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诚信考试 认真复习演讲班级:九年级9班 演讲者:孙宴婷 王婷老师们,同学们:大家早上好!今天我演讲的题目是诚信考试 认真复习。同学们,时光如梭,岁月如歌,弹指一挥间,忙碌、紧张而又充实的前半学期生活转瞬即逝。下周我们即将迎来期中考试。为了提高复习效果,在期中考试中取得满意的成绩,在此我给同学们提以下几点要求:一、端正思想,充分认识期中考试的重要性。考试,是教学评价的一种手段,它可以帮助同学们对自己学习的基础知识和基本技能进行检查,及时获得骄正的信息,调整自己的学习,同时也为我们的老师改进教学方法,调整教学措施提供全面客观的依据。因此,每一个同学都必须以认真、严肃的态度对待本次期中考试。二、认真复习,合理安排复习时间和计划。同学们应科学地制定自己的复习计划,使复习工作有条不紊地进行。孔子说:“温故而知新”,就是告诉我们学习要重视复习,一个成绩优秀的学生一定是肯吃苦,肯钻研,认真复习并掌握比较科学的学习方法的人。心理学研究表明,遗忘是必然的,世上从来就没有真正过目不忘的人,已经学过的知识需要不断地、重复的记忆,才能使知识在大脑里留下深深地印痕。著名的桥梁专家茅以升记忆力超人,曾经有很多人向他询问他的记忆秘诀,他回答说:说起来也简单,就是重复!重复!再重复!学过的东西,只有反复复习,才能牢固的记忆,并且能够应用自如。由此可见,复习对每位同学都显得尤为重要。我希望每位同学要根据自己的实际情况,安排一个切实可行的复习计划。什么时间该复习哪一个科目哪个知识点,要达到什么目标,都要心中有数,“不打无准备之仗”,谁早准备,谁就拥有学习的主动权,谁就拥有考试的成功。复习时要抓牢基础。基础不牢,地动山摇,基础不稳,做题不准,要从课本上的例题入手,习题入手,从最简单的入手,每一道题,都亲自动手做一做,千万别眼高手低,大题不会做,小题不愿做。做题后要善于总结、反思,让技巧、方法熟烂于心。三、诚信考试,努力养成良好的考试习惯考试是对同学们诚信品格的一次考验,考试是严肃认真的,来不得半点虚假。学习上有付出才会有收获,有勤奋才会有成果。考试作弊是自欺欺人的做法,不但不能对自己学习有任何的帮助,反而会使你失去了诚实做人的品质。我们学校对考试作弊的同学是要严肃处理的。考场内要服从监考老师的安排,不要交头接耳,不要喧哗,不要夹带、旁窥、打手势做暗号传信息等,不要抄袭或有意让他人抄袭,不得提前交卷,拿到试卷后,应在规定时间、规定地方答题,开考铃响前不做试题,结束铃响后立即停止答卷,及时交卷,养成良好的考试习惯。最后用蒲松龄自勉联与同学们共勉:有志者,事竟成,破釜沉舟,百二秦关终属楚;苦心人,天不负,卧薪尝胆,三千越甲可吞吴。祝愿同学们在期中考试中考出自己的水平,取得理想的成绩。我的讲话完毕,谢谢大家!teachers and fellow students: Good morning, everyone! The title of my speech today is the good faith examination Review carefully. Students, time flies, years like song, idle away ones, busy, nervous and enrich life fleeting first half of the semester. We are about to hit the mid-term exam next week. In order to improve the effect of review, satisfactory results in the mid-term exam, I gave the students the following requirements: 一, correct ideas, fully understand the importance of the mid-term examination. Test, it is a means of teaching evaluation, it can help students to learn the basic knowledge and basic skills of inspection, the arrogant is timely access to information, adjust their own learning, but also for our teachers to improve teaching method, adjusting teaching measures to provide the basis of a comprehensive and objective. Therefore, each student must take seriously, serious attitude towards the mid-term exam. Second, carefully review, reasonable arrangement of review time and plan. Students should make revise their plan scientifically, make the review work methodically. The master said, consider, is to tell our study to attach importance to review, one of the best students must be willing to endure hardship, willing to study, carefully review and grasp scientific learning method. Psychological research shows that forgetting is inevitable, the world has never really never forgets anything, has studied the knowledge constantly, repeat the memory, ability to make knowledge left a deep imprint in the brain. Well-known bridge expert MAO yisheng superhuman memory, there was a lot of people asked him about his memories of the secret, he replied: it is simple, is to repeat! Repeat! Repeat again! Learned things that only repeated review to strong memory, and can be used freely. Thus, it is particularly important to review for everyone. I hope that each student according to their own actual situation, arrange revise a feasible plan. What time which knowledge which a subject to review, and to achieve what goal, must have some idea of should fight no battle unprepared, who had prepared, who have the learning initiative, who will have the test successfully. When reviewing to hold the foundation. Basic not firm, in formation, foundation instability, not to solve the problem, should start from the textbook examples, problem sets, from the simplest, every question, do it yourself do it, and dont bite off more big problem wont do, item dont want to do. After to solve the problem must be good at summary and reflection, let techniques, methods, cooked lousy in the heart. Third, the integrity test, try to acquire good habits of the exam The test is a test of the students honest character, exams are serious, shall be false. Study on pay will have harvest, diligence will have results. Cheating in the exam is the practice of self-deception, can not have any help for their learning, not only can make you lose instead be honest character. Our school students for cheating in the exam is to seriously deal with it. In the examination room must obey the supervisor arrangement, dont whisper, dont noisy, dont beside the entrainment, peep, gesturing to do sign information, etc., dont copy or deliberately let others copy, shall submit in advance, take after the examination paper, place the answer should be within the prescribed time, regulations and KaiKao do test before the bell rang, effectively stop immediately after the bell rang, the papers in a timely manner, to develop good habits of the exam. With high ideals pu song-ling finally united with the classmates : Where there is a will, there is a way, cross the rubicon, 102 qin guan will all be chu; Whoever helps them up, thrashing about three t
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