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Whats your dream job?,shop assistant,店员,医生,doctor,actor,演员(男),actress,女演员,reporter,记者 通讯员,policeman,警察(男),policewoman,女警察,waiter,侍者 服务员(男性),waitress,女服务员,bank clerk 银行职员,Teacher 老师,Nurse 护士,Worker工人,Farmer农民,Driver司机,Astronaut宇航员,Athlete运动员,歌手singer,Barber理发师,Musician音乐家,Artist画家,Scientist科学家,Lets play a guessing game!,Policeman,policewoman,Bank clerk,waiter,waitress,reporter,doctor,本节重点询问某人职业的方式 例:what does he do?,想一想,下面的句子如何说?,what do they do?,他们是做什么的?,what do you do?,你是做什么的?,what does his sister do?,他的姐姐是做什么的?,what does your father do?,你的父亲是做什么的?,what does she do?,她是做什么的?,Q:观察一下,利用这个句型询问某人职业时,助动词的使用与什么有关?,A:助动词的使用与主语的人称有关 人称为第三人称单数,助动词用does 其他人称,助动词用do,拓展一下吧询问职业还有其他方法吗? 例:what is he ?,想一想,下面的句子如何说?,what are they ?,他们是做什么的?,what are you ?,你是做什么的?,what is his sister ?,他的姐姐是做什么的?,what is your father ?,你的父亲是做什么的?,what is she ?,她是做什么的?,Q:观察一下,利用这个句型询问某人职业时,动词的使用与什么有关?,A:动词的使用与主语的人称有关 人称为第三人称单数,动词用is 其他人称,动词用are,拓展二询问职业还有其他方法吗? 例:what is his job ?,想一想,下面的句子如何说?,what is their job ?,他们是做什么的?,what is your job ?,你是做什么的?,what is his sisters job ?,他的姐姐是做什么的?,what is your fathers job ?,你的父亲是做什么的?,what is her job ?,她是做什么的?,Q:观察一下,利用这个句型询问某人职业时,动词的使用与什么有关?,A:在这个句型中,主语都是 job(是单数名词) 所以,谓语动词都用 is,该小结了!询问某人职业方法,1、what does he do? 2、what is he? 3、what is his job?,Work in pairs,1、ask and answer questions about the jobs of the people in the pictures. 2、talk about the jobs of your family members.,homework,1、the spelling of the key words. 2、talk about the jobs.,Thank you!,
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