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分镜拆分(Split shot)9:38, big panoramic, aerial, lens up, and then push close (4 seconds)9:43 courtyard panoramic, aerial, push near (3 seconds)9:47 the front range of lens to move (4 seconds)At 9:51, the moon has a single hand and petal close-up (4 seconds)9:55 panorama, standing in the front view, the camera pulls back, shake (3 seconds) background sounds9:58 medium, low angle, tilt upward, the position with the lens, hitching up (3 seconds)10:01 moon facial features (3 seconds)10:04, moon, shoulder and crown princes hand close-up Crown Prince: Moon (3 seconds)10:07 close-up, Crown Princess face, the lower part of the side. Crown Princess: youve been standing in the courtyard so long. (omitted) (5 seconds)10:12 panorama, the night sky, the moon View: mother. (omitted) (4 seconds)At 10:17, a close-up of the face of the moon, the crown prince, the moon, the princess, and the note (9 seconds)10:26 close-up, lunar Crown Princess side features of the face moon, Crown Princess dialogue omitted (5 seconds)10:31 courtyard panorama, air, camera rotation moon, Prince Princess dialogue omitted (12 seconds)10:43 panorama, view, Moon Princess Princess, located in front of the omitted (6 seconds).10:49 close-up, moon face moon, Prince Princess dialogue omitted (4 seconds)10:53 close-up, moon face, side and Crown Princess hand close-up moon, Prince Princess dialogue omitted (2 seconds)10:55 big close-up, Prince Edward whispered to the moon, mouth side moon, Prince Princess dialogue omitted (4 seconds)10:59 close-up, moon face and Crown Princess hands (moon, Prince Princess dialogue omitted) (2 seconds)11:01 medium, low angle, tilt upward, two position with 9:58, the camera moves to the left, finally to two people, the princess on the right omitted (10 seconds)11:12 close-up, moon face and Crown Princess hands (moon, Prince Princess dialogue omitted) (5 seconds)11:17 close-up, moon face, side and Crown Princess hands (moon, Prince Princess dialogue omitted + wind) (7 seconds)11:24 close-up, moon hand, low angle moon, Crown Princess dialogue omitted (5 seconds)11:29 close-up, moon face, the lens to the moon to promote (the moon, the Crown Princess dialogue omitted) (3 seconds)11:31 big close-up, moon eye side (moon, Crown Princess dialogue omitted) (4 seconds) background sound11:35 panorama, Moon Princess in front of the house, to promote the two angle lens (6 seconds)11:41 is located in the middle, the lens at the front right Princess (2 seconds)At 11:43, the full view of the sky, the night sky, the moon view (3 seconds)The 11:46 range in city authorities (recall the end)Through the above resolution visible, the memories of the scene viewing lens consistent with our visual habits (panoramic panoramic - - - - medium close-up close-up view of the sky and the moon and the moon overhead camera panoramic camera lens has better scheduling + tone complete scene conversion function), in addition to background music two times better fit the story (the appearance and the master secret, and two stars) July high voice actor and crown princess also have good performance. Therefore, the scene is divided into ten parts of Qin Fan Qin when memorable scenes will be not at all surprising.Qin part of the scene shot resolution (a) practice (end)On the other, in view of the personal non art department or born film director, is what you want to split the above practice exercises, such as a fallacy, welcome paizhuan. (part of the analysis language refers to the book knowing the movie)(0) replyThe 1 floor 2009-10-24 20:50 report | personal business report spam reporting I sayI * Crystal Violet waterDust settles, 10SFBack 2 floor 2009-10-24 20:53 report | personal business report spam reporting I sayThe lonely blueDust settles 10.Back 3 floor 2009-10-24 20:53 report | personal business report spam reporting I sayMirror happyA dragon and a tiger in combat 8Back 4 floor 2009-10-24 20:53 report | personal business report spam reporting I sayCai Qing Lan ranAnger sword you really Kuanglan 9lz unusual Back 5 floor 2009-10-24 20:56 report | personal business report spam reporting I sayPeach twig TZThe 7 enemyIf it can be completed according to plan, then the resolution of this exercise will include five groups: the narrative lens stargazing, A Xue appearance, the Yi River, battle of wits chess game, tripod lifting.Of course, this choice is only a product of personal taste.Back 6 floor 2009-10-24 report | personal business report at 20:58 spam reporting I sayPeach twig TZThe 7 enemyKhan. So many buildings.Back 7 floor 2009-10-24 20:59 report | personal business report spam reporting I sayAhchoo road subAnger Kuanglan sword 9. Good professional.
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