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II. WAR CRIME OF EXCESSIVE INCIDENTAL DEATH, INJURY OR DAMAGE 1. General Reed Committed War Crime of Excessive Incidental Death, Injury, or Damage Apart from the common elements stated above, war crime of excessive incidental death, injury or damage still requires the following elements: 1.1. The attacks caused excessive death, injury and damages General Reed violated the principle of proportionality. The principle of proportionality required that any incidental damage to civilians must within the proportion to the direct military advantage gained by the military attack.1 Military objectives are those which by their nature, location, purpose or use make an effective contribution to military action and whose total or partial destruction offers a definite military advantage.2 The BAS factory was used to produce the explosive devices and made an effective contribution to military action, and the destruction of it would offer a definite military advantage.3 Bing, as a commander of DKF (a paramilitary group in Kebia), made an effective contribution to the military action and his death offers a definite military advantage. Therefore, the factory and Bing can be justified as military objectives. The concrete and direct military advantage anticipated here was the destruction of the factory and the killing of Bing. Civilians are persons who are not, or no longer, members of the armed forces.4 The workers in the factory, Bings family and other residents in this building were civilians, the death and injury of who shall be justified as incidental loss. 1 ICTY, Prosecutor v Kupreki(TJ), Case No. IT-95-16-T, para.524. 2API GC, Article 52(2). 3 Moot Problem, para.18-25. 4ICTY, Prosecutor v Blaki(TJ), Case No.IT-95-14-T, para.751. General Reed failed to keep balance between the military advantage and incidental loss. In determining whether an attack was proportionate, it is necessary to examine whether a reasonable well-informed commander make a balanced decision between the military advantage and incidental loss.5 In reference to the Israel attack on the Gaza police force, the Mission claimed that the attack was disproportional for the Israel party failed to strike an acceptable balance between the direct military advantage anticipated (i.e. the killing of those policemen who may have been members of Palestinian armed groups) and the loss of civilian life (i.e. the other policemen killed and members of the public who would inevitably have been present or in the vicinity).6 Accordingly, the workers were inevitably present or in the vicinity of the factory at the time of attack, and it was the same with Bing family and other residents in Bings apartment. The loss of these civilian lives was not balanced with the military advantage anticipated (i.e. the destruction of the factory and the killing of Bing). Thus, the attacks were disproportionate. 1.2. General Reed should have known the attacks would cause excessive damages. The negligence standard of “should have known“ is met when the perpetrator lacked such knowledge because he did not act with due diligence in the relevant circumstances.7 General Reed should have known that the attack would cause excessive damages if he had taken due diligence, i.e. his duty to take precautions in the attacks. The precautions General Reed should take include: (i) the choice of method of attack; (ii) effective advanced warning before attack.8 5ICTY, Prosecutor vGarli(TJ), Case No.IT-98-29-T, para.58. 6 Report of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict, para.432-437. 7Prosecutor v. Katanga(TJ), ICC-01/04-01/07-717 01-10-2008 1/226 VW PT, para.252. 8API GC, Article 57. 8 ICTY, Prosecutor vBlaki (TJ), Case No.IT-95-14-T, para.50. (i)General Reed failed to choose proper methods of attack to be used to prevent or minimize loss or damage to the civilians.9 According to the Blaki case, the method used in an attack is important in determining whether the attack is proportionate.10 Hence, if there is a choice of methods of attack available, a commander should select those which are most likely to avoid, or at least minimize, incidental damage.11 First, in order to avoid hitting the people working in the factory, the attacks shall take place on days or at times when the factory were empty; the desired effect is to destroy the factory without killing the workers.12 However, General Reed chose to attack the factory when the workers were still in the factory which General Reed should have known from the observation of the reconnaissance. Such attack caused excessive damages to the civilians. Second, the method of attack against Bing was deemed to be disproportionate. In order to kill Bing, General Reed could have chosen another method which would not imperil the civilians and civilian objects. Additionally, the time of attack13 General Reed chose to attack Bings building at the time when the residents were asleep, which gave rise to the risk of excessive civilian c
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