲(註:原文作“民”)又大又強;從來沒有這樣的,以後直到萬代也必沒有。,15,The Deliverance of Israel (12:1b),但 12:1b 你本國的民中,凡名錄在冊上的,必得拯救。 Physical deliverance Zech .14: 1-4 Spiritual deliverance Zech. 12:10-13:1 Not every Jew will believe Ezek. 20: 33-38,16,The Resurrection of Israel (12:2),但 12:2 睡在塵埃中的,必有多人復醒,其中有得永生的,有受羞辱、永遠被憎惡的。 Resurrection of righteous Israelites in Tribulation Dan. 12:2 Martyred Tribulation saints (Jews and Gentiles) raised at this time Rev. 20:4-6 Righteous dead of the church age raised before Tribulation I Thess. 4:16,17,The Reward of Israel (12:3),但 12:3 智慧人必發光,如同天上的光;那使多人歸義的,必發光如星,直到永永遠遠。 Psalms 19:1 Proverb 11:30,詩 19:1 諸天述說 神的榮耀。穹蒼傳揚他的手段。,箴 11:30 義人所結的果子就是生命樹,有智慧的必能得人。,18,Outline of Daniel 11:36-12,Prophecies concerning Antichrist (11:36-45) What is around the corner for Israel (12: 1-3) Conclusion of the end times (12: 4-13),19,Many shell run to and fro (v. 4),但 12:4 但以理啊,你要隱藏這話,封閉這書,直到末時。必有多人來往奔跑(註:或作“切心研究”),知識就必增長。”,20,The angels question and the reply (vv. 5-7),Three persons Two angels in communication with the Lord A time, times and a half Dan. 7:25; 9:27; 12:7,11-12 Rev. 11:2; 12:6, 14; 13:5,21,A time, times and a half (Daniel),但 7:25 他必向至高者說誇大的話,必折磨至高者的聖民,必想改變節期和律法。聖民必交付他手一載、二載、半載。 但 9:27 一七之內,他必與許多人堅定盟約;一七之半,他必使祭祀與供獻止息。 但 12:7 我聽見那站在河水以上、穿細麻衣的,向天舉起左右手,指著活到永遠的主起誓說:“要到一載、二載、半載,打破聖民權力的時候,這一切事就都應驗了。” 但 12:11 從除掉常獻的燔祭,並設立那行毀壞可憎之物的時候,必有一千二百九十日。 但 12:12 等到一千三百三十五日的,那人便為有福。,22,A time, times and a half (Revelation),啟 11:2 只是殿外的院子要留下不用量,因為這是給了外邦人的;他們要踐踏聖城四十二個月。 啟 12:6 婦人就逃到曠野,在那裡有 神給她預備的地方,使她被養活一千二百六十天。 啟 12:14 於是有大鷹的兩個翅膀賜給婦人,叫她能飛到曠野,到自己的地方躲避那蛇;她在那裡被養活一載二載半載。 啟 13:5 又賜給牠說誇大褻瀆話的口,又有權柄賜給牠,可以任意而行四十二個月。,23,Daniels question and the reply (vv. 8-13),Q: What will be the outcome of these events? A1: far in the future (v. 9) A2: (partially answer): spiritual cleansing of some but hardening of others (v. 10) A3: some further information (vv. 11-13) 1260+30+45 days,24,The End Times (12:4-13),25,China: History and Future,春秋五霸:齐/晋/秦/楚/吴,诸子百家:儒/道/墨/法/兵;战国时代,秦王朝崛起和猝亡:赵高指鹿为马 西汉-匈奴之战,031 AD (基督被钉十字架) 东汉王朝六年,佛教盛行中国,605BC (尼氏即位) 周没落/楚王问鼎,539BC (塞鲁士攻陷巴比伦)第三次和平会议,533BC (亚历山大胜波斯)苏秦任六国宰相:燕/赵/韩/魏/齐/楚,062BC (罗马三雄:庞培/格拉苏/凯撒)中国在西域设总督,192AD (奥古士督的统一罗马结束)吕布刺死董卓,三国时代开始,?,26,Faith, Hope, Love (I-IV),
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