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全国中等职业技术学校家政与社区服务专业家政服务英语教材(说+读各24篇课文)Unit OneMr. Bakers FamilyLEARN TO SAYD : Good afternoon, Mr. Baker.H : Hello. How are you?D : Fine, thanks. Nice to see you.H: Nice to see you, too. My name is John Baker. This is my father, and this is my wife,Catherine.Hs: Hi, glad to meet you.D: Glad to meet you, too. My English name is Mary.H : Then we can call you Mary?D : Yes, please. I would like that. Hs: Have some coffee, please.D : Thank you. I was told I would come to a family of five in which there are two lovely children.H : Aha. Yeah. Come on, Brian and Lucia. This is Mary. Mary, this is my son and my daughter.D : Hello, Brian. Hello, Lucia.Children: Hi, Mary!D: Shall I begin my work today or tomorrow, Mr. Baker?H : Tomorrow. So we can have time to show you around. There are a number of rooms in thishouse. Its not easy to get them clean and tidy after Brian and Lucia mess them.D : Oh, dont worry. I think I can handle it. Ill do my best. But if I do anything wrong,please let me know.H : OK. Now, lets show you the kitchen first.LEARN TO READThis is my first day in Mr. Bakers home. Now he is showing me around his house. We enter the kitchen first. Oh! What a big kitchen!Unit TwoIntroductionsLEARN TO SAYH : Mary! These are my friends, Mr. and Mrs. Davies. They are from California. Theyll stay fortwo nights. Please help them take their bags to their bedroom.D : Oh, glad to see you, Mr. and Mrs. Davies. Weve been waiting for you the whole morning.Mr. Davies : Youre Mary, right? John says you are doing a good job.D : Thanks. Mr. and Mrs. Baker have taught me a lot.Mrs. Davies : Everything looks bright and tidy. Oh, what beautiful flowers!D : Mrs. Baker asked me to get them early in the morning. She says the fresh flowers will reduceyour tiredness from the trip. Its such a long trip from California to here, isnt it?Mrs. Davies : Yeah. We will have a good rest and then begin our tour around China.D : Its so exciting. I can be your guide in my hometown, near the Three Gorges, if you gothere.Mr. Davies : Thatll be great. I think we will.LEARN TO READMr. and Mrs. Davies will stay for two nights at the Bakers. This is the bedroom they will stayin.Unit ThreeServing a GuestLEARN TO SAYGuest: Hello! Im Sam Hunter, Mr. Bakers friend. Is Mr. Baker in?D: Not at the moment. But he told me he was expecting a Mr. Hunter. He had an urgent matterand had to go out. He said he will be back in ten minutes. Please come in and sit down.Guest: Thanks.D : What would you like to drink, sir?Guest: Tea, please. With ice.D; Its rather hot today. We have fresh watermelon in the fridge. Would you like a piece?Guest: No, thanks.D: Mr. Baker asked me to prepare your favourite food, crab and lobster.Guest: Thank you.D: (Hearing the ring at the door) There comes Mr. Baker.LEARN TO READLook! The living room of the Bakers is large.Unit FourTelephone CallsLEARN TO SAY(The telephone rings. )D: Hello, this is the Bakers.Guest: Hello, this is Lisa, Lisa Rice. Is Mr. Baker in?D: Sorry, he wont be home until seven this evening. May I take a message?Guest: OK. This is Lisa Rice, Mr. Bakers co-worker. There will be a meeting in the companyat 8:00 tomorrow morning. He must be there on time.D: Ive got it. Shall I write down your telephone number?Guest: I dont think so. He has it.D: Ill tell Mr. Baker about it as soon as he comes back.Guest: Thanks. Bye.D: Bye.LEARN TO READSometimes, Mr. Baker works at home. The modern communications help him a lot. He has a telephone, a mobile phone, a fax machine, and a computer. He can deal with his work or get information through Internet. On weekends, he often e-mails or chats with his friends. Unit FiveApologiesLEARN TO SAYD: Im terribly sorry! I broke one of the plates while setting the table. I hope I can pay for it.H: It doesnt matter. Youre always doing well. It was an accident, wasnt it?D: Yes, but it doesnt make any difference. The plate slipped through my fingers. I shouldhave avoided that. I cant say how sorry I am.H : Take it easy. Theres no reason to spoil a whole days work with such a trifle.D: Oh, thank you for pardoning me.H : Cheer up! Or you may have to apologize for a second plate.D : OK. Thanks.LEARN TO READIt is half past six in the evening. I am setting the table. Today, I must be careful. Yester-day, I broke a plate when I set the table.Unit SixCleaning RoomsLEARN TO SAYD: Good morning, Mr. Baker. May I come in?H : Yes, what is it?D : Im sorry to disturb you, sir, but wed like to clean the room. May I do it now?H : Well, Im a bit tied up at the moment.D : What time would be convenient, sir?H : Let me see. Could you come again around 11:00 a. m. ?D : Im afraid no cleaning can be done between the hours of 11 :00 a. m. and noon, sir. S
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