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by li gangthe teaching of culture in the english language education i. introductionin teaching english as a foreign language, the importance of teaching culture has been widely recognized. however how to teach culture in foreign language education is a problem faced by language educators all over the world. in the present thesis concerning linguistic theories and various ways of teaching foreign culture in the english classroom will be surveyed and studied in the light of chinese situation. the present thesis stresses that culture teaching is very essential in the english language education. the teaching of language and the teaching of culture are of the same importance in the english classroom.ii. outlined. hymes andm, a. k.halliday, which have led to a change of focus in english teaching. the theories show us the importance of culture teaching and that language and culture are intertwined, that it is not possible to teach a foreign language without teaching its culture.2.2 the relationship between language and culturei will discuss the relationship between language and culture in this part. what is culture? what is language? is there diversity among cultures? how do language and culture interact?2.3 cultural goalsin this part, i will discuss the cultural goals for chinese students. some advantage will possibly be shown in this study.2.4 teaching culture in the english classroomin this part, i will discuss the content and methods of teaching culture in the english classroom.2.5 conclusionreferencesuniversity press, 19734 halliday, m. a. k. learning how to mean m. new york: elsevier, 19775 hu zhuanglin liu runqing and li yanfu. linguistics: a course book m. beijing: beijing universitypress, 19886 hu, wenzhong. culture and literature j. foreign language teaching and research, 1994(1)7 hudson, r. a. sociolinguistics m. london: cambridge university press. 19978 katan, david. translating cultures m. manchester: st jerome publishing, 1999shanghai translating press, 198810 stern, h, h, issues and options in language teaching m. oxford: oxford university press, 199211 wu, bing. chinese teachersrole in the teaching of american literature j. foreign languageteaching and research, 1994 (4)12 yalden, janice. principles of course design for language teaching m. shanghai: foreignlanguage teaching and research press, 200013 yule, george. the study of language m. shanghai: foreign language teaching and researchpress, 200014 zhu, weifeng. a survey on cultural differences j. foreign language teaching and research,1997(5)15 . : , 199916 . d. , 2004:m c g n j d r s p db cp eba. .j.,():.1,.ni-p.,2001,32(1):51-53.b.b. .,:.2,.,1979:115.c. .a.(in):.c.(,),.3.a.:.(2)c.1998:10-22.d. .a(in):.m.,.4.a.:,.21m.:,2000:1-5.e. .:,.5.:,1998.f. .:,.6.lbb.:,1997. g.p.:,.5.:,1983-08-12.h.s.:,.1gb/t 161591996.s.:,1996.i.,():.5.,1998,12(25):10.j./.:(),/() .21.()eb/ol.:,2005-2-2. 1 (background and research plan)300 2 (outline)3 (references)1 2a4thesis prop
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