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United Nations Development Assistance Framework Action Plan, 2008 2012Maseru, Lesotho December 2009Table of ContentsLIST OF ACRONYMS2I.MISSION STATEMENT4II.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY6I.INTRODUCTION8II.PARTNERSHIP, VALUES AND PRINCIPLES9III.PROGRAMME ACTIONS AND IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES11IV.PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT AND ACCOUNTABILITY ARRANGMENT16V.RESOURCES AND RESOURCE MOBILISATION STRATEGY20VI.COMMUNICATION24VII.MONITORING AND EVALUATION25VIII.COMMITMENTS OF THE GOVERNMENT27IX.OTHER PROVISIONS29X.ANNEX 1: UNDAF Action Plan Results and Resources Matrix31UNCDF89XI.ANNEX 2: Terms of Reference93Terms of Reference - UN Country Programme Steering Committee in Lesotho93Terms of Reference - Programme Management Team in Lesotho94Terms of Reference - Operations Management Team95Terms of Reference - UN Communications Group Lesotho96Terms of Reference - Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Task Force97Terms of Reference - Gender and Human Rights Task Force in Lesotho98Terms of Reference - Outcome Working Groups in Lesotho99XII.ANNEX 3: Code of Conduct for UNCT in Lesotho100LIST OF ACRONYMSADBAfrican Development BankAIDSAcquired Immune Deficiency SyndromeARTAnti-Retroviral TherapyBOSBureau of StatisticsCBOCommunity Based OrganisationCCACommon Country AssessmentCPAPCountry Programme Action Plan CPDCountry Programme DocumentsCSOCivil Society OrganizationDHSDemographic and Health SurveyDPCFDevelopment Partners Consultative ForumECCDEarly Childhood Care and DevelopmentEMISEducation Management Information SystemEUEuropean UnionFAOFood and Agricultural OrganizationHACTHarmonized Approach to Cash TransfersHMISHealth Management Information SystemHIVHuman Immunodeficiency VirusIECIndependent Electoral CommissionIFADInternational Fund for Agricultural DevelopmentILOInternational Labour OrganizationIPImplementing PartnerLENAPWALesotho Network of Associations of People Living with HIV and AIDSM&EMonitoring and EvaluationMAFSMinistry of Agriculture and Food SecurityMDGsMillennium Development GoalsMOELMinistry of Employment and LabourMOETMinistry of Education and TrainingMOFDPMinistry of Finance and Development PlanningMOFLRMinistry of Forestry and Land ReclamationMOGYSRMinistry of Gender, Youth, Sports and RecreationMOHSWMinistry of Health and Social WelfareMOITCMMinistry of Industry and Trade, Cooperatives and MarketingMOJHRMinistry of Justice, Human Rights and RehabilitationMOLCAMinistry of Law and Constitutional AffairsMOLGMinistry of Local GovernmentNACNational AIDS CommissionNASPNational AIDS Strategic PlanNDFNational Development FrameworkNDPNational Development PlanNGONon-Governmental OrganizationNULNational University of LesothoOMTOperations Management TeamOVCOrphans and Vulnerable ChildrenOWGOutcome Working GroupPLHIVPeople Living with HIVPMTProgram Management TeamPMTCTPrevention of Mother-To-Child TransmissionPPPPrivate-Public PartnershipPRSPoverty Reduction StrategyRCResident CoordinatorRCOResident Coordinators OfficeSLMSustainable Land ManagementSRHSexual and Reproductive HealthSTISexually Transmitted InfectionSWApSector-wide ApproachTBTuberculosisUNUnited NationsUNAIDSJoint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDSUNCGUnited Nations Communications GroupUNCTUnited Nations Country TeamUNDAFUnited Nations Development Assistance FrameworkUNDGUnited Nations Development GroupUNDPUnited Nations Development ProgrammeUNESCOUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural OrganizationUNFPAUnited Nations Population FundUN-HABITATUnited Nations Human Settlement Programme UNICEFUnited Nations Children FundUNIFEMUnited Nations Development Fund for WomenUNODCUnited Nations Office on Drugs and CrimeUNSUnited Nations SystemUNVUnited Nations Volunteer (Organization)WFPWorld Food ProgrammeWHOWorld Health OrganizationWLSAWomen and Law in Southern AfricaI. MISSION STATEMENTLesotho is at a development crossroads. The convergence of recent crises fuel, food, finance and flue have dealt a devastating blow to the development gains scored in the past few years, forcing the country back to a focus on crisis response. The depleting Southern African Custom Union (SACU) revenues, shrinking remittances and an HIV/AIDS epidemic that has stabilized at the highest level possible for a country this size, all point to tough years ahead of this beautiful mountain Kingdom. Lesotho is one of few countries in the world with the unique experience of a declining population, due largely to the impact of HIV/AIDS. To complicate the picture further, the countrys terrain is most unfavourable for conventional development approaches. With the bulk of its population living in
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