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2017年重庆师范大学外国语学院语言学概论(01,03)复试仿真模拟三套题一、Explain-the-fllowing-terms1 Relational opposites【答案】 This is a type of antonymy , in which the members of a pair do not constitute a positive-negative opposition. They show the reversal of a relationship between two entities. For example, “buy/sell” is such a pair. X buys something from Y means Y sells something from X. 2 inflectional morpheme【答案】 Inflectional morpheme: It is also called inflectional affixes, which attaches to the end of words. Inflectional affixes only add a minute or delicate grammatical meaning to the stem. The plural suffix is a typical example of this kind. 3 Back-formation【答案】 Back formation refers to an abnormal type of word formation where a shorter word is derived by deleting an imagined affix from a longer form already in the language. For example , the word “television” appeared before “televise”,and so does “editor” to “edit”. 4 CoarticulationCoarticulation refers to the phenomenon of sounds continually show the influence of their 【答案】neighbors. For example , as in lamb , when a is followed by m , the velum will begin to lower itself during the articulation of a so that it is ready for the following nasal. When such simultaneous or overlapping articulations are involved, we call the process coarticulation. If the sound becomes more like the following sound, it is known as anticipatory coarticulation. If the sound displays the influence of the preceding sound, it is preservative coarticulation. 5 Locutionary Act, Illocutinary Act and Perlocutionary Act【答案】 According to Austin , a speaker might be performing three acts simultaneously when speaking.A locutionary act is the uttering of words, phrases, and clauses, which conveys meaning by giving out meaningful sounds. Therefore, when somebody says ?Morning?,we can ask a question like “What did he do?,and the answer could be “He offered a greeting.”An illocutionary act is the act of expressing the speaker?s intention; it is the act performed in saying something. Therefore, for the same example,we can say “He meant it as a greeting”.A perlocutionary act is the effect of the utterance. Thus,by saying “Morning!” the speaker has made it clear that he wants to keep friendly relations with the hearer. 6 Contrastive analysis【答案】 Contrastive analysis is an approach to analysis of second language acquisition, based on a belief that a more effective teaching pedagogy would come out when the similarities and differences between native language and target language are taken into consideration. By such an analysis , it issupposed that some leaning difficulties could be predicted in terms of language transfer. 7 Allomorph【答案】 A morpheme may take various shapes or forms, and an allomorph is any of the variant forms of a morpheme as conditioned by position or adjoining sounds. For instance, the morpheme of plurality -s has a number of allomorphs in different sound context, as in “cats” /s/, in “bags” /z/,in “matches” /iz/. 8 Applied linguistics【答案】 It is a branch of linguistics which studies the application of linguistics in reality. For example , there are studies on multilingualism, language acquisition, first and second language teaching and learning. 二、Essay-question9 What is communicative competence? How should we develop it in our foreign lauguage learning?【答案】 Communicative competence is what a learner knows about how a language is used in particular situations for effective and appropriate communication. Communicative competence includes knowledge of the grammar and vocabulary, knowledge of rules of speaking, knowledge of how to use and respond to different types of speech acts and social conventions , and knowledge of how to use language appropriately.In order to develop communicative competence in our foreign language learning, language learners are encouraged to deal with accomplishing actions, which are believed to help them acquire the target language. Two types of tasks are usually required to be performed by the learners: real-world tasks and pedagogical tasks. For example, students may be asked to work or discuss in groups.Besides , teachers can adopt the communicative syllabus which aims at the learner?s communicative competence. It teaches the language needed to express and understand different kinds of functions, and emphasizes the process of communication. 10For each of the following pairs of sentences, discuss how the two sentences are different from each other.(1)A. His carelessness I can?t bear.B. I can?t bear his carelessness.(2)A. A dagger killed the tourist.B. The tourist was killed with a dagger.(3)A. A hurricane killed eight people.B. Eight people died in a hurricane.These two sentences are different in the sense that the thematic structures are different. 【答案】(1)The theme of a sentence is often the known information, which the sentence is m
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