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2018年西北工业大学外国语学院856英语综合知识测试之语言学教程考研核心题库-目录 2018年西北工业大学外国语学院856英语综合知识测试之语言学教程考研核心题库(一) . 2 2018年西北工业大学外国语学院856英语综合知识测试之语言学教程考研核心题库(二) . 11 2018年西北工业大学外国语学院856英语综合知识测试之语言学教程考研核心题库(三) . 21 2018年西北工业大学外国语学院856英语综合知识测试之语言学教程考研核心题库(四) . 34 2018年西北工业大学外国语学院856英语综合知识测试之语言学教程考研核心题库(五) . 44一、Explain-the-fllowing-terms1 Performatives【答案】 Performatives are sentences that do not state a fact or describe a state. They cannot be said to be true or false. The uttering of these sentences is, or is part of, the doing an action. The judge?s imprisonment sentence, the president?s war or independence declaration, etc., are performatives.2 stream of consciousness writing【答案】 The term was originally coined by the philosopher William James in his Principle of Psychology (1890) to describe the free association of ideas and impressions in the mind. It was later applied to the writing of William Faulkner, James Joyce, Virginia Woolf and others experimenting early in the 20th century with the novelistic portrayal of the free flow of thought. Note, however, that the majority of thought presentation in novels is not stream of consciousness writing. The examples we have discussed above are not stream of consciousness writing because they are too orderly to constitute the free association of ideas. Perhaps the most famous piece of stream of consciousness writing is that associated with Leopold Bloom in Joyce?s Ulysses. Here he is in a restaurant thinking about oysters.“Filthy shells. Devil to open them too. Who found them out? Garbage, sewage they feed on. Fizz and Red bank oysters. Effect on the sexual. Aphrodis. (sic ) He was in the Red bank this morning. Was he oyster old fish at table. Perhaps he young flesh in bed. No. June has no ar (sic ) no oysters. But there are people like tainted game. Jugged hare. First catch your hare. Chinese eating eggs fifty years old , blue and green again. Dinner of thirty courses. Each dish harmless might mix inside. Idea for a poison mystery.66 This cognitive meandering is all in the most free version of direct thought. It is also characterised by a highly elliptical sentence structure , with as many grammatical words as possible being removed consistently allowing the reader to be able to infer what is going on. The language is not very cohesive ,and breaks the Gricean maxims of Quantity and Manner. But we must assume that apparently unreasonable writing behaviour is related to a relevant authorial purpose. It is the assumption that Joyce is really cooperating with us at a deeper level , even though he is apparently making our reading difficult, that leads us to conclude that he is trying to evoke a mind working associatively.3 Meaning shiftMeaning shift: In a narrow sense, meaning shift is used to refer to the change of meaning 【答案】that has nothing to do with generalization or restriction such as broadening or narrowing of meaning.4 Broad and narrow transcription【答案】 Broad and narrow transcription: In broad transcription, one letter symbol is used for one sound. In narrow transcription , there are diacritics added to the one letter symbols to show the finer differences between sounds. 5 Distinctive features of speech sounds【答案】 The distinctive feature is a property which distinguishes one phoneme from another. For example , “voicing” is a distinctive feature, since it plays an important role in distinguishing obstruents in English. 6 Corpus【答案】 Corpus is a collection of linguistic data , either compiled as written texts or as a transcription of recorded speech. The main purpose of a corpus is to verify a hypothesis about languagefor example , to determine how the application of a particular sound , word , or syntactic construction varies. 7 Glottal Stop【答案】 V ocal tract is composed of oral cavity, nasal cavity and pharynx. When the vocal folds are totally closed, no air can pass between them. The result of this gesture is the glottal stop. 8 Predication analysis【答案】 Predication analysis is an important step in the analysis of sentential meaning. The predication is the common category shared by propositions, questions, commands, etc. Such analysis is to break down the sentence into its smaller constituents: argument and predicate. The predicate is the major or pivotal element governing the argument. The argument is the logical participant. 9 constituent【答案】 Constituent is a term used in structural sentence analysis for every linguistic unit, which is a part of a larger linguistic unit. Several constituents together form a construction: for example, in the sentence The boy ate the apple, S , the boy , ate the apple , each part is a constituent. (A )(B )(C )Constituents can be joined together with other constituents to form larger units. If two constituents, in the case of the example above , B (the boy ) and C ( ate the apple ) , are joined to form a hie
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