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Figure: mother ( M ) son David( S ) girlfriend Linda ( G ) roommate A roommates roommate C BThe first scene场景:舞台的中央摆著一条长凳。G做在长凳上,东张西望,不断的看表,自言自语:“怎么还不来?”离开长凳,来回走动,然后又坐下。David: Linda!S:(身穿名牌时装)琳达!Linda: ( up to one side does not speak )G:(身子转到一边不说话)David: Linda, what is wrong with you?S:琳达,你怎么了?Linda: Havent we already agreed meet at 7 oclock ? You should look at what time it is now ? You have already late for seven minutes and seven seconds !G:(转向S用手指著手表)不是说好七点钟不见不散吗?你看看现在几点了?你晚了整整七分又七秒!David: I was wrong, I was sorry, okay? Such things will not happen again.S:(陪上笑脸)我错了,我错了,行吗?下不为例,下不为例。 Linda: Well, look at your genuines sake, forgive you this time, but, today you have to go shopping with me,?G:好吧,看在你态度诚恳的份上,就原谅你这一次吧,不过,今天你要陪我去逛超市,怎么样?David: the supermarket? S:逛超市?(略一迟疑)Linda: How ? You dont want to?G:怎么?你不愿意?David: how can that be? However, I want to go to the park. There is beautiful the weather of today is good, Why not go for a walk?S:怎么会呢?不过,还是去公园吧。那里风景好,而且今天天气也不错,去散散布多好啊。Linda : You want to go to the park again? The day before yesterday just went?G:又要去公园啊?前天不是刚去过吗?David: OK, OK, lets go shopping in the supermarket. Can you wait me for a while? I need to go back to the dormitory to get any money. S:那好,那好,咱们逛超市。你等会儿,我回宿舍拿点钱。(转身要走)Linda: No, my body with money. Let s go. G:不用了,我身上带这钱呢。走吧。David: what? You go out with me, how can I spend your money. Besides, this money means nothing for me , my family s got plenty of money. You wait here for me, Ill back soonS:那哪行呢?你跟我一起出去,哪能让你花钱。再说了,这点钱算什么,我家里有的是钱。你在这等我,我这就上去拿。Linda: See, here you come again. Your mouth shut up rich, open rich. This will let others think you and I together is to money?G:(生气的说)你看,你又来了。你张嘴有钱,闭嘴有钱,人家还以为我是冲著你的钱才和你在一起的呢?David: All right. I was wrong? I was wrong again! But I sincerely, that money do not in my eyes!S:好吧。我错了,我又错了。不过说实在的,这点钱我真不放在眼里!Linda: you,. G:你(很生气的)David: sorry, sorry, I do not say it again, I promise! Hey, your birthday is coming ,Why not take this opportunity to pick your birthday gift! You should not want me to take your money to buy a gift for you birthday S:对不起,对不起,我不说了,我不说了。哎,你的生日快到了,正好借今天这个机会我去给你买件生日礼物!你总不能让我拿著你的钱给你买生日礼物吧。Linda: well! I am here for you, you should come back soon!G:(犹豫了一会)那好吧!我在这等你,你快去快回!The second scene场景:舞台上摆了一张床,上面凌乱的堆放了一些衣物,床下有一盆,一侧有一圆桌,舍友A B C团坐打扑克,叫牌声不断!B上场。很匆忙。做开门动作。进门后开始在床上翻东西。A: Hey, David, and your dating end so soon?A:(一边打牌一边说)哎,小刚,跟女朋友约会这么快就回来了?David: how can it be,ah! She asked me to accompany her to the supermarket! You know I cant let her pay! Besides I dont care the money! I just back to get any money!S:(继续翻东西)哪能呀!她要我陪她逛超市!你说我总不能让她掏钱吧!再说这点钱我也不在乎!这不我回来再拿点钱B: David your home really rich?B:小刚你家里真的很有钱吗?David: of course! S:(停下动作,对著A B C,满脸认真的)那是当然!(继续翻)C: David, since your home is rich, why do you still eat steamed bread and pickle everyday?C:小刚,既然你家里那么有钱,那你为什么还整天吃馒头咸菜呢?David: dont mention it, at home my mother forced me to eat meat every day, I was sick! Now see them on the nausea!S:别提了,家里我妈天天逼我吃大鱼大肉,我都吃腻了!现在一见到它们就反胃!A B C: oh . .A B C:噢The third sceneM: young man, do you know where David lives? M:(头上包著头巾,跨著一个篮子,里面装著花生,穿著土气。M远远的看见了P,连忙上前去)小伙子,你知道赵小刚住在哪里吗?P: David? I was his classmate. Whats the relationship between you and him?P:S?我是他同学,你是他什么人?M: Im his mother I came from the countryside , in order to see my son, my son, I promise, from learning is good, is the first admitted to such a good university in our village ! Young man, where he lives?M:我是他母亲(P一脸惊鄂)我从乡下来,来看我儿子,我那儿子,真有出息,从小学习就好,是我们村里第一个考上这么好的大学!小伙子,他住哪儿?P: he lived in the building, third floor, room 303!P:(楞了半晌,手指指著一栋楼,结结巴巴)他住那栋楼,3楼,303房间!M: Thank you. M:谢谢。(转身向那栋楼走去,P目视她走向那栋楼)The fourth sceneC: ( B ) do not patronize their speaking, it s your turn to deal.C:(拉B)别光顾着说话,该你出牌了。(电话响,S接)David: Hey, ah, ah I back right now, Linda, go, ok, I know. Guys, can you lend me any money, these days I am little lack of money;, do me a favor, please.S:喂,啊,欣然啊,我呆会就下去,哎,我知道。(放下电话,迟疑了一会,满脸堆笑,转向A B C)哥儿几个今天能不能支援一下,这几天我手头比较紧张,帮帮忙吧。A: you,?A:你?B: to borrow money?B:借钱?C: no?C:不会吧?A: Did you said your money to remit your card a few days ago?A:你不是说这几天你妈刚在你存折上打了钱吗?David: Yeah, yeah, these days the bank is hanging the work system, money is not played.S:是啊,是啊,这几天我们家那边银行更换工作系统,钱打不上。The fifth scene(M敲门,S应声开门,见到M大吃一惊,迅速将她拉至门外David: Mom, why do you come here?S:妈,你怎么到这来了?M: mom miss you so much, and over to see you. M:妈妈想你了呗,就来看你了。(往里走,S拉住)A: David, who is?A:S,是谁呀?David: no, nobody . S:(忙应声)没,没人。(M趁机进屋)M: Oh, Oh, These must be your classmates! The boy is spirit ! Eat peanuts for our own , big and sweet! M:哎呀,(四顾,看到A B C热情上前)哎呀,这是同学吧!小伙子真精神!(抓出篮子里的花生分给A B C)来吃花生。我家里自己种的,又大又香!(A BC莫名其妙)M: Studying far from home is not easy for you, everybody should take care of each other, right? Eating peanuts
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