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江阴南工锻造有限公司JIANGYIN NANGONG FORGING CO.,LTD锻钢件磁粉检测工艺规程Magnetic particle testing specification for steel forgings编 写:徐 军PREPARED BY: Xu Jun审 核:汤新发CHECKED BY: Tang xinfa批 准:徐岳强APPROVED BY: Xu yueqiang二零一零四月十二江阴南工锻造有限公司JIANGYIN NANGONG FORGING CO.,LTD锻钢件磁粉检测工艺规程Magnetic particle testing specification for steel forgings本标准规定了锻钢件磁粉探伤方法及缺陷显示迹痕的评级方法。本标准适用于锻钢件表面和近表面缺陷的磁粉检测。This standard provided the methods of magnetic particle testing and defects level. The standard is suitable for surface and near surface defects on steel forgings目的Obiect完成锻钢件(铁磁性材料)表面和近表面缺陷的磁粉检测,出具相应的磁粉检测报告。Complete magnetic particle testing of surface and near surface defects on steel forgings (ferromagnetic material),and issued by the corresponding magnetic testing report.1. 适用范围Scope本规程适用于铁磁性锻钢件磁粉检测,不能用于奥氏体锻钢件磁粉检测。适用于锻钢件机加工表面。This specification applies to magnetic particle testing on ferromagnetic 江阴南工锻造有限公司JIANGYIN NANGONG FORGING CO.,LTDsteel forgings, but could not apply to austenite steel forgings. Apply to the as-cast steel forgings and machined surface.2. 参考标准Refetenced atandardASTMA275 锻钢件磁粉检测方法ASTM A275 Magnetic particle testing methods applicationGB/T9445 无损检测人员资格鉴定与认证GB/T9445 Nondestructive testing individual qualification and certification3. 检测人员Laboratories4.1 磁粉检测人员应依据 GB/T9445 或相当的规定取得相应资格证书,并从事与其资格等级相适应的检测工作。Laboratories should provide access to the corresponding qualification certificates based on GB/T9445 or equivalent,and engage in their level of qualitication which was suitable to the work of testing.4.2 磁粉检测人员应每年检查一次视力,矫正视力应不小于 1.0.,不得有色盲。Laboratories vision should be checked every year. Vision correction should not be less than 1.0,no color-blind.4. 设备、器材和材料江阴南工锻造有限公司JIANGYIN NANGONG FORGING CO.,LTDEquipment、apparatus and material5.1 磁化设备与校验Magnetic equipment and checkout5.1.1 磁化设备Magnetic equipment便携磁轭式磁粉探伤仪Portable yoke5.1.2 设备校验Equipment checkout每年至少进行一次提升力校验,极间距为 150200 mm 时,提升力至少应有 45N。Enhance the ability should be checked no less than once every year.when die opening is 150200mm,Enhance the ability should not be less than 45N.5.2 磁粉与磁悬液Magnetic particle and magnetic suspensionHR-1 型红色或黑色磁膏HR-1 red or black magnetic cream5.2.2 磁悬液Magnetic suspension悬浮介质为水,每升 10-20 g/L,磁悬浮浓度的测定采用磁悬浮浓度江阴南工锻造有限公司JIANGYIN NANGONG FORGING CO.,LTD测定管进行,一般浓度控制在 1025g/L 的范围内。Suspending medium should be water,1020g/L.The concentration of magnetic suspension should be determined by magnetic suspension detector.Generally,the concentration should be controlled between 1025g/L.5.2.3 施加磁悬液Magnetic suspension application 使用磁悬液喷液器或其他有效方法进行。To apply magnetic suspension spreader or other effective way.5.3 灵敏度试片5.3Sensitivity test blockA 型灵敏度试片A sensitivity test block用于被检锻钢件表面有效磁场强度和方向、有效检测区及磁化方法是否正确的测定。To apply to the determination of effective magnetic-field strength and direction testing region and magnetic methods. 5.3.2 灵敏度试片的使用Sensitivity test block application将 A 型试片无人工缺陷的面朝上,使试片与被检面接触良好,必要时可用透明胶带将其整体贴在被检面上,但人工缺陷不得贴。试验江阴南工锻造有限公司JIANGYIN NANGONG FORGING CO.,LTD时,边磁化边洒磁悬液,以人工缺陷清晰显示来确定磁化规范。Place the test block surface without artificial defect upwatd. Make sure the testing block and testing surface connect well. It could be attached to the testing surface with cellulose tape except artificial defect if necessary.Add magnetic suspension when magnetizing Magnetization code could be determined by artificial defects showing cleatly.5. 检测技术Testing technology6.1 检测方法Testing method湿式连续法Humidity contnuation6.2 磁化方法Magnetic method 磁轭法纵向局部磁化Longitudinal partial magnetic through magnetic yoke method.6.3 磁化规范Magnetic code磁场强度应根据磁轭式探伤仪的提升力或 A 型灵敏度试片来确定。Magnetic-field strength should be determined by yoke enhance the ability or A sensitivity test block江阴南工锻造有限公司JIANGYIN NANGONG FORGING CO.,LTD6. 磁粉检测程序与要求Magnetic particle testing procedure and demand7.1 被检表面的制备Tested surface preparation被检表面应进行打磨或机加工,表面必须清洁,不得有油污、氧化皮、锈蚀或者其他妨碍磁粉显示的杂物,表面状态应满足CCH70-3-MT 表一的要求。Tested surface should be grinded or machined,The surface must be clean,no oxide skin,corrosion or residues which interfere with magnetic particle indications,superficial states should meet the requirements of table 1 in CCH70-3-MTMT 表一相对于验收标准的表面准备标准表面试样/standard surface sample等级GradeRaum BNIF359-01粗糙度试验Nr2(LCA-CEA)打磨/griding粗糙度试验Nr3(LCA-CEA)喷丸/shot blastingASTMA8021 1S2,2S2若粗糙度一致可用 不适用江阴南工锻造有限公司JIANGYIN NANGONG FORGING CO.,LTD6.3 N9 喷砂 /N/A2-4 12.5121,2S13S2,4S2,5S2 N10 N10A1,B1,C1A2,B2H1,J15 2.5 4S1,5S1,6S11S3 N11 N117.2 检测时机: 工件应在最终热处理后检测Testing occasion: after finishing heat treatment7.3 检测区域: 按图纸和相关的技术条件的要求执行Testing region: based on drawing papers and related technology specification7.4 磁化Magnetization 磁化方法按 6.2 执行。每个被检区至少进行二次大致相互垂直方向的磁化,移动速度按试验值确定,磁轭磁化的间距应控制在75200mm 之间,检测的有效区域为俩级中心连线俩侧 50mm 的范围内,磁化区域每次应有 15mm 重叠。Magnetization methods should be based on 6.2. each testing region should be magnetized in mutual vertical direction at least twice. Rate of movement is determined by testing value. Gap of Magnetic yoke magnetization should be controlled betwee
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