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9A上海版牛津英语第三单元知识点和语法点总结课文知识点总结 1. learn 短语 learn from sb 向某人学习 learn .from.从.学习 Learn.by heart 背诵,记住 learn ones lesson 吸取教训 Learn of/about 得知2. run “举办,管理,经营”及物动词 eg: Her father ran a shoes company in Beijing five years ago. 她爸爸五年前经营了一家鞋厂。be famous for 以而著名 famous“著名的,文明的”= well-known3. time “次数,倍数” 可数名词Eg: She has been to Beijing three times. Dont worry. There is enough time.不用着急,有足够的时间。 All the time 总是 at the same time 同时 by the time 到时候 From time to time 偶尔,有时 in time 及时 at times 有时,间或4. disappeared 不及物动词 “消失” 瞬间动词 不可与表示时间的时间状语连用。 Eg: 这种植物在很多年前就消失了。This plant has disappeared for many years.( )This plant disappeared many years ago. ( )It has been many years since this plant disappeared. ( )5.no longer “不再” He is no longer a student.辨析:no longer/notany longer 与no more /not .any more(1) no longer/not.any longer 指情况或状态的不再存在或延续。 We are no longer a children.= We arent a children any more.(2) no more/not any more 一般指动作或行为的不再发生或重复。Eg : The famers no more use animals to do farm work.= The farmers dont use animals to do farm work any more.农民不再使用牲畜干农活了。6.look down “俯视” look up 仰视7.“beyond” “超出,越出” 在另一边,在更远处 Eg: The village is beyond the hill. 村庄在山的那一边。We looked beyond the lake,at some stones.越过湖面,我们看到一些石头。8.won 是win 的过去分词,win作动词“赢,获胜”Win+比赛、战斗、奖品、名声、胜利等Eg: They won the race easily. She won the Nobel price in the music competition.注:如果宾语是竞争对手,不能用win ,而要用 beat., beat指打败人,战胜人,超越人 Eg: You beat me in the race,but Ill beat you at tennis. 赛跑你战胜了我,但网球我要赢你。9(1) huge “巨大的,庞大的”表示体积超过一般的标准,用来形容“空间,距离,程度,容量,声音等”。 Eg: The population explosion is a huge problem for all the countries. 人口爆炸对所有国家来讲都是一个极其重要严重的问题。(2)Big 表示尺寸,体积等“大的”通常用来形容有形的东西,而不能用于抽象的事物,其反义词是small /little This pair of shoes is too big for me.It is a big house.(3)Large “大的,巨大的” 形容面积,范围比正常的标准大,还可以表示数和量的“大,多”比big正式。 Eg: There are a large number of students in the zoo. 有许多学生在动物园里。(4)great “大的,伟大的” 用来形容比较抽象的事物,人格,权势。 Eg: I think he is the greatest poet in our country.10 make jokes that 以为笑柄Eg : Dont make jokes about that girl .不要取笑那个女孩。11. make sure 确保+that 引导的宾语从句,动词不定时或of短语。Make sure that he is coming here on time. 确保他能准时来。Make sure to keep the baby away from anything dangerous.确保远离危险的任何东西。Youd better make sure of that . 你最好搞清楚那件事。12.except for “除.之外” 指同一类事物间的排除,可用于句首。 Eg: Her article is quite good except for some spelling mistakes.她的文章很好,只是有些拼写错误。 Except for the bad weather , it was an enjoyable day. 除了天气有点糟糕之外,这是个愉快的一天。Except “除之外” 从整体中除去部分,不能用于句首,排除在外 Everyone was excited except Tom. 除了汤姆之外,每个人都很兴奋。Besides 除之外 另外还有,着重于另外还有,包含在内There is another girl besides me in the classroom.教室里除了我之外还有一个女孩。练习:-We re all here_Lucy, where is she? -She has gone to the library. A. beside B.besides C except D.of13 As 引导的时间状语从句 表示“当.的时候”Eg As I got to school,the bell was ringing. 当我到学校的时候,铃响了。1. hang up “把.挂上,悬挂”,过去式和过去分词都是hung.当表示绞死之意时,hang 是规则动词,其过去式和过去分词为hanged.2. get rid of “摆脱,除掉” eg: They have got rid of the enimies.3. He has already read the book. 他已经读过这本书了。Already 是副词,意为“已经”通常用于完成时态的肯定句中,位于助动词之后,实义动词之前。The young man has already gone. 在否定或疑问句中用yet,放于句尾。Eg : I havent finished my homework yet. Have you had lunch?4. Have you ever visited Shanghai? 你曾经游览过上海吗?Ever 是副词,通常指“任何时候”,当与现在完成时连用时,表示“曾经”。放在助动词之后,过去分词之前。 Eg:- Have you ever read Harry Potter? -No,never.Have you ever+过去分词 询问对方是否曾经做某事。Eg: Have you ever been to Shanghai?练习:-Have you _ spoken to a Foreigner? -Not yet. I havet got a chance. A never B also C ever5.Since 1996.自1996年(开始至今)Since 可用作介词或连词,用于现在完成时态,表示自从某个时间点开始一直到现在。 I have been here since 2003. 我自从2003年就在这了。 They have lived here since they moved to city. 表示某一点时间开始到现在用since,表示谓语动作持续了一段时间到现在则用介词for,即“for+一段时间” eg: She has worked on the farm for more than 20 years. 她已经在农场工作了20多天了。用how long 提问。6.Either .or.“或者.或者”The child must be either tired or hungry. 这个小孩不是累了就是饿了。Please either come in or go out. Dont stand there in the doorway.请你或者进来,或者出去,不要站在门口。Either用法:(1) 作形容词时,表示(两者之中)任一的Eg: You can use either pen. (2) 作代词时,常表示“(两者之中)的任何一个”常与of短语连用或作宾语。 Eg: Either of them will agree with you.他们两个人都会同意你的意见。(3)either 作副词时,常用在否定句或否定词组后加强语气,表示“也”。 Eg : My sister doesnt like noodles.I dont like either.练习:-When shall I phone you , morning or afternoon? -_. I ll be at home all day.A All B Both C Either D Neither7.used to+动词原形“过去常常做某事”表示已经过去的习惯或状态。Eg: In China,people used to think that Change was on the moon. There used to be a factory here.拓展:be used to do sth表示“被用于做某事” eg: A stamp is used to send letters.邮票用来邮寄信件。 Be used to doing sth表示“习惯于做某事” eg: I am
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