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The 70th anniversary of the victory of Chinas Resistance War against Japanese aggression.,To insist on remembering the history and the promise of never to fight will be their common goal. Only in this way can they build a brand new international relation, with win-win cooperation as its core, and make the world a more peaceful, more harmonious, more beautiful place to live in.,Be patriotic,70th anniversary victory resistance anti-fascism /fascist review and look forward to insist on common goal win-win cooperation core peaceful harmonious,English is the most common language in the earth village,English as the first language,Britain,America,Australia,Jamaica 牙买加,English as official language,India,English as the foreign language,China,Japan,France,British and American English,Autumn,Fall,Why do we have different words for the season?,We have really everything in common with America nowadays, except of course, language.,Oscar Wilde,如今,我们和美国在一切方面都相同,当然除了语言。,Within a century British and American English speakers will not be able to understand each other.,不出一百年,讲英国英语和讲美国英语的人将不能互相理解。,Henry Sweet,America and England are two countries divided by a common language.,George Bernard Shaw萧伯纳,美国和英国是被同一种语言分开的两个国家。,Dave Sperling,founder of Daves ESL Caf,ESLEnglish as a Second Language作为第二语言的英语 EFLEnglish as a Foreign Language 作为外语的英语,It doesnt make much of a difference whether a teacher speaks British or American English.,老师讲英式英语或美国英语并没有多大的差别。,显然的 比较 口音 令人困惑的 种类 变化 省略 使不同 定居者 开关,Obvious Compare Accent Confusing Variety Variation Omit Make a difference Settler switch,不断地,持续地 评论 结构 卫星 引起,导致 不同 与类似的 做某事有困难 与有共同点,Steadily Remark Structure Satellite Lead to Differ Be similar to Have difficulty in doing sth Have in common,Skimming,Read the titles and the first sentences of each paragraph and find four ways in which British and American English are different.,1. vocabulary 2. grammar 3. spelling 4. pronunciation,Read the passage quickly and divide the passage into 2 parts,Part 1 ( ),The differences between British and American English,Part 2 ( ),The future of English,1,4,5,7,Scanning Read the first four paragraphs again and make notes of the differences.,cars,motorway,petrol,subway,cab,flashlight,queue up,chips,the Differences in Vocabulary,Br. chips Am. French Fries Ch. 炸土豆条,Br. crisps Am. chips Ch. 炸土豆片,Keys:,the Differences in Grammar,Have you got?,My friend just arrived,in the team/ at the weekend,Write to me soon!,the Differences in Spelling and Pronunciation,centre, colour programme,center, color program,Enjoy BBC,一般来说,英式英语读音比较平,硬。 美式英语大多是卷舌,比较好听 。,Do you Know?,check Para.14,There are _ differences between American and British varieties of English. A. no B. a few C. lots of,2. Americans _ understand what the British are saying. A. sometimes B. usually C. never,3. There are _ differences between British and American grammar. A. no B. many C. not many,4. American spelling is _ British spelling. A. the same way B. simpler than C. harder than,5. For a Londoner, an American accent may be easier to understand than _. A. a Chinese accent B. some British accents C. a CNN newsreader,Read para5-7 T (True ) or F (False).,There are a few differences between American and British English. Americans always have difficulty in understanding what the British are saying. There is going to be only one English left-British English.,T,F,F,sometimes,not,Why do experts believe that the two varieties are moving closer? What will happen to English in the future?,Monita Rajpal是CNN International “World News”节目的主持人,在CNN 位于亚特兰大的总部工作。自2001年起, Rajpal已报道了众多事件,如美国领导的反恐战争;持续已久的中东冲突;天主教会丑闻;利比里亚社会动荡;伊拉克管理委员会就职;特蕾莎修女授福及阿富汗战争中的坎大哈事件。她还主持了 CNN 技术和环境特色节目“Global Challenges” ,并参与了另一个 CNN特色节目“Inside the Middle East”的工作。,Monita Rajpal is a CNN news reporter. She was born in Hong Kong and spent much of her childhood there, before moving to Canada. In addition to English, she speaks Cantonese(广东话), French and Punjabi (印度和巴基斯坦的旁遮普语),ABC American Broadcasting Company 美国广播公司 NBC National Broadcasting Company 全国广播公司 VOA Voice of America 美国之音 BBC British Broadcasting Corporation英国广播公司 CNN Cable News Network 美国有线电视新闻网,If you turn on CNN, the American TV network, you find newsreaders and weather forecasters all speaking with the different accents.,We can conclude from her story:,Step Four:Summary British and American English are different in many ways. The first and most 1._way is in the vocabulary. For example,Americans drive automobiles down freeways while the British drive cars along 2._.The second difference is that sometimes the same word has a slightly different meaning,which can be 3._.Third,there are a few differences in 4._,too. The British say “Have you got.?” while Americans prefer “Do you have.?” Prepositions,too,can be different. The Brit
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