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湖南省2017年普通高等学校对口招生考试科 目 : 英语类综合(试题卷)注意事项:1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号写在答题卡和本试题卷的封面上,并认真核对答题卡条形码上的姓名、准考证号和科目。 2. 选择题和非选择题均须在答题卡上作答,在本试题卷和草稿纸上作答无效。考生在答题卡上按如下要求答题(1)选择题部分请用 2B 铅笔将答案填涂在题号下选项所对应的方框内,修改时用橡皮擦干净 不留痕迹。(2) 非选择题部分请按题号用 0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔书写, 否则作答无效。(3)请勿折叠答题卡,并保持字体工整、笔迹清晰、卡面清洁。3. 本试题卷共 6 页,如缺页,考生请及时报告监考老师,否则后果自负。4. 考试结束时,将本试题卷和答题卡一并交回。 姓 名 准考证号 祝 你 考 试 顺 利机密启用前湖南省2017 年普通高等学校对口招生考试英语类专业综合知识试题 本试题卷共七大题,共10页。请在答题卡上作答。时量150分钟,满分390分。. 词汇与结构(本大题分选择题和词形填空两部分,共60分) ()单项选择题(从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)1. Nowadays pollution is rather serious, so every one of us has a role in making the earth a better place to live in.A. to be playing B. to have playedC. to be played D. to play2. As I have an appointment with Mr. Black, fifteen minutes all that I can spare totalk with you.A. be B. is C. are D. was3. The boy students a basketball match now. Lets go and watch.A. are having B. has C. is having D. have4. When the Johnsons returned home from the theatre that night, they found that a lot of valuable things .A. has been stolen B. had been stolen C. has stolen D. had stolen5. 0nly when you have made plenty of market research and obtained sufficient data come to a sound conclusion.A. can you B. would you C. you can D. you would6. May I have a word with Mr. Copper is in charge of Marketing Department please?A. when B. why C. who D. which7. We had planted five thousand trees the end of April.A. at B. by C. with D. in8. China has a history of more than 4, 000 years.A. record B. Recording C. recorded D. be recorded9. What are you going to do tonight? I have to write a term-paper in English.A. 1,000 words B. 1, 000word C. 1, 000-words D. 1, 000-word 10. How would you like the party yesterday evening? Wonderful. If you had come with us, you a good time.A. had had B. would hllvcC. would have had D. had()词形填空(用所给词汇的适当形式填空。共10小题,每小题3分,共30分)11. The present contract (come) into effect on the first day of July 2017.12. What did you do in the garage this afternoon? I watched my father (repair) his car.13. The manager made a request that the problem (discuss) at the meeting.14. Youd better give up smoking if you want to keep (health).15. My family is going to move to the countryside because the air there is much (fresh)than that in the city.16. weve just installed central heating, which will make a tremendous (different) to the house next winter.17. A 23-year-old man was (serious) injured in a shooting incident which happened on Sunday night.18. G20 is held among (country) of different interests to talk about peace andcooperation, but thats exactly where many states cannot achieve an agreement.19. I was (surprise) to find the ground was covered with faded flowers.20. You forgot your dictionary? You may use (my).II.完形填空(从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。本大题共20小题,每小题2分,共40分)The 21 stay at one place just for a very 22 time, but theyd like to know as much knowledge as possible 23 the place, so a tour guide 24 cherish all the time to give more information to the tourists. In some big 25 the way 26 the hotel to thescenic spot is very long, 27 ,one or two hours 28 , even in some small cities, itll be 29than ten or twenty minutes. Because the tourists know almost 30 about the scenery, on the way to it, the tour guide must briefly say something about it. In this way, the group wont 31 a long time standing and listening in the crowded scenic spot, and it can help them to have a better understanding of 32 view. So the introduction must 33 the most important points of the scenic spot, 34 for a man-made scenic spot, the introduction may include the historical background, culture, feature, layout, or some 35 stories, etc.Besides the above tasks 36 the tour guide has. 37 important task. It is to assurethe security of the tourists and 38 troubles for the tourists, During the peak season. It must be very crowded in the scenic spots, and there must be many 39 in the parking lot, but the tourists have no idea about all of these , so the tour guide be very 40 21. A. tourists B. people C. crowd D. residents22. A. bad B. good C. short D. long 23. A. about B. in C. for D. as24. A. dare B. might C. must D. ought25. A. provinces B. towns C. countries D. cities26. A. on
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