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钟英小学四年级英语入学测试卷(B卷)检测时间:40分钟 总分:100分 姓名_ 得分:_一、选出不同类的一项 (10分)1( )A. cool B. cold C. weather D. hot2( )A. socks B. clothes C. jeans D. pants3( )A. shorts B. snowy C. rainy D. windy4( )A. jacket B. skirt C. shirt D. today5( )A. sunny B. football C. cloudy D. warm二、中英文匹配(10分) A B( ) 1.what colour A. 多少只羊( ) 2. how many sheep B. 去操场( ) 3.go to the playground C. 什么颜色( ) 4. weather report D. 在二楼( ) 5. on the second floor E. 天气预报三、单项选择(20分)( ) 1.-_that a door ? A am B Is C do ( ) 2. -Where is the canteen? -Its _the first floor. A on B in C to ( ) 3. Its time _go to school. A. for B to C to have( ) 4. - _ is your book? - It is red and brown. A. What colour B. What C .Where( ) 5. -What _ is it now? -Its 7 o clock. A. size B. time C. colour( ) 6. How much _ this sweater? A is B are C /( ) 7. -Are they horses? - _,they are dankeys.A Yes , it is. B Yes ,they are not. C No , theyre not( ) 8. How many _ are there ? A sheeps B sheep C sheepes( ) 9. The shoes are my _.A baby brother B baby brothers C baby brothers( ) 10 -Welcome to our school. _ ,pleaseA This way B Here C look at 四、根据中文提示和单词的首字母填入短文所缺的单词。(10分)1、My r_(红色的) shoes are in the l_(图书室). 2、My yellow j_(夹克衫) is in the c_(餐厅). 3、My b_(蓝色的) bag is in the c_(电脑) room. 4、My g_(绿色的) s_(毛衣) is in the g_(体育室).5、My brown T-shirt is in the p_(操场).五、请把所给单词按正确顺序排好,连成一句话。(15分)1. I , Can , my , wear , today , shirt , new , ( ? ) 2. are, much , apples , the , How , ( ? ) 3. is, time , What, now , it , ( ? ) 4. books, Where , my , are, ( ? ) 5. to , go , Lets , playground , the , 六、选择合适的单词填空,并翻译句子( 15分) Where, red, much, on, Are, 1. I like the _ jacket. 2. How _ are the books? 3. The canteen is _ the first floor. 4. _ is your T-shirt? 5. - _ they hens? -No, they are not. 七、根据问题,选择正确的答语,并将其字母序号填入题前括号内。(每小题2分,共10分。)( )1. What is it? A. Its on the first floor. B. Its washroom.( ) 2. What is the time? A.Its 6:05. B.Fourty-five. ( )3. What color is it? A. Its 5:00. B. Its red. ( )4. Is it a tree? A. Its blue. B. Yes, it is.( )5. What is it in the box? A. Its my blue dress. B. My dress is green.八、 阅读短文,判断对错( 10分 ) My name is Amy, I am 11years old. I am in Chengdu city. I t is sunny and very hot now. I want to have a red skirt. I like red. Tomorrow I can wear my dress to school .This is a picture of my school. It is very beautiful .This the garden, it is so big .We have lunch at school. The canteen is on the second floor. We have Chinese class, math class, English class, computer class, music class and so on. Music class is my love. And I love my school.( ) 1. Amy is ten years old.( ) 2. Chengdu is sunny and hot now.( ) 3 Amy has a green skirt.( ) 4. There is a big garden in Amys school.( ) 5. Amy likes music class.4
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