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智能一卡通管理中心Smart card management center管理中心产品特点1.智能一卡通:管理 使用 脱机运行2.开放式 积木式 扩展式3.提供 API OR SDK4.智能一卡通:管理 使用 一卡一库一平台5.模块化 简单化 智能化 傻瓜化产品说明 写卡器 软件 SOFTKEY 多串口卡 通讯转换器 调试卡Features of the Management Center1 smart card: the management and use of offline operation2 Open building block extension type3 Provide API OR SDK4 Smart card: the management and use of a card, a library and a platform5 modular simplified intelligent foolProduct Description Smart card device Software SOFTKEY Multiport serial cards Communication converter Debug card什么是智能一卡通系统?What is a smart card system? “智能一卡通” 是以IC卡技术为核心,以计算机和通信技术为手段,将智能建筑内部的各项设施连接成为一个有机的整体, 用户通过一张IC卡便可完成通常的钥匙、资金结算、考勤和某些控制操作,如用lC卡开启房门、IC卡就餐、购物、娱乐、会议、停车、巡更、办公、收费服务等各项活动。而不必像以往携带多把沉重的钥匙开门,去各个对应部门交费等繁杂的操作。整个系统可根据需要对各部门进行监控管理和决策, 各局部系统和终端可自动将收集到的信息整理归纳,供系统查询、汇总、统计、管理和决策。通过IC卡可互相沟通, 既满足各个职能管理的独立性, 又保证整体管理的一致性。从不同使用场合可以分为:校园智能一卡通,小区智能一卡通,办公大楼智能一卡通,企业智能一卡通,酒店智能一卡通,智能大厦智能一卡通等。根据卡片类型可以分为:IC卡(使用最为广泛),ID卡(逐步淘汰中),T5557卡(酒店用的比较多)CPU卡(发展趋势) Smart Card based on the IC card technology as the core by means of computer and communication technologies within the intelligent building of the facilities will be connected into an organic whole, by an IC card can be completed in the usual keys, fund settlement open the door, attendance, and some control operations, such as the lC card, IC card dining, shopping, entertainment, conferences, parking patrol office, fee-based services and other activities. As in the past without having to carry the heavy key to open the door, go to various counterparts payment complicated operations. The whole system can monitor the management and decision-making according to needs of various departments, the local system and the terminal can be automatically collected information summarization for system query, summary, statistics, management and decision-making. IC card can communicate with each other, both to meet the independence of the various functions of management, but also to ensure the consistency of the overall management. Can be divided into different use occasions: campus smart card, residential smart card, office buildings, smart card, corporate smart card, the hotel smart card, smart buildings smart card and so on. According to the type of card can be divided into: (the most widely used), the IC card, ID card (phasing out), T5557, card (hotel more) CPU card (trends)什么是”伪智能一卡通系统”?What is a pseudo-smart card system? 伪智能一卡通系统又称之为“拼凑式的智能一卡通” -将不同厂家生产的不同产品拼凑在某一特定范围内以实现各项功能,达到所谓的“智能一卡通” ,例如有些厂家只能做电梯门禁,有些厂家只能做停车场,有些厂家只能做门禁,有些厂家只能做消费,有多少个子系统就有多少个软件,发卡器,相互之间不共享数据库,数据需要重复查寻,仅仅只是用一张卡而已。各厂商在软硬件上各有自己的一套,各系统之间毫无关联,相互独立甚至对立,每张卡必须分别在各系统中发行后才能使用,有几个子系统就要发行几次,而且每个子系统一个数据库,分开管理资料。假如某一张卡要挂失或更换,就必须在每个系统中操作一次,这样给管理人员带来很大的工作负担与不便,无法实现自动化管理;更严重的是,整个系统非常零散,维护性和扩展延续性很难实现 .Pseudo-smart card system is also known as the patchwork of smart card - the different products of different manufacturers to piece together in a certain range in order to achieve various functions, to achieve the so-called smart card , for example,some manufacturers can only do elevator access, some manufacturers can only do the parking lot, some manufacturers can only access, some manufacturers can only do consumer, the number of sub-systems have a number of software, card dispenser, do not share the database with each other.The data need to repeat the search, just use a card. Various manufacturers have their own set of hardware and software, no connection between the various systems, independent of each other and even antagonism, to use each card must be issued in each system, there are several subsystems will be released several times, each subsystem is a database, separate management information. If a card is lost or replaced, must be operating each system, such a great deal of work to the management burden and inconvenience can not be automated management; more seriously, the whole system is very fragmented, maintenance and expansion of continuity difficult to achieve.多奥智能一卡通简叙DUOAO smart card, simple classification DUOAO智能一卡通管理平台对梯控,停车场,门禁,消费,考勤,在线巡更等子系统进行集中统一管理,对人员、卡片进行统一规划和编辑、变更等操作,通过集中授权,实现对一张卡片授权使用多个子系统,中心一次授权,无需到每个子系统再次授权。集停车场、门禁、巡更、考勤、消费、电梯控制等多项功能于一卡;将各子系统信息集中于一个管理平台,统一对卡片的发行、授权、挂失、补发、终止、延期等进行管理;一旦变更用户信息,则各个系统的用户信息同时改变,实现信息资源共享;各子系统完全兼容,用户升级、维护、扩展简便。DUOAO smart card management platform elevator control, parking, access, consumption, time and attendance, on-line patrol and other subsystems, centralized and unified management, unified planning and editing, change the operating personnel, card, authorized by focusing on to achieve acards authorizing the use of multiple subsystems, the center of an authorized re-authorization required to each subsystem. Set the parking, access control, patrol, attendance, consumption, and elevator control multiple functions on one card; each subsystem information concentrated in one manag
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