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期末作业考核英语写作(一) 满分100分.Supply the missing paragraph (共20分) The following passage is incomplete with the concluding paragraph missing.Study the passage carefully and write the missing paragraph of about 100 words.Make sure that the tone and vocabulary you.use are in unity with the passage provided.Manners Are Important As one looks about,it becomes very easy to conclude that good manners seem to be a thing of the past.More and more people seem to be discourteous to one another,more indicative of a “survival of the fittest” attitude than of living in a civilized society.Although much of what was considered good manners at the turn of the last century may no longer be appropriate,common courtesy and acceptable behavior are still necessary to make life pleasant,especially as our cities become more and more crowded.Although common courtesy is the underlying framework,good manners are manifested in two distinct aresa,business and social relationships. The world of business has become increasingly impersonal over the years.The fast developement of computers has removed the personal touch from many business dealings.It is not uncommon,when phoning a company,to get a recorded message telling us which number to press.When we finally do get a live person on the other end,he often seems uncaring.Good business sense,though,would dictate the importance of getting back to the personal touch.The speaker should identify himself by name to the caller and make every effort to be courteous and helpful.Above all,he should take great pains to assure the call is not disconnected.In addition,he should make certain that the caller is connected to his party and not kept waiting long while listening to canned music.Good manners will assure happy,loyal customers.Good manners are,perhaps,most frequently associated with socialrelationships.Unfortunately,here again they seem to be in decline.Giving up ones seat on a crowded bus to an elderly person,a pregnant woman,or an obviously tired person seems to be a thing of the past.People also seem to have forgotten how to behave as an audience.It is not uncommon to see people putting their feet up on the seats in front of them or talking loudly during a movie or play.Even restaurants are not immune from the lack of good manners.Young parents do not seem to care that their children are roaming throughout the restaurant or are crying and disturbing the other guests.These examples touch only the surface of the rapid decline of good manners.There is an old saying in China: a hundred good filial piety is the first. It means that filial piety is the first among all kinds of virtues. If a man does not know that he respects his parents, it is hard to imagine that he will love the motherland and the people. The ancients said, old and old, old people, young children and young people. We should not only honor our parents, but also respect other old people, care for young children, and create a sincere folk custom of respecting the old and loving the young in the whole society. This is the responsibility of our students in the new era. .Write an outline (共20 分)Read the following passage carefully and compose a “topic outline” for it.The Effects of Television on Childrens Social Relations TV presents the child with a distorted definition of reality.The child in the affluent suburb or the small mid-western town exists within his own limited reality.His experience with social problems or people of different races,religions,or nationalities is probably somewhat limited.As television exposes him to a diversity of people and ideas,it surely expands the boundaries of his reality.It is precisely because he now relies heavily on TV to define other realities for him that we must examine carefully what those images are.If they are inaccurate or distorted,then televisions reality is potentially harmful. TV distorts reality by selecting certain kinds of images and omitting others and by portraying people in a stereotyped way.It portrays some categories of people with beauty,power and importance and renders others weak,helpless or invisible.So serious is the relative invisibility of some groups on TV that Dr.George Gerbner of the Annenberg School of Communications contends,“If youre not on TV,you dont exist.” The TV camera selects certain images to be examples,sometimes functioning like a magnifying glass held up to the worst in civilization instead of the best.When TV producers focus on violent ugliness,they lift it out and hold it up for all to see,making it impressively larger than life.A fist fight that occurs outside my window and is witnessed by only five people may be videotaped,broadcast and “witnessed” vicariously by millions of people ,thus multiplying the example set by the fist fighters.In the United States,most people have not witnessed murder,yet because of television most children have seen hundreds of thousands of violent deaths and there
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