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6A教材重点内容梳理Module One: Family and FriendsPhrases:31. family tree2. go shopping/ cycling3. each other 4. look after5. pick up6. promise to do / not to do 7. not at all8. cannot read or write9. be together10. be late for11. be friendly/ helpful / kind to 12. share sth. With sb.13. get angry14. tell lies15. pollute the environment16. air / water /land pollution17. keep sth. clean18. reuse Shopping bags19. put rubbish into rubbish bins20. leave rubbish21. friends of the earth22. discuss sth. With sb.23. at weekends/at the weekend24. a photo of sb25. be near / far from 26. have lunch /dinner/ a picnic/ a barbecue27. fly kites28. ride bicycles29. make sandcastles30. collect shellsSentence patterns:1. A: How many brothers/ do you have?B: I (only) have one brother.2. A: what do you do with your ?B: I always/usually/ sometimes play games with .A: What else do you do with sb.? B: I sometimes with 3. A: Have you been to ? B: I have just/already been to / there. / I havent been to /there yet.4. What about/How about + n./ving?5. A: What do you usually do at weekends?B. I usually 6. A: Is near or far away from ?B. It is near/ far away from.7. A: Where have you been?8. B: I have been to.9. Which place shall we visit?10. When shall we go there?11. What time?12. When are we going to come back?13. How are we going to get there?14. How much does it cost?Module Two: Places and ActivitiesPhrases:1. a bank clerk2. a shop assistant3. put out fires4. cook food 5. make our city a safe place6. look at7. listen to8. arrive at 9. have tea10. at the entrance11. on the ground/ first floor12. on the open day13. at half past eight in the morning 14.First,./ Next, /Then, /After that,/Finally, 15.take photos16. by ferry/ by underground/ on foot17. on the bus18. go to school19. a lot of/ some/ a few20.live near/far away from school21.an advertisement board22. light rail23. a department store24. a housing estate25. a police station26. half an hour27. wait for28. walk on the grass29. keep quiet30. run across the road31. pick the flowers32. turn left/right33. on the right/left34. in the middle35. go upstairs Sentence patterns:1 A: Would you like to be a/an?B: Yes, I would./No, I wouldnt.A: Why?/Why not?B: I would /wouldnt like to be a/anbecause I2. A: What would you like to be?B: I would like to be3. A: Do you live near or far away from ?B: I live near/far away from .A: How do you go to school?B: I go to school by/on foot.A: How long does it take?B: It takes 4. A: How long does it take you to get to?B: It takes me aboutto get there.5. A: What does Simon see when he is walking to school?B: Simon sees .when he is walking to school.6. What does this sign mean?7. We must not eat or drink./Dont eat or drink.8. We must 9. A: Which escalator must we use? B: We must use the one in the middle.Module Three: Food and Drinkphrases1. fried cabbage/chicken wings2. steamed prawns with garlic3. boiled eggs4. a shopping list5. at the vegetable stall6. in the frozen food section7. in the market/supermarket8. have a picnic9. a bottle of jam10. a packet of nuts11. a slice / slices of12. an unhealthy diet13. do exercise14. live in the countryside15. stay with sb.16. plenty of / a lot of 17. a little/ some18. my favourite breakfast19. too much spicy food20. eating habits21.the food pyramidSentence patterns:1. A: What would you like for dinner tonight?B: Id like for dinner.A: What kind of would you like? Would you like or ?B: Id like2. A: Have you bought any?B: Yes, Ive bought someA: Where did you buy it/them? B: In the market, at thestall/in thesection.A: How much was it/were they?B: It was /They wereyuan.3. A: Shall we buy some soft drinks?B: Ok./ Thats a good idea.4. Lets buy some bread and a bottle of jam.Lets go to the supermarket to buy some food and drink for the picnic.5. A: Would you like some?B: No, thanks / yes, please6. A: Why do you like?B: I like it/them because its/theyre sweet/delicious/tasty/spicy.7. A: Why not?B: I dont want because it is too .8. A: May I have some , please?B. Ok/ Sure/ All right/ Yes, you may. Here you are./NO, you may not./ Im afraid you cant.9. A: How much sugar do we need every day?B: We need a little sugar every day.10. A: Which one was healthier/less healthy?B: s diet was healthier than/less healthy than/as healthy as/as unhealthy as s diet.11. How much do we need?12. What do you usually have for breakfast/ lunch /dinner?13. A: What did you have for breakfast yesterday?
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