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SONY 19 February 2003 THE AGENDA Recap of the Brief Andrew Lee Consumer Insights Mr. Kong Branding Strategy Naveen Rao Creative Concepts Sam Chung Events & Media Ella Poon Conclusion Andrew Lee THE BRIEF To strengthen Cyber-shot sub brand image in China market To increase Cyber-shot awareness AGENCY VIEWPOINT The brand image of Cyber-shot needs to encapsulate a clear brand essence that is the best marriage between what the product has to offer and the consumer insights In light of the key category communication trends In line with the contribution that the brand is making to the SONY mega brand SONY - THE BRAND ARCHETYPE THE CREATOR U SERIES P SERIES F SERIES INDIVIDUAL MODELS CONSUMER INSIGHTS SONY品牌迷恋者 对于 SONY产品他们并不陌生 , 他们自觉成 SONY产品延伸和升级的消费者 , SONY品牌对他们意味者: 科技领先 工艺精美 外观时尚 性能可靠 风格独立 SONY的先进和完美既是他们审美的方向 , 又是他们自身心向往之的行为风格 专业 ( 迷恋自己的专业 , 有专业追求 , 但他们不是摄影的专业人士 ) 精致 ( 喜欢社交 、 人格开放 、 生活富裕但不具有贵族气质 ) 时尚 ( 追求现代生活方式 , 但不过分另类 ) 可靠 ( 这是青壮年一族 , 有责任心或有选择地承担责任 , 独立 , 控制欲强 、 在他人的依赖感中欣赏自己 ) 独立 ( 无论经济还是情感都较为独立 , 崇尚创造 , 拒绝模仿 ) 他们了经历的时代的巨变 , 并成为时代的受益者 , 因此他们的为人处世带有明显的时代烙印 , 但他们是时代的探索者 、 不保守 、 行动力强 消费决策 感性但不浪费 , 关注价格但不过分敏感 , 不盲目选择也不过分追求信息的完整 。 品牌追随 不是顶尖品牌的发烧友 , 但对熟悉的大品牌有持久的追随 。 对品牌有狗性般的忠诚 , 但一再失望就会成为该品牌的敌人 。 社会地位 他们处于各级的中层 , 经济收入稳定 。 社会地位 他们处于各级的中层 , 经济收入稳定 。 生活方式 内心有着对远方的渴望 , 旅游 、 俱乐部 、 不期而遇 、艺术活动 、 怀旧是他们的浪漫方式 , 但他们追求相对的稳定 , 反对无原则的破坏 , 他们离经不叛道 , 犯上不作乱 , 信奉:君子好色不好淫 。 事业追求 毫无疑问 , 无论他们是否在工作中取得了理想的成就 ,但他们是努力工作的一群 , 他们崇尚科学精神 , 有理想主义倾向 。 最值得关注的是: 这群消费者的人格 、 气质 、 处世理念与 SONY产品互为印证 , 他们以这种印证为自豪 。 Cyber-shot RIDING TECHNOLOGY AND STYLE Category intrinsically lifestyle oriented Technological advancement in proportion to lifestyle aspirations Technology Lifestyle Relationship CATEGORY DYNAMICS Technology / Feature led Dramatization of benefits CELEBRITY Endorsement Technology associations / Imagery associations NOT NECESSARILY LINKED STRONGLY Cyber-shot UNDERSTANDING THE RELATIONSHIP PROCESS SHARE Interaction with the subject power Interaction with the image ownership / control - Creativity Interaction with others sharing output / sharing the features CAPTURE Behaviour Internalisation RECOGNITION / APPRECIATION THE IMAGE Captures Imagination Allows for creativity Reflects inner self SELF - EXPRESSION THE BRAND ESSENCE “IMAGE ENRICHMENT BY Cyber-shot” Technology that Enriches the IMAGE Enriched life Through self expression The Consumer Desire The Product THE Cyber-shot BRAND PILLARS IMAGE ENRICHMENT LIFESTYLE TECHNOLOGY SELF EXPRESSION IMAGINATION SUPERIOR STUNNINGLY DIFFERENT FASHIONABLE TASTEFUL THE Cyber-shot BRAND ARCHITECTURE U SERIES TECHNOLOGY FOR CURIOSITY P SERIES P10 leads TECHNOLOGY FOR CREATIVITY F SERIES TECHNOLOGY FOR PERFECTION THE CREATOR Fashionable, Stunningly Different, Technologically Superior, Tasteful IMAGE ENRICHMENT Fashionable Stylish/Compact Young /Fun 5 MEGA PIXELS Hi Tech/Trendy Unique style Lens/CCD Quality Professional image APPROACH 1: NARROWCASTING BY REFLECTION IMAGE Curiosity Creativity Perfection Technology Stunningly different Fashionable Tasteful, Superior APPROACH 2: BROADCASTING BY ASSOCIATION TO ROLE MODELS IMAGE Curiosity Creativity Perfection Technology Stunningly different Fashionable Tasteful, Superior CREATIVE PRESENTATION Cyber-shot Events EVENT OBJECTIVES Grand Launch Impact About Lifestyle About “Creativity” Enhance Product Knowledge Drive Product Off-take 1. “Create your Cyber-shot” The idea : Sony creates exotic “photo opportunities” for you, all around China The “Photo Opportunities” Exotic “objects” placed in popular, high traffic areas (e.g.人民广场 , 新天地 ), termed “Sony Creations” A total of 10 creations in BJ/SH/GZ Each photo taken at “Sony Creations” sites can be sent to Cyber-shot Online Expo entitled to premium / gifts with purchase of the P10 2. Cyber-shot照相馆 Big expo tent erected at public areas, e.g. Fu Xing Park in Shanghai Product demonstration / experience Educational expo teaching participants on ways to take superb photographs “Life Setting” compartments ( with different settings that enhance the creativity - lighting environments, running water, small subjects) for people to experience the enrichment that is associated with the P10 The 10th, 100th, 1000th, 10000th entrance to the Expo will win a P10, whereas all participants can get premiums with purchase the P10 at selected outlets Media Creations Media Creations by Cyber-shot Giant Building Wrap Building Rooftops MTR Photo Exhibition Gallery Magazine Gatefold Magazine photography sponsorship Sony Creations Online Giant Building Wrap highlights the impact and detail of 5.0 mega pixel photography with the new P10 Metro Photo Gallery CREATION BY SONY Buy the whole concourse at 徐家沤 Metro station in Shanghai Sony Onli
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