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第4期外研新标准广东版高二试题详解参考答案及解析1-5 CDBBA 6-10 DCABC 11-15 DADBC 16-20 EBFAC21-25 BDACD 26-30 BCBDA 31-35 DABCD 36-40 BABCC41. a42. immediately43. girls 44. to do45. without46. (to be) frightened 47. who/that48. injured 49. staying 50. is短文改错书面表达Dear Tom, How are you going these days? I am writing to ask you to do me a favor. You know I like traveling very much. And now our English teacher asks us to read some English books. So Id like to read some magazines about traveling, which not only can improve my English but also can meet my interest. But it is not easy to buy such magazines for me. I wonder if you can help me buy some latest editions and I can transfer the money online. Besides, I will be grateful if you can give me some advice on reading and learning English.Im looking forward to your reply. Best wishes. Yours sincerely, Li Hua【文章大意】来自俄罗斯的Anna Cherdantseva是一名沙发测试员。她每天会工作10个小时来体验公司的新沙发,然后给出反馈意见,使这些沙发变得更舒适和安全。1. C。细节理解题。根据第二段“.in order to better meet the needs of customers, it needed some feedback on real-life use of its sofas.”可知,MZ5公司为了更好地满足顾客的需求,他们需要沙发的实际使用的反馈信息。由此可知,MZ5公司想要沙发测试员是因为他们想更好地满足顾客。2. D。词义猜测题。根据上文第一段“She spends up to 10 hours every day trying out new sofas for comfort and safety.”和第二段“.in order to better meet the needs of customers.”可知,Anna Cherdantseva每天花多达10个小时试验新沙发的舒适度和安全性。这样做是为了更好地满足顾客的需求。由此可猜测,Anna Cherdantseva有很多想法来改进沙发。画线词的含义是“改进、改善”。3. B。推理判断题。根据第四段“The more time I spend on them, the better it will be for my work.”可知,Anna Cherdantseva说她在沙发上花的时间越多,对她的工作就越好。再结合第一段“She spends up to 10 hours every day trying out new sofas for comfort and safety.”可推知,Anna Cherdantseva在沙发上试坐的时间越长,她对沙发的舒适性和安全性等方面就越有体验,从而就会使沙发有可能变得越好。【文章大意】本文介绍了西藏自治区林芝市的Sonam Tenzin在当地政府的政策帮助下摆脱贫困。4. B。细节理解题。根据第二段“Sonam Tenzin is separated from his wife, so he supports his sons and his three aging relatives alone.”可知,Sonam Tenzin与妻子分居,因此他只能独自抚养儿子和赡养他三个年迈的亲属。5. A。推理判断题。根据第四段内容可知,政府官员Nyima说有些人什么事情也不做,觉得不管怎样政府都会照顾他们。如何不让“重新安置工程”变成贫民区是政府议程中的首要任务。由此可推知,“重新安置工程”面对的最大问题是一些人的懒惰。6. D。细节理解题。根据第五段“The real challenge for the government lies in working out how poor families can be helped to make a living without government assistance.”可知,政府真正的挑战在于解决如何让贫困家庭在没有政府的帮助下维持生计。由此可知,政府面对的真正挑战是让穷人独立谋生。7. C。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Now, his dearest wish is that his children will receive an education good enough to help them live up to their potential.”可知,Sonam Tenzin现在最迫切的愿望就是他的孩子能够得到足够好的教育,即对他的孩子们最重要的事情是接受良好教育的机会。【文章大意】本文介绍了英国自工业革命以来首次整个工作日内不使用煤炭发电。8. A。细节理解题。根据第一段“April 21st, 2017 was Britains first ever working day without coal power.West Burton 1 power station, the only coal-fired power station that had been up and running, went offline on April 20th.”可知,2017年4月21日是英国首个不使用煤炭发电的工作日。West Burton 1发电站是英国唯一正在使用的煤炭发电站,这所发电站在4月20日停工。由此可知,在“无煤日”这一天,英国只有West Burton 1一所发电站被关闭。9. B。细节理解题。根据第四段“The first day without coal in Britain.marks a turning point in the energy change.in 10 years time our energy system will have totally changed again. The direction of travel is that both in the UK and globally we are already moving towards a low carbon economy”可知,Hannah Martin认为英国的首个“无碳日”标志着英能源转型的一个转折点。十年之内英国的能源系统将会再次彻底改变。英国和全世界的前进方向是低碳经济。由此可推知,英国的首个“无碳日”是英国朝着无碳社会前进道路上的一次伟大尝试。10. C。推理判断题。根据最后一段“But its not enough to achieve our international commitments to deal with climate changewe havent made anything like the same progress on decarbonising buildings and transport.”可知,Gareth Redmond-King说“无煤日”对于实现英国处理气候变化的国际性承诺来说还不够,他们还没有建造出任何“无碳的”建筑和交通设施。由此可推知,Gareth Redmond-King认为处理气候变化还需要更多的努力。11. D。主旨大意题。文章开篇点题,第一段介绍了英国自工业革命以来首次一整天不使用煤炭发电;第二段介绍了在2016年英国也做过类似的活动;第三段介绍了英国在减少煤炭发电上做出的努力和成果;第四段介绍了首个“无煤日”获得成功的意义;最后一段介绍了“无煤日”对于实现英国处理气候变化的国际性承诺来说还不够,他们还没有建造出任何“无碳的”建筑和交通设施。由此可知,本文主要介绍的是英国实现首个“无煤日”。【文章大意】文章介绍一种治疗蛀牙的新方法可以让牙齿自带的牙质自我修复。12. A。细节理解题。根据第二段“They have found a treatment.they may be close to perfecting a method of helping teeth to repair themselves.”可知,研究人员发现了一个可能取代传统疗法的治疗方法。研究人员说,他们可能几乎完善了这种帮助牙齿自我修复的方法。由此可知,这种新疗法可以帮助牙齿自我修复。13. D。细节理解题。根据第三段可知,这种新的治疗方法是将这种药放在一个放进牙齿的小海绵上,(然后)放进牙医做的洞中。它刺激这种自然的过程,它是在破坏之后开始发生,但是,它过度刺激这种过程,所以,实际上,大洞得到了修复,这种修复是天然材质牙质的产生(过程)。由此可知答案。14. B。推理判断题。根据最后一段“He describes the new treatment as an exciting possibility for dental care. He notes that re-growing a tooth would be a major development.”可知,Nigel Carter 将这种新疗法描述为一种令人兴奋的牙齿护理方法。由此可推知,Nigel Carter对于这种新疗法持乐观态度。15. C。细节理解题。根据最后一段“its also important that.Were talking about a totally preventable disease.”及“So, if you dont want to go under the drill, the dentists advise you to keep cleaning those teeth.”可知,同样重要的是,我们也要记住我们不应该把蛀牙洞放在首位。我们在讨论一个完全可以预防的疾病。所以,如果你不想处于电钻之下,牙医建议你要继续保持清洁牙齿。由此可知,保持牙齿清洁是预防蛀牙的前提条件。16. E。根据上文“Having a beautiful resume is less important than having one thats easy for employers to read.”可知,拥有一份让雇主容易读懂的简历比拥有一份漂亮花哨的简历更重要。由此可知,即使是在创新型领域,也有78%的老板们表示他们更喜欢传统简历。17. B。根据
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