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PEP6 primary English,PartB Lets talk,reading a book,cooking dinner,answering the phone,doing the dishes,drawing pictures,Mike: Hello. ZhangPeng: Hi, Mike.This is ZhangPeng. What are you doing? Mike: I am,listening to music.,listen to music,Mike, What are you doing?,I am,She is washing the clothes.,What is your mom doing?,wash the clothes,He is cleaning the room.,What is your brother doing?,clean the room,What is your sister doing?,write a letter,ing a letter.,Shes writ,e,Hes writing an e-mail.,write an e-mail,What is your father doing?,Bomb,Dont read the words with bombs, otherwise it will blow up.,Game 1,(带有炸弹的单词不能读哦,它会爆炸的!),Game 1,listening to music washing the clothes cleaning the room writing a letter writing an e-mail,Memory star记忆之星,Remember the words in 30 seconds,Game 1,30秒时间内记住所有图片的顺序及内容,Game 2,What is _ doing ? She/He is _.,Pair work: A: What is John doing ? B: He is watching TV .,Group game小组游戏:,1.2.3,小组内喊“one two three”开始,每人同时做一个动作,并在小组内进行谈论,G,w,r,u,o,r,k,(Talk about sb. is doing sth.)。,reading English,o,p,I can write,1 point (1 sentence) 2 points(2 sentences) 3 points(3 sentences),ChenXia is reading English.,playing computer games,sleeping in class,eating in class,A young idler, an old beggar 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲,Homework,Listen to the tape and read after it. 做同步精练中的相应习题。 Write:利用所学的内容,写一写你的家庭成员在晚上8:00时分别在做什么事情。(提示:用现在进行时态写),Thank you,
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