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IQ and EQ, which is more important. EQ is more important than IQ,as far as my concerned . As we all know, IQ is Intelligence Quotient.It is ability to understand objective things and use knowledge to solve problems. Intelligence including many aspects, such as memory, imagination, thinking skills, adaptability and so on.EQ is Emotional Intelligence. Emotional intelligence consists of several aspects,including self-knowledge, self-management, identifying others emotions, self-motivation, and how to deal with interpersonal relationships. Many people believe that IQ is more important than EQ.If you have high IQ,you can learn new things very quickly and solve problem very well.People with high IQ always can do things that others cant do.But I think EQ is the most important factor in our life.High EQ can make us make the right decisions without outside influence in this society required teamwork.We can make many friends.It also can make us have courage to accept failure in our life.High can lets control our emotions, have an optimistic heart.What do you think? which is more important,IQ or EQ?
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