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初中最常用必须会拼写的单词(777 词)1. 衣物(37)clothes, skirt, T-shirt, shirt, shoes, boot, running shoes, leather shoes, tie, slipper, cap, hat, pants(裤子), trousers(长裤), shorts(短裤), dress, jacket, coat, blouse, scarf, jeans, overcoat, sportswear(运动装), sneakers(运动鞋), socks, glove, uniform, suit(一套衣服), plain clothes(简朴的衣服), uniform, raincoat, sweater, handbag, stocking(长袜)2.称呼(26) family, grandparents, grandfather, grandpa, grandmother, grandma, granny, grandson, granddaughter, parents, father, dad, mother, mom, mum, husband, wife, son, daughter, uncle, aunt, cousin(堂兄弟,堂姐妹;表兄弟,表姐妹), nephew(侄子,外甥),niece (侄女,甥女)brother, sister.3. 颜色(16) red, white, brown, black, yellow, pink, blue, gray/grey, green, orange, purple, gold, light, dark, colored, colourful4. 职业(68) captain, chairman, chairwoman, fisherman, postman, actor, doctor, educator, sailor, director, hunter, leader, teacher, worker, driver, farmer, cleaner, player, dancer, runner, singer, engineer, interpreter, speaker, reporter, explorer, server, gatekeeper, officer, headmaster, soldier, firefighter, manager, programmer(节目制作者), programmer(程序设计员), carver, gardener, painter, waiter, barber(理发师), photographer(摄影师), pilot, police, model, nurse, servant, athlete, official, boss, artist, dentist, journalist, scientist, host, coach, astronaut, clerk, secretary, volunteer, musician, cook, pupil, student, principal, president, peasant, assistant, customer 5. 公共场所(35) school , zoo, park, bedroom, living room, sitting room, classroom, waiting room, lab, school, home, library, kitchen, doorbell,playground, hill, mountain, desert, forest, plain, bookshop/bookstore, building, bus stop, railway/train station, cinema, hospital, market, museum, office, park, garden, post office, shop/store, toilet 6. 动词(37) 持续性动词live,run,stay,clean,play,hold,watch,teach,read,study,teach,eat,drink,write,dance, sing, smoke等。瞬间性动词begin, arrive, borrow, buy, break, close, come, fall, finish, go, leave, lend, marry, reach, receive, open, sell, start, stop, take off等7. 动物(40) sheep, bear, ant, wolf, lamb, horse, worm(蠕虫), cat, chicken, dog, elephant, lion, monkey, mouse, panda, pig, tiger, butterfly, cow, duck, fox, goose, snake, camel, fly, giraffe, hare, rabbit, tortoise, bird, hen, frog, bee, rabbit, dragon, fish, phoenix, turkey, insect, whale.8. 科目(14) Chinese, Math, English, Politics, Geography, History, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Science, Art, Computer, P.E. Music.9. 天气(20) rain, rainy; snow, snowy; wind, windy; sun, sunny; ice, icy; fog, foggy; cloud, cloudy; hot; cold; warm; dry; wet, cool10.疾病(9)cold, cough, headache, backache, toothache, fever, flu, sore throat, cancer, near-sighted11.身体部位(31) hair, head, eye, ear, nose, mouth, tooth, neck, throat, face, shoulder, hand, arm, elbow, leg, foot, chest, finger, fingernail, stomach, back, knee, lap, heart, lung, blood, bone, skin, toe, thumb, tongue.12.交通工具(12)bus,train,boat,ship,jeep, motorbike, plane, car, train, truck, bicycle, bike13.生活用品(27)bag, basket, bed, brush, chair, candle, clock, cup, desk, fireplace, fridge, glass, handbag, knife, ladder, key, light, line, mirror, pan, phone, plate, pot, table, teapot, bowl, TV14.情绪情感(9) happy, sad, excited, tired, bored, unhappy, angry, worried, pleased15.信息(22) computer, email, network, password,message,online,enter, member,news, information, article, writing, text, passage, title, topic, idea, view, opinion, suggestion, question, weather report16.水果(8) apple, pear, banana, strawberry, tomato, watermelon, grape, orange17.学习用品(11) pencil-box, pen, pencil, eraser/rubber, schoolbag, ink, notebook, book, knife, dictionary, ruler18.体育项目(8) basketball, tennis, surfing, swimming, skating, table-tennis, football, skiing19. 不定代词(29) some(something,somebody,someone),any(anything,anybody,anyone), no(nothing,nobody,no one), every(everything,everybody,everyone),all,each,both,much,many,(a)little,(a)few,other(s),another,none,one,either, neither20. 饮食(45) honey, biscuit, flour, cheese, pie, cookie, curry, porridge, coke (可乐),pizza, pork, ham, butter, potato, tofu, salad, egg, honey, cocoa, sugar, salt, chips, candy, ice cream, sandwich, bread, cake, chicken, fish, hamburger, noodle, chocolate, dumpling, beef, steak, Roast Duck,breakfast, lunch, supper/dinner, tea, drink, wine, water, diet21. 世纪、年、月、日(25) century, year,month, day, yesterday, the day before yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, morning, afternoon, evening, night, midnight, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, October, November, December. 22.星期(7) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.23.四季及时刻(9) Spring, Summer, Fall/Autumn, Winter,hour, quarter, minute, second, 24.方位(33) east, south, west, north, northeast, northwest, southwest, southeast, up, down, upon, between, among, under, beside, near, above, by, behind, before, right, left, close to, across from, next to, in the middle of, in the center of, in the front of, in front of, at the back of, o
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