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Unit 6 Ancient stories一、常考短语(Be) full of 有大量的,有许多的 act out 将表演出来Make jokes about 拿开玩笑 except for 除之外In the end 最后 come on 快,加油,加把劲二、经典句型1、They quietly climbed out of the horse one by one.他们一个个悄悄地从木马里爬出来。2、Only a few people know about this information.只有少数人知道这个消息。3、I have not laughed like this since my children.我从小就没有这样笑过。三、课文要点讲解1、ancient 形容词,This is an ancient city.这是一座古城。古老的,古代的The ancients 古代人2、war 可数名词,战争 Peace 和平3、Understand the differences between the present perfect tense and the simple past tense.理解现在完成时与一般过去时态的差别。understand(understood;understood) 理解,明白,懂得Do you understand English? 你懂英语吗?I cant understand what you said. 我不明白你说什么。练习:Speak slowly,Mr. Wang.I cant you.A、understand B、hear C、listen D、expectdifference 可数名词,意为“差别,不同之处”常用结构 the difference(s) between and Can you tell me the differences between them?你能告诉我他们之间的区别吗?【拓展】different 形容词,意为“不同的”常用短语 be different from 意为“与不同”City life is different from country life.城市生活与乡村生活不同。4、so much 这么多,修饰不可数名词 So many 这么多,修饰可数名词 Money monkeys people Friends coffee homework5、The captain stood on the high wall of the city of Troy.captain 可数名词,意为“队长,首领,船长”He is a captain of a football team.他是一支足球队的队长。His father is a captain.他爸爸是一名船长。6、Now theyve given up and sailed away!Give up 放弃,戒除Dont give up you dream.不要放弃你的梦想。You must give up smoking.你必须戒烟。练习:The people in Yaan have met lots of difficulties(困难),but they havent Hope.A、picked up B、given up C、looked for D、waited for7、The Greeks didnt want to take it with them.Take sth with sb.意为“某人随身携带某物”You should take a pen with and a notebook with you when you take part in a meeting. 8、pull 拉,拖 pullinto 把拉入 Push 推He pulled the boy out of the hole.他把这个男孩从洞里拉出来。9、That night ,in the main square of the city ,all the Trojans celebrated.那天晚上,在城市主广场,所有特洛伊人都在庆祝。 main 主要的,作前置定语,没有比较级,副词形式mainly意为“主要地,大部分地”The teacher asked us to write down these main points.老师让我们记下这些重点。 The book mainly about how to cook all kinds of food.这本书主要是关于怎样烹调食物的。celebrate 动词,意为“庆祝,庆贺”。其名词形式celebrationAll the Chinese people are celebrating the Spring Festival.所有的中国人都在庆祝春节。10、By midnight, the main square was empty, except for the huge horse.到半夜的时候,除了那匹巨大的木马,广场上空无一人 by 此处作介词,表示时间,意为“不迟于,到为止,在之前”They were tired by evening.他们到了晚上就很疲惫。Can you finish this work by tomorrow?你们能在明天前完成工作吗?empty 形容词,空的,反义词为fullThe bottle is empty.This is an empty room.Empty 还可以用作动词,意为“倒空,使成为空的”反义词为full(填满)Lets empty the glass.让我们干杯。except for 意为“除以外”Your writing is very good except for a few grammar mistakes.除了几个语法错误之外,你的作文是不错的。辨析:except for ,except,besidesexcept forFor 后面接的宾语与句子的主语不是同一类,表示从整体中除去一个细节、一个方面相减(修正)关系except所接的宾语与句子的主语同属一类,只在同类的整体中除去except 后面部分。排除(相减)关系besides意为“除之外”(还有)表示包括besides后面的内容相加关系We all went to the zoo except Tom.除了汤姆之外,我们都去了动物园。(汤姆没有去)She saw nothing except for a picture.除了一张画以外,她什么都没看见。We all went to the zoo besides Tom.除了汤姆去了动物园以外,我们也都去了动物园。(包括汤姆在内)11、secret 作形容词,秘密的,a secret door 一扇秘密的门 A secret meeting 秘密会议Secret 还可以做名词,表示“秘密,机密,秘诀,诀窍”Whats the secret of your success?你成功的秘诀是什么?练习-Tommy,you can never let others know what I told you today.-Dont worry.I will keep the .A、secret B、money C、address D、grade12、be full of 装满,充满练习If you read a lot,your life wil be full pleasure.A、by B、of C、for D、with13、They quietly climbed out of the horse one by one.One by one 意为“一个接一个”,其中,by是介词,意为“逐一”类似用法Little by little 一点点,逐渐地,渐渐地Step by step 一步步地,逐步地The fog disappear little by little.雾渐渐消失了。He climbed up the building step by step.他一步一步地爬上楼。14、The Greek army entered the city.希腊军进了城。Enter 此处作及物动词,意为“进入,走进”“Enter +名词”意为“进入”此时不能在enter后面加intoThat train entered the tunnel.火车进入隧道。He entered the room quietly.他悄悄地进入房间。拓展enter into有以下几个意思 开始做某事They entered into a long conversation.他们开始长谈起来。讨论,处理某事We need to enter into detail.我们需要讨论一下细节。进入某种状态。These two countries entered into a state of war.这两个国家进入战争状态。15、I want to join the army in the future.将来我想参军。辨析: in the future 与in futurein the future将来,未来表示将来较长的一段时间in future以后,今后表示离现在较短的一段时间,相当于from now onWhat will happen in the future?将来会发生什么?Dont be late in future.以后不要迟到。16、Theyve left a huge wooden horse.他们把巨大的木马留下了。Leave(left,left)此处作及物动词,把留在某处,常用结构“leave+宾语+地点状语”意为“把某物忘在某处(地)”He left the umbrella on the train.他把雨伞忘在火车上了。【拓展】leave 也可意为“离开”,其用法如下: Leave+地点,意为“离开某地”The train leaves the station at 5:00.火车5点离开车站。 Leave for+地点,意为“
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