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高考英语试卷中常出现的“熟词生意”的词汇英语熟悉的汉语意思不熟悉的汉语意思说明例解词性意思词性意思aboutprep.关于;周围附近;到处prep.带在身上I have no money about (on) me.addv.加;增加v.接着说,补充说He added that his father had gone abroad.addressn.地址;通讯处v.对讲话address oneself to致力于,忙着做agen.年龄n.时代,时期I havent seen you for an age (ages).allowv.准许,允许v.留出Ill allow you 5 minutes to write the letter.aloneadj.单独的adv.仅仅,只有She alone went to school yesterday.(置于修饰词后)aroundprep.四周,周围adv.大约用来修饰数词badadj.坏的,劣质的adj.严重的bad mistakes / accidentsballn.球n.舞会an evening ballbearv./n.生育;熊v.忍受standHe cant bear having rats in the house.He cant bear being / to be laughed at.beatv.打,打击,打败v.(心)跳动,拍打翅膀Her heart is still beating.The birds are beating their wings.besidesPrep.除之外adv.另外,而且The house was too expensive and too big. Besides, Id grown fond of our little rented house.blueadj.蓝色的adj.忧伤的,沮丧的Shed been feeling blue all week.bookn.书v.预定(票、座位)book hotel rooms for sb.book oneself a flight homeburyv.埋葬v.专心于bury oneself into= be buried intobutconj.但是prep.除之外前面有实义动词do, but所带不定式不带to(前有do后没to)catchv.抓,抓住v.听懂;明白多用于否定句和疑问句中I dont catch what you said.catch sb. doing sth.be caught in the rain / jamchancen.机会n.可能性The chances are (that) you wont have to pay.= Its likely thatcostn.话费,成本v.使失去That mistake almost cost him his life. The closure of the factory is likely to cost 1000 jobs.coverv.覆盖v.占地;走多少路;看多少书;收录了多少单词等;报道;采访cover the area ofBy sunset we had covered 30 miles.I have covered only 20 pages of the book.Does the dictionary cover all the words we have learned?dearadj.亲爱的adj.昂贵的;珍贵的His family life was very dear to him.developv.发展,开发;培养,养成v.冲洗胶卷I had the film developed yesterday.dov.做v.行,可以This is the third time youve been late this week; it simply wont do.If you dont have a pen, a pencil will do.fallv.落下;跌倒;n./v.秋季,进入(状态);适逢(某日)The book fell open at the page of illustration.(fall ill / asleep)My birthday falls a Monday this year.figuren.外形,图形v.推测,表示;合乎情理I hadnt figured on getting home late.John called in sick. That figures, he wasnt feeling well yesterday.find v.找到,发现v.用于对于事实的陈述,说明书某事物的存在The flowers were found only in Africa.fineadj.美好的;晴朗的n./ v.罚金;罚款a parking fine / a heavy finefine sb. For sth. / doing sth.She was fined for speeding.followv.跟随;接着v.听从,明白Can you follow the plot so far?follow ones advice / instructionI dont followfortunen.运气n.财产,巨款,财富make a small fortunecost a fortunefreeadj.自由的adj.免费的for freegraspv.抓紧,抓牢v./n.理解,领会beyond ones graspwithin ones graspgreenadj.绿色的adj.生的,没经验的He was a young lad, very green, very immature. / green fruitshangv.悬挂v.吊死,绞死hang sb. / oneself;sb. hangshappenv.发生v.碰巧There happens to be ; happen to do hitv.打,击中v./ n.(灾害)袭击;红极一时的人或物;成功The city was hit by flood.Her new film was quite a hit.He was a hit with everyone.holdv.专注,握住;句型v.持有(观点,看法);容纳;控制He holds strange views on it.One CD-ROM disk can hold over 100,000 pages of text.illadj.病的adj.坏的,有害的= bad, = harmfulimmediatelyadv.立即,直接地adv.一就Immediately/Directly (when )I saw her, I felt excited.interestn.兴趣n.利益;利息She lent him the money at 5% interest.lastadj.最后的,刚刚过去的v. / adj.持续;维持,持久;最不可能的;最不合适的He is the last person I want to see.He is the last person to tell a lie.lessonn.功课,课n.教训teach / give sb. a lessonliftv.抬起,举起;电梯v.搭便车give sb. a liftlivev.住,活,生存adj.活的;现场直播(演出)的live animalslive coverage of the World Cuplive musiclongadj.长的,远的v.渴望long to do sth. long for sth.makev.制造v.有条件成为;合计,等于If you train hard, you will make a good footballer.5 and 7 make 12.mann.人;男人n.人类用单数,前面不用冠词meanv.意思是;打算做adj.吝啬的;卑鄙的She is always mean with money.Dont be mean to your little brother.minuten.分钟;瞬间n.一就与the连用momentn.片刻,时刻n.一就与the连用niceadj.好的,好看的adv.很;挺后接形容词或副词,表示满意或赞赏Youll be nice and ill tomorrow morning. Ill explain it nice and simply so you can understandnowadv.现在conj.既然后面的that可以省略objectn.目标,物体v.反对后面接to orconj.否则;或者conj.即,也就是引导同位语ordern./v.命令;顺序n./v.订货;点菜May I take your order,sir?papern.纸n.报纸;文件;证件a Sunday paper Her papers included unpublished articles and correspondenceYour papers are official documentspartn.部分;人物,角色v.离开,分开They two parted in a cold winter. patientn.病人adj.有耐心的be patient withpeoplen.人们,人民n.民族Yi PeopleThe Chinese are a brave people.pickv.摘;掘;挑选;接人;收听v.扒窃He has his pocket picked.plainn.平原adj.平易的;朴素的;坦白的to be plain = to be fran
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