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Complaint(申诉)1. Missing goodsDear Paola,Good morning.Have you got the goods? And how about the DOCs? Hope everything is going well.Looking forward to hearing from you.Best regards,WaterHi water,Just today I got the goods and they are missing 12pcs from the carton box closed:7portable 6pcs USD 33 9009portable 6pcs USD 58 500/USD 92 400RgdsMs. Paola EspositoDear Paola,Thank you for your kind feedback.For the case you mentioned, could you let me know more information? If the following situation happened, please state us clearly. We must check and solve properly.1.How many cartons you received for each item? (7. and 9)2.The carton is blank?3.Or it is less than 5pcs in 6 cartons? Namely every carton is 4pcs or 3pcs or 2pcs or only 1pc, but not 5pcs.If possible, please show me some photos. I will check with our factory carefully, too. Hope we could find out what the real situation is.Looking forward to your comments soon.Best regards,WaterDear water,Now I cannot show the pictures more since you know we have just 1 day to arrange the goods for our customers, you know the goods shipped by delay from China and it arrived here just 3 days before the Christmas holidays.Anyway, I have the report from the warehouse, the pieces missing from first No.1-12 master box! Some master box missed 1 piece or 2 pieces!RgdsMs. Paola EsositoDear Paola,Merry Christmas to you. Thank you for your kind feedback.I understand what you told us. We are sorry it happened in such case. Please ask your warehouse people to mark down the details and let me know.1.Are there giftbox in the cartons?2.With accessories or no accessories at all? 3.Or with poly foam to stuff the empty room in the carton?4.Other details.Please describe more details to me and it could help to find out the problem happened by when.I have to say that we have tied two belts on the carton to protect, and to avoid others opening the carton. And we weigh the cartons before shipment. If the belts are loose and gone, it would be easy to open and to seal again. And because of LCL shipment, the player may be gone in customs warehouse. But it is surprising that the players are missed from carton No.1-12. anyway we are not sure and cannot judge how it caused till now.Looking forward to your further reply.Merry Christmas and best wishes to you and your family and to SMG.Best regards,WaterDear Paola,Happy New Year!I would like to talk to you about the missing goods. Shall we know that if you have found out the details? If you have more information, please kindly let me know.Looking forward to hearing from you.Best regards,Water注意事项产品到港之后少货的现象也时有出现。可能是工厂漏装,在装箱和发货时没有发现。还有可能是在国内或在国外的海关仓库或者码头出现一些状况而出现少货。出现少货的现象之后,必须向客户清楚了解情况,按要求提供相关图片说明。比如,打开货柜之后的图片,纸箱包装拆箱之前和之后的图片,包装箱内的图片等一系列图片,这样更容易分析问题到底出现在哪个环节。同时,向客户提供出货时的图片,说明出货的做法及可能出现问题的环节。互相配合,安抚客户的情绪,积极帮助客户解决问题。2. Making wrong productionDear Oscar,For the order PI090408, we are going to finish it and arrange for delivery on next Monday, 13th, Jul. Now after checking the finished products, we found something different according to the order, some mouse we have done it with USB, not with U+P.We are sorry for this case. We would like to talk to you about this shipment for these 4 000pcs products. Listing as below.BL-M0319 1000PCS USBBL-M0339 1000PCS USBBL-M0206 2000PCS USBWe believe the mouse with USB is also popularly used in your markets. We sincerely hope you could accept this discrepancy and allow for shipment. As you know if we change to the mouse with U+P, we have to change the chipset and remake the mouse, that will spend much time, and it is also not good to remake the mouse, it will ruin its appearance.Currently, most f the goods are OK, some just need packing. And we already got the S/O from forwarder today, the vessel closing time is on 15th Jul. We should load it on 13th Jul.Surely we must do our part to fulfill the responsibility. We agree to reduce US400 will be deducted from the total value.Please kindly understand and help to confirm. We have to catch the vessel closing on 15th Jul. Thanks in advance.Best regards,CindyDear Cindy,USB is OK, no problem; please send me the new PI and the commercial invoice.Have a good day,Sincerely,Oscar Castillo Saldarriaga注意事项通常客户对OEM产品都有指定的功能要求,唯一的产品包装。业务员在和工厂确认资料的过程中,可能由于客户的资料过多,漏掉一些需要确认的内容,或因疏忽造成确认资料错误。这些不符点可能在生产的过程中呗发现,或者被自己的验货人员在验货时发现,甚至直到客户的验货人员验货时才发现。无论是何时发现,出现返工的情况都是及其严重的。因为这将涉及一笔返工费用,比如人工费,耗材费,最主要的是时间的浪费。因为返工是很复杂,很繁琐的一个过程,特别是在产品的销售旺季,时间更显得珍贵。通常这个时候的订单生产周期都排得比较满。一旦出现错误或者产品被拒,将打乱所有的生产排期,造成被动。但错误已经造成,也要正确对待。追究责任是应该的,但当务之急不是追究责任,而是如何妥善地解决问题。无论对于工厂或者客户来说时间都是宝贵的。分析问题的情况,看是属于产品性能问题,包装问题,还是外观问题。这些问题是否影响产品的正常使用,是否有碍运输,是否影响销售。还有工厂的解决方法。每一点都分析完毕之后,就需要写一封详尽的邮件,告知客户具体的情况和解决的方法。客户有决定权,拒绝或者接受。但是作为销售人员,需要向客户分析发现的问题,把事情的轻重缓急向客户言明。如果不是非常严重的问题,客户也回根据具体的情况而接收不符点或者做出轻微的修改。杜绝问题的最好的方法就是认真对待工作,将工作做细致。多一双眼留意客户的要求。3. Making wrong OSD languageDear
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