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Plot 样方Treatment 处理materials 材料field trial 大田试验design 设计sample 样品斑块patch 半荒漠semi-desert 伴生种companion species 饱和密度saturation density 北方针叶林northern conifer forest 本能instinct 本能行为instinctive behavior 避敌avoiding predator 边缘效应edge effect 变异性variability 表现型适应phenotypic adaptation 并行的simultaneous 捕食predation 不重叠的non-overlapping 草原生态系统grassland system 层次性结构hierachical structure 长日照植物long day plant 尺度效应scaling effect 臭氧层破坏ozone layer destruction 出生率natality或birth rate 初级生产者primary producer 传感器sensor 垂直结构vertical structure 春化vernalization 次生演替secondary successon 存活曲线survival curve 存活值survival value 存在度presence 单元的monothetic 淡水生态系统fresh water ecosystem 氮循环nitrogen cycling 等级的hierarchical 地带性生物群落biome 地理信息系统geographic information system 地面芽植物hemicryptophytes 地上芽植物chamaephytes 点突变genic mutation或point mutation 顶极阶段climax stage 顶极群落climax community 顶极种climax species 动态平衡理论dynamic equilibrium theory 短日照植物short day plant 断层gaps 多度abundance 多样化variety 多元的poly thetic厄尔尼诺El Nino 反馈feedback 反射reflex 泛化种generalist 防卫行为defennce behavior 非生物环境physical environment 非线性关系nonlinear 分布dispersion 分解者decomposer 分子进化的中性理论the neutral theory of molecular evolution 分子生态学molecular ecology 浮游动物plankton 负反馈negative feedback) 负相互作用negative interaction 复合种群metapopulation 富营养化现象eutrohication 改良relamation 盖度coverage 盖度比cover ratio 干扰disturbance 干扰作用interference 高度height 高斯假说Coarses hypothesis 高位芽植物phanerophytes 个体individual 更新renewal 功能生态位functional niche 关键种keystone species 关联系数association coefficients 光饱和点light saturation point 光补偿点light compensation point 光周期photoperiod 旱生植物siccocolous 红树林mangrove 呼吸量respiration 互利mutualism 互利作用synomonal 化感作用allelopathy 化学生态学chemical ecology 环境environment 环境容纳量environmental carryin capacity 荒漠desert 荒漠化desertification 荒漠生态系统desert ecosystem 黄化现象eitiolation phenomenon 恢复生态学restoration ecology 混合型mixed type 基础生态位Fundamental niche 基质matrix 集群型clumped 寄生parasitism 加速期accelerating phase 价值value 间接排序indirect ordination 间接梯度分析indirect gradiant analysis 减速期decelerating phase 简单聚合法lumping 碱性植物alkaline soil plant 建群种constructive species 进化适应evolutionary adaptation 经典型复合种群classic metapopulation 经济密度economic density 景观landscape 景观格局landscape patten 景观过程模型process based landscape model 景观结构landscape structure 景观空间动态模型spatial dynamic landscape model 景观生态学landscape ecology 竞争competition 竞争排斥原理competition exclusion principle 距离效应distance effect 聚合的agglomerative 均匀型uniform 可持续发展sustainable development 空间结构spatial structure 空间模型spatial model 空间生态位spatial niche 空间异质性spatial heterogeneity 库pool 廊道corridor 离散性discrete 利己作用allomona 利他作用kairomonal 猎食行为hunting behavior 林冠火crown fire 磷循环phosphorus cycling 零假说null hypothesis 领域性territoriality 流flow 逻辑斯谛方程logistic equation 密度density 密度比density ratio 密度制约死亡densitydependent mortality 面积效应area effect 灭绝extinction 模拟hametic 模型modeling 内稳态homeostasis 内在的intrinsic 耐阴植物shadeenduring plants 能量分配原则principle of energy allocation 能量流动energy flow 年龄分布age distribution 年龄结构age structure 偶见种rare species 排序ordination 配额quota 配偶选择mate selection 偏害amensalism 偏利commensalism 频度frequency 平衡选择balancing selection 平台plantform 平行进化parallel evolution 栖息地habitat 气候驯化acclimatisation 器官organs 趋光性phototaxis 趋化性chemotaxis 趋同进化convergent evolution 趋性taxis 趋异进化divergent evolution 趋异适应radiation adaptation 取样调查法sampling methods 去除取样法removal sampling 全球变暖global warnning 全球定位系统global Positioning System 全球生态学global ecology 群丛association 群丛组association group 群落community 群落的垂直结构vertical structure 群落生态学community ecology 群落水平格局horizontal pattern 群落外貌physiognomy 群落演替succession 群系formation 群系组formation group 热带旱生林tropical dry forest 热带季雨林tropical seasonal rainforest 热带稀树草原tropical savanna 热带雨林tropical rainforest 热力学第一定律first law of thermodynamics 人工斑块introduced patch 人工廊道introduced corridor 人口调查法cencus technique 人口统计学human demography 日中性植物day neutral plant 冗余 redundancy
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