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英语口语10000句1-1:喊醒催促起床1.lts time for you to get up.你该起床了。2.Hey, Jack, its time to wake up and get out of bed.嘿,杰克,醒一醒,该起床啦。3.Get up and have breakfast.起床吃早饭吧!4.Youd better get up, or youll be late.你最好现在就起床,否则要迟到了。5.Rise and shine!起床!6.The early bird gets the worm.早起的鸟才会有虫吃。7.Get the children up.叫孩子们起床。8.John,are vou up?约翰,起床了没有?9.I should arouse Lily from sleep.我还要叫莉莉起床。10.It starts to dawn, and you have to get up now.破晓了,你必须起床了。1-2:起床事宜1.Do I have to get up now?我现在一定得起床吗?2.You must put on more clothes.你必须多穿衣服。3.I cant find my stocking.我找不着长筒袜了。4.Please get your dress in the wardrobe.请在衣柜里找你要换的衣物。5.Please dress the baby, Mike.迈克,请给孩子穿衣。6.Dont forget to fold up your quilt.不要忘记叠被子。7.Dont forget to make your bed.别忘了铺床。8.You take an unconscionable time to get dressed.你穿衣服用的时间未免太长了!9.Dont overclothe the childshe will be too hot.别给那孩子穿衣过多她会太热。1-3:谈论起床1.He got up at daybreak this moming.他今天早上天蒙蒙亮就起床了。2.What time do you get up in the morning?你早上什么时候起床?3.I usually get up at five thirty.我通常五点半起床。4.Susan rose with the lark.苏珊一大早就起床了。5.My husband got up late this morning and missed the bus.我丈夫今早起床晚了,错过了公共汽车。6.I Did you get up at five or six yesterday?昨天你五点起床还是六点起床?7.I never get up late.我未曾晚起床过。8.I always rise with the bell.我总是听到铃声起床。9.Mom always suggests that I get up at the same time.妈妈总是叫我在同一个时间起床。10.If you get up earlier, you will have time for breakfast.如果你起床早一点,你会有时间吃早餐。11.My brother always gets up earlier than me.哥哥总是比我早起床。12.I usually get up at six thirty, but during the holidays I get up at ten for a change.平时我六点半起床,但在假期我会变一变,十点起床。13.I used to wake up early and get up at 5:30.我以前常常醒得早,五点半就起床。14.Every day Mom comes to wake me up to rise.每天妈妈都来叫醒我起床。15.I didnt go to bed until twelve last night, so I got up late.昨晚我十二点才睡觉,因此今天起床晚了。16.Steven is getting up late.史蒂文起床晚了17.Rose got up late so that she missed the first bus.罗丝起床晚了,以到于误了头班车。18.I have to get up at six.我得六点钟起床。19.I should get up earlier.我应该早点起床。20.What time do you wake up usually?你通常什么时候醒来?21.He hates getting up so early.他非常讨厌早起床。(也可以这样说:He has a strong objection to getting up so early.He has a strong aversion to getting up early. )22.I always show a leg early.我总是很早起床。23.Are you out of bed yet?你已经起床了吗?24.Why do you get up so early?你为什么起床那么早?25.We got up before sunrise.我们在太阳升起之前起床。26.We have to get up at the crack of dawn.我们必须一大清早就起床。27.I am not accustomed to getting up so early.我不习惯这么早起床。28.I just got up and was still in pajamas.我刚刚起床,还穿着睡衣。29.The sun had been up when he got up.他起床时太阳已经升起。30.It is customary for me to get up at five thirty.五点半起床是我的习惯。31.What time are you going to get up tomorrow?明天你打算什么时候起床?32.In common with most young people, my daughter hates getting up in the morning.跟大多数年轻人一样,我女儿早上不愿意起床。33.Do you get up early every day?你每天起床很早吗?34.If you had gotten up earlier, you would have had time for breakfast.如果你早一点起床,本来是有时间吃早餐的。2-1:催促劝说去睡觉1.Its time for you to go to bed.你该上床睡觉了。(也可以这样说:Its coming up on your bedtime.It is time that we went to bed.)2.Now it is bedtime.现在就去睡觉3.You had better go to bed now.你最好现在去睡觉。4.Off to bed with you!睡觉去!5.Run along and get ready for bed.走,准备去睡觉。6.Be a good boy and go to sleep.乖孩子,睡觉去。7.Why dont you go to bed earlier?你为什么不早点睡觉呢?8.You should go to sleep now and get up early to practice your spoken English.你应该现在睡觉,明天早点起来练习英语口语。2-2:准备睡觉1.Well,Im going on to bed.嗯,我睡觉去了。2.Did you lock the doors?你把门都锁上了吗?3.Please close the front door before you go to bed.请在睡前关上前门。4.Please close the window before you go to bed.请睡觉前关上窗户。5.Be sure to put out the lights before you go to bed.睡觉以前一定要关灯。(也可以这样说:Remember to turn out the lights before you go to bed.)6.Put out the fire before going to bed.睡觉之前先熄掉炉火7.Dont forget to wound your clock before you go to bed.睡前不要忘记给钟表上发条。8.I will put on my pajamas before going to bed.睡觉前,我要穿上睡衣。9.I will lie down and go to sleep soon.我马上躺下来睡觉。10.Remember to take your make-up off before you go to bed.记得睡前要卸妆。11.My grandmother always gargles with salt water before going to bed.奶奶睡前总是用盐水漱口。12.I shall have a hot bath and go to bed.我要去洗个热水澡,然后睡觉。13.Good night.晚安。14.Have a good dream.做个好梦。2-3:谈论睡觉1.When do you go to bed?你们什么时候睡觉?2.Youre like a dead person while you sleep.你睡得像死猪一样。3.Just let me sleep 5 more minutes.让我再睡五分钟嘛。4.My brothers are causing me to lose sleep.弟弟们让我根本睡不着觉。5.I didnt fall asleep until 1 oclock last night.昨天晚上我一点钟才睡着。6.I was very sleepy but I couldnt sleep.我特别困可就是睡不着。7.I havent been sleeping well for a month.我有一个月的时间没睡好觉了8.Jack always goes to bed at about midnight.杰克总是午夜前后睡觉。9.He has gone to rest.他去睡觉了。10.I stirred now and again in my sleep.我睡觉时翻来覆去。11.We go to bed at eleven.我们11点睡觉。12.His bedtime is ten
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