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HotEssay论文网(hotessay.cn)-专业paper写作,report写作辅导中心艺术类paper写作-新时期多元化的音乐教学模式Diversified music teaching is a music teaching mode that ADAPTS to the requirements of the new era. According to the training objectives, course nature, teaching objectives and requirements and the learning needs of individual students, this kind of diversified teaching aims to change the limitation and closure of teaching contents, the old and single teaching methods, as well as the hindrance and backwardness of teaching evaluation. The establishment of diversified music teaching mode is the inevitable requirement of quality education, the need of individualized teaching and the need of multi-type, multi-specification and multi-level development of education and teaching.多元化音乐教学是适应新时代要求的音乐教学模式。根据培养目标、课程性质、教学目标和要求以及学生个体的学习需要,这种多样化的教学旨在改变教学内容的局限性和封闭性,改变以往单一的教学方法。以及教学评价的阻碍和落后。建立多元化的音乐教学模式是素质教育的必然要求,是个性化教学的需要,是教育教学多类型、多规格、多层次发展的需要。The introduction of new knowledge in teaching is emphasized while the content of teaching is evolving. The content of music textbooks should have the breath of the new era, conform to the aesthetic taste of modern society, and meet the requirements of cultivating the all-round development of students in the new era. At present, there are still some drawbacks in the setting of music subject textbooks in China, such as monotonous and boring course content, unreasonable structure and unsound function. Therefore, it is necessary to realize the diversification of the teaching content, change the over-emphasis of the teaching content on the construction of the discipline system, break away from the situation of the society and the reality of life, and make the music teaching material more contemporary and practical, so as to promote the development of students in all aspects. Different stages of the music curriculum should be based on different stages of students age and psychological characteristics, the music learning and other disciplines, games, and combine the real life, make the abstract complex music knowledge become lively and interesting, make dull skill training becomes specific image, thus made the music knowledge, easy to learn.在教学内容不断演变的同时,强调在教学中引入新知识。音乐教材内容应具有新时代气息,符合现代社会审美情趣,适应新时期培养学生全面发展的要求。目前,我国音乐学科教材设置仍存在课程内容单调乏味、结构不合理、功能不健全等弊端。因此,要实现教学内容的多样化,改变教学内容过于强调学科体系建设的局面,脱离社会实际和生活实际,使音乐教材更具时代性和实用性,从而促进学生各方面的发展。音乐课程的不同阶段应根据不同阶段学生的年龄和心理特点,将音乐学习与其他学科、游戏结合起来,使抽象复杂的音乐知识变得生动有趣,使枯燥的技能训练成为具体的形象,从而使音乐知识易学。Strengthen the interaction with other subject knowledge, the teaching content should be diverse and vivid. Music teaching is not an isolated subject, it is closely related to many subjects. In the process of music teaching and learning, emotional experience of music is indispensable, which involves peoples psychological factors. Therefore, mastering certain psychological knowledge can contribute to the understanding of emotions such as joy, anger, sorrow and joy in music learning. At the same time, music comes from social life. Many music works are descriptions and interpretations of social life. To better understand music works, students must have a good understanding of social life. In addition, music is also related to literature, painting, dance, education, physiology, logic, linguistics, politics, history, geography and other disciplines to varying degrees. Therefore, the content of music teaching must not be a single teaching of music knowledge. Only by seeking interdisciplinary cooperation on the basis of humanities can music teaching reflect its breadth and depth.加强与其他学科知识的互动,教学内容应多样化、生动化。音乐教学不是一门孤立的学科,它与许多学科密切相关。在音乐教学过程中,音乐情感体验是必不可少的,它涉及到人们的心理因素。因此,掌握一定的心理知识有助于理解音乐学习中的喜怒哀乐等情绪。同时,音乐来自社会生活。许多音乐作品都是对社会生活的描述和诠释。要更好地理解音乐作品,学生必须对社会生活有很好的了解。此外,音乐还不同程度地与文学、绘画、舞蹈、教育、生理学、逻辑学、语言学、政治学、历史学、地理学等学科有关。因此,音乐教学的内容不能是单一的音乐知识教学。只有在人文基础上寻求跨学科合作,音乐教学才能体现其广度和深度。The content of teaching should be enriched and innovated. Music is the art of life, the content of the music teaching is dynamic, rather than the immutable, combining music teaching and real life, to add the popular factors in real life to the content of teaching, fully tap some taste, conform to the students can make students interested in the teaching material content, make the teaching material content more rich and novel, so as to mobilize students learning enthusiasm. In life there are a lot of can be applied to the subject of music teaching, such as in real life, we can hear the sounds, the wind, rain and the sound of water, a variety of animal calls and machines roar, the common and familiar to the teaching of a variety of voice, let the students to imitate, will certainly have different teaching effect.教学内容要丰富和创新。音乐是“生活”的艺术,音乐教学的内容是“动态的”,而不是一成不变的,把音乐教学和现实生活结合起来,把现实生活中的流行因素加入到教学内容中,充分挖掘一些品位,顺应学生的需要,可以使学生对教材内容产生兴趣,使教材内容更加丰富新颖,从而调动学生的学习积极性。在生活中有很多可以应用到音乐教学的课题,比如在现实生活中,我们可以听到各种声音,风声,雨声和水声,各种动物的叫声和机器的轰鸣,常见的和熟悉的各种声音的教学,让学生去模仿,一定会有不同的教学效果。Situational teaching refers to a teaching mode that makes full use of images, creates typical scen
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