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议论文写作策略一、议论文写作的论证方法及写作技巧议论文是以议论的方式,通过一定的论据来阐明论述的观点、主张或见解。它在历年四级考试中占了很大的比重。议论文是由论点(viewpoint)、论据(evidence)和论证(substantiation)这三要素构成的。一)论证的方法:(1)举例论证(argumentation with instance)用代表性的事例,或亲身经历的事例来佐证论点。(2)比较对照(comparison and contrast)论证两件事物的相同点用比较法,而论证两件事物的不同点用对照法。但要确保这两件事物属于同类,有可比性,否则无法进行比较和对照。(3)因果推理(cause-and-effect and inference)因果之间的关系比较复杂,常有一因一果、一因多果、多因多果等情况。此种论证方法在议论文中占相当大的比例,采取不同的方法,要视具体情况而定。二)议论文写作技巧(1)论点要鲜明。论点是作者在文章中提出的观点,反映出作者赞成什么,反对什么,鲜明地表示出来。同时理论要有新意。(2)论据要充实。论据是作者为自己观点所提出的理由和根据。作为论据的材料主要来自两个方面,即事实论据和理论论据。只有充实的论据,文章才有说服力。(3)论证要得当。通过逻辑推理的方法来阐明论据与论点的内在联系。一篇结构好的英语议论文应该分为开头,中间和结尾三大部分。在开头说出自己的观点,在中间部分说出支持自己观点的理由,最后得出结论。在中间部分一般说出两个或三个理由比较适合。这样的写法符合论述有力,结构清楚的写作要求。二、议论文常见类型及写作模式一)议论文常见类型及写作基本方法1现象解释型现象解释型作文在四级考试作文中最为常见。命题主要要求考生对某一社会现象进行解释并加以评论,其基本结构是:首先说明现状;其次阐述这种现状产生或存在的原因;最后做出分析,提出建议或总结观点。比如2007年12月的考题hat Electives to Choose, 2002 年 6月考题 Students Use of Computers 等。 此类文章的基本写作方法为:描述现象分析原因对现象做出预测或如何促进(限制)这种现象的进一步发展。2对比选择型对比选择型同样是四级考试中常见的类型,它的标志十分明显。作文题目要求较明确,富有针对性,即直接要求考试比较两种观点或做法,进而表明自己对问题或事务的态度或观点,也就是做出选择。如2005年12月四级作文题Should the University Campus Open to a Tourist Attraction?此类文章的基本写作方法为:阐述一种观点或态度并表明这种观点或态度正确的理由;阐述第二种(相对或相反的)观点或态度并说明这种观点或态度正确的理由;表明个人支持或反对以上观点或态度,并说明原因。3 问题解决型问题解决型要求考生从提示性文字或图表、图画入手,解释提示性文字、图表、图画反映出的问题,提出问题的危害性或解决这一问题的紧迫性;然后对问题展开分析,提出解决问题的方案或应对措施;最后一段要求考生表明自己的态度、做法等。如2001年1月四级作文题How to Succeed in a Job Interview?此类作文基本方法为:提出问题分析问题解决问题。4 观点论证型 观点论证型往往要求考生根据题目给出论点,按照提纲的结构要求对其下论证,然后表明自己的立场和看法。通过摆事实、讲道理的方式剖析事物,论述事理,发表意见,确立或否认某一主张。如:2003年月四级作文题It Pays to Be Honest 此类作文的基本方法为:此类作文分析主题得出结论举例论证得出结论(证明观点的正确性)。各种类型的三段式作文的结构安排可以总结为以下图表:题型第一段第二段第三段现象解释型描述现象说明现象产生的原因表明个人态度或阐述个人做法对比选择型表明一方或双方的观点及理由表明另一方的观点及理由,指出双方观点不足之处及理由表明个人态度或阐述个人做法问题解决型提出问题或现象进行引入解决问题方案或说明做法总结全文观点论证型提出论点例证论点得出结论或表明个人看法或做法二)三段论模版法1. 如何破解两点式作文-选择重心点,将其确定为主体段(中间段),自加结尾段2000年1月真题:How I Finance My College Education1) 上大学的费用 (tuition and fees) 可以通过多种途径解决;2) 哪种途径适合于我(说明理由)。2001年1月真题How to Succeed in Job Interview?1) 面试在求职过程中的作用;2) 取得面试成功的因素:仪表、举止谈吐、能力、专业知识、自信、实事求是2003年月四级作文:It Pays to Be Honest (此篇为观点论证型)1. 当前社会上存在许多不诚实的现象2. 诚实利人利已,做人应该诚实2. 问题解决型作文三段论范文及模版2000年1月真题:How I Finance My College Education3) 上大学的费用 (tuition and fees) 可以通过多种途径解决;4) 哪种途径适合于我(说明理由)。 How I Finance My College EducationCurrently, tuition and fees for college students are much higher than ever before. Thus how to finance the college education has become a matter of concern. These following channels are possible for students to raise the money: receiving help from their parents, loaning from the bank or making money by part-time jobs.As far as I am concerned, I get the majority of my tuition form my parents and the rest by taking part-time jobs in my spare time. On the one hand, my parents are well-off enough to afford my educational expenses. Moreover, my parents believe their financial support enables me to focus on my study. Anyway, their investment is rewarding in the long term. On the other hand, college life is the beginning of my new life after all, and working part-time opens my eyes to the society outside the campus.In view of this, earning some money to pay for education with my own hands not only helps to relieve my parents of their financial burden but also broadens my view.模板参考第一段1. Currently, _.2. Thus how to _has become a matter of concern.3. These following channels are possible _.信息提示1.引出话题 2.提出问题3.阐述能解决问题的办法第二段4. As far as I am concerned, _.5. On the one hand, _.6. Moreover, _.7. Anyway, _.8. On the other hand, _.4.阐述自己是如何解决问题的 5.一方面6.进一步阐述7.总结8.另一方面第三段9. In view of this, _.9.得出结论模板二2001年1月真题How to Succeed in Job Interview?3) 面试在求职过程中的作用;4) 取得面试成功的因素:仪表、举止谈吐、能力、专业知识、自信、实事求是 How to Succeed in Job InterviewIt is certain that with the development of the job market, interviews play an important role in job-hunting. On the one hand, a job interview offers both interviewees and interviewers a chance to know each other within quite a short time. On the other hand, excellent performance in an interview will enable the interviewees to make a good impression upon the interviewers and finally get the job.Therefore, how to succeed in a job interview is worth paying attention. Firstly, interviewees should have some knowledge about the company and the position they apply for. Secondly, interviewees should have self-confidence. For example, being too modest is not welcome to most human resources professionals. Thirdly, interviewees should dress neatly and properly. In this way, interviewees could show that they attach vital importance to the job.In brief, if the interview
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