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Unit 1 Topic 1由于考前忙于复习,基本不会花时间了解有关信息,等高考结束后,又不知如何了解到有效信息。所以,无论考前还是考后,家长在报考学校这一环节付出精力较多,也愿意出资获取信息帮助孩子多了解高校信息1.cheeron 为加油2.like playing basketball 喜欢打篮球3.row much=row a lot 经常划船4.join the school rowing team 加入校划船队5.prefer playing tennis 更喜欢打网球6.play for 为效力7.have a basketball game against Class 7 举行一场对抗7班的篮球赛8.in the future 今后9.go cycling 去骑车10.go mountain climbing 去爬山11.spend half an hour(in)exercising 花半小时锻炼身体12.there is going to be a school sports meet 将有一场校园运动会13.be good at jumping=do well in jumping 擅长跳跃14.take part(join)in the high jump 参加跳高15.be good for your health 对你健康有益16.make him strong 使他强壮17.all over the world 遍及全世界18.help(to)keep her heart and lungs healthy 有助于保持她的心肺健康19.a good way to keep healthy 一种保持健康的好方法20.help them relax 使他们放松21.for the last twenty years 在过去20年里22.Chinas national team 中国国家队23Its bad that+句子. 。是糟糕的。24.stay for long 待太久25.leave for Japan 动身前往日本26.the day after tomorrow 后天27.Its a pity that+句子. 某事是遗憾的。28.join us 加入我们Unit 1 Topic 21.fall ill 病倒2.mind teaching me 介意教我3.go and practice 去练习4.kick the ball to you=kick you the ball 把球踢给你5.pass me the ball=pass the ball to me 把球传给我6.keep trying 继续努力7.give sb. a hand 帮助某人8.have a try 试一试9.Not at all./Never mind./Its nothing. 没关系。10.throw bottles around 到处扔瓶子11.somewhere else 其他地方12.shout at sb. 斥责某人13.want our team to win 想我们队赢14.do his best 尽他全力15.be angry with sb. 对某人生气16.say sorry to sb. 向某人说对不起17.be sure to have more fun 确信会玩得更开心18.with Marias help=with the help of Maria 在玛丽亚的帮助下19.have a fight 吵了一架20.buy a basketball for my brother=buy my brother a basketball 买个篮球给我弟21.make a cake for my grandfather = make my grandfather a cake 为我爷爷做蛋糕22.throw the ball to me=throw me the ball 把球扔给我23.bring her a present=bring a present for her 带给她一个礼物24.do well in=be good at 擅长25.one of 之一26.the most popular sport 最受欢迎的运动27.other parts of the world 世界其他地方28.have a history of over a century 有超过100年的历史29.at first 起初30.so that 以便于31.come into being 产生32.bothand 既是又是33.stop sb. form doing sth. 阻止某人做某事34.obey/follow the rules 遵守规则35.for example 例如36.with both hands 用双手37.run with a ball 带球跑38.to win basketball games 为了赢篮球比赛39.be sure to do sth. 确定做某事40.a large number of 许多的41.a sports lover或sports lovers 运动爱好者42.for fun为了乐趣43.the most popular 最受欢迎的44.turn main players into famous persons 把主要球员变成名人45.score points 得分46.hit the ball 击球47.with a bat用球拍48.become heroes 变英雄49.sit around the grass/green 围着草地坐Unit 1 Topic 31.the boys 800-meter race 男子800米比赛2.I hope so. 我希望如此。3.both Yu Ting and Li Ming 于婷和李明两个都4.my first time to take part in the high jump 我第一次参加跳高5.have lots of/much/a lot of fun 玩得十分开心6.prepare for 为做准备7.make friends 交朋友8.take part in/be in/join in 参加9.a pair of running shoes 一双跑鞋10.the teachers relay race 教师接力赛11.make it half past six 定在六点半12.at my house 在我家13.be in=be home 在家14.go for a picnic 去野餐15.at the school gate 在校门口16.go to the movies 去看电影17.catch up with sb. 追上某人18.neck and neck 不相上下19.run into sb. 撞倒某人20.run past them 超过他们21.cross the finish line 冲过终点线22.a symbol of 一个的象征23.stand for five parts of the world 象征世界的5个部分24.at least 至少25.every four years 每4年26.be held in different countries 被其他城市举办27.in turn 轮流28.become friends 成为朋友29.more and more popular 越来越流行30.have a chance to hold the Olympics/ Olympic Game 有机会举办奥林匹克运动会31.for the first time 第一次32.)28 gold medals 28块金牌33.feel excited 感到激动34.win first place=be first 赢得第一名35.do badly in 在做得不好36.some day=one day 有朝一日37.do more exercise 多运动38.be able to 能够39.we are sorry that+句子. 我们因某事而遗憾Unit 2 Topic 11.get well 康复2.see a dentist 看牙医3.look well 看起来好4.have a toothache 牙疼5.have a cold 感冒6.have the flu 得流感7.have a fever 发烧8.have a stomachache 胃疼9.have a cough 咳嗽10.drink enough boiled water 喝足够的开水11.have a good sleep 好好睡一觉12.stay in bed 卧床13.lift heavy things 提重物14.read a book(books)in the sun 在太阳下看书15.eat too much 吃太多16.feel terrible 感觉糟糕17.take(have)some medicine/pills 吃些药18.have(take)a rest 休息一下19.feel like eating 感觉想吃东西20.day and night 日日夜夜21.brush your teeth twice a day 一天刷你的牙两次22.lie down and(have a)rest 躺下休息23.eat hot food 吃上火的食物24.Whats wrong with you?/Whats the matter with you? 你怎么了?25.Im sorry to hear that. 我很遗憾听到这个。26.do a difficult jump 做个高难度跳跃27.go up翘起来28.play on the skateboard 玩滑板29.look after 照顾30.try something new 尝试新东西31.fall down with a cry 哭着摔下来32.the other children 其余孩子33.run to him 跑向他34.be hurt/get hurt 受伤35.take sb. home 带某人回家36.(have/take a)rest at home for a week 在家休息一周37.take two pills 吃两片药38.feel much better 感觉好多了39.give some pills/medicine 开药40.have an accident 发生一起事故41.ask for one weeks leave/a one-week leave 请一周假42.take care of yourself 照顾好你自己43.nothing serious 没什么严重4
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