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Review & Check Unit1-Unit4Unit1-Unit4课文重点内容详解:1. What subjects do you like? I like English and Maths. Me too.1) “What subjects do you like?”意思是:你喜欢什么科目?这个时候,subject后面一般会加上“-s”。如果询问“你喜欢哪门课?”,这时候我们可以用”Which subject do you like?”来表示。2) “Me too”是”我也是“意思。2. Oh! Its time for PE. Lets go to the playground.1) 表示“该是的时候了。/的时候到了。”我们可以用以下两种句型来表达: Its time for sth. = Its time to do sth. eg.: Its time for breakfast. = Its time to have breakfast. 2) Lets = Let us 让我们拓展:在操场上:in the playground 英,on the playground 美3. What lessons do we have this morning?1) lesson的意思是“课、课程”。2) “今天早上、下午和晚上”用“this morning/ afternoon/ evening”来表示,且此时在“this”前不需要加上介词。3) “have”的三单形式是:has 。4. I like PE. Its fun.1) PE是“physics education”的首字母缩写。2) “Its fun.”相当于“Its interesting.”,是“很有趣。”的意思。“fun”是不可数名词,表示“乐趣,有趣的事”。拓展:have fun = have a good time 玩得很开心5. What day is it today? Its Wednesday.问“星期几”的英语表达方式:What day is it today? = Whats the day today?英语国家把“星期日”作为一个星期的第一天(“the first day of a week)。一个星期七天的英语表达方式:Monday星期一,Tuesday星期二,Wednesday星期三,Thursday星期四,Friday星期五,Saturday星期六,Sunday星期天。拓展:表示在具体的“星期几”的时候,要用介词on。介词on通常用在表示具体的某一天之前。如:在周六on Saturday;在周六早晨on Saturday morning。而如果没有说具体某一天的早晨,我们仍然用介词in:in the morning/ afternoon/ evening 在早上/下午/晚上。6. I have a swimming lesson. 我有一节游泳课。“swim”是以重读闭音节结尾的单词,后面加上“ing”时,要先双写最后一个辅音“m”。类似的动词有:run-running(跑、跑步),shop-shopping(购物、逛街),sit-sitting(坐),jog-jogging(慢跑),chat-chatting(闲聊、聊天),etc.。7. What a pity!(感叹句)真遗憾啊!类似的结构有:What a big egg! 多么大的一个鸡蛋啊! What a beautiful flower! 多么漂亮的一朵花啊!8. What about Saturday? We dont have any lesson on Saturday. All right.1) “What about . ?”= How about . ? 怎么样?此句型用来表示”提议和询问“,后接名词、代词和动名词形式。eg.: What about going to the park? 去公园怎么样? How about going swimming? 去游泳怎么样?2) “dont”是一般现在时中,当主语非第三人称单数时,疑问句和否定句中,要用do和dont作助动词,后接动词原形。拓展:当主语是第三人称单数(he, she, it)时,要用助动词does和doesnt 。3) all right = Ok拓展:Thats all right. 没关系。/不用谢。4) 在一般情况下,some用于肯定句,而any用于否定句和疑问句。但当出现下列句型时,我们仍使用some,而不用any:Would you like some bananas? 您要一些香蕉吗?Do you want some tea? 您要一些茶吗?Can I have something to drink? 我能要一些喝的吗?9. I get up at seven. I usually go to school at seven forty. I have four lessons in the morning. I have lunch at twelve.1) get up 起床与get相关的词组拓展:get on 上车 get off 下车usually通常,是表示频度的副词,常用于一般现在时中。在英语中,表示频率的副词还有:always总是,oftern经常,sometimes有时,seldom很少、极少,hardly几乎不,never从不,etc.。2) go to school 去上学拓展:come/go home回家,go to bed去睡觉,go to hospital去医院,go to church去做礼拜3) in the morning 在早上表示具体某一天的早晨、中午、晚上,要用介词on,如:on Saturday morning,on a cold evening4) have lunch 吃午饭拓展:have breakfast吃早饭,have supper = have dinner吃晚饭注意:在早、中、晚饭前不加定冠词“the”。at seven/ senven forty/ twelve 都是表示具体的时间点,要用介词at 。5) 具体时间的表达方式:在8点:at eight ( oclock )在8点半:at half past eight = at eight thirty在8点10分:at ten past eight = at eight ten在8点50分:at ten to nine = at eight fifty在8点一刻:at a quarter past eight = at eight fifteen在8点三刻:at a quarter to nine = at eight forty-five练习:1: 58 的英语表达 _10. I have two lessons in the afternoon. I play football at four and go home at four forty. I do my homework at five thirty.1) “play”的用法:play + 运动名称,注意在运动名称前不能加定冠词“the”,如:play volleyball 打排球play + 棋牌类游戏名称,如:play (Chinese) chess 下(象)棋;play cards 打牌play + the + 乐器类名称,注意在乐器类名称前要加定冠词“the”,如:play the piano 弹钢琴;play the violin 拉小提琴;play the guitar 弹吉他play + with + sb.(某人)/ sth.(某物),如:play with me和我玩;play with ballons(气球)/ lanterns(灯笼)play games 玩游戏2) do ones homework 做(某人的)家(庭)作(业)“work”作为名词,表示“工作”时,是不可数名词;“work”还可作为动词,表示“工作”。拓展:do housework 做家务11. I usually have dinner at six fifteen and watch TV at seven. I go to bed at nine every day.1) 06:15的英语表达方式:six fifteen = a quarter past six2) go to bed 去睡觉3) every day 每天拓展:every second/ minute/ hour/ week/ month/ year 每秒/ 分钟/ 小时/ 周/ 月/ 年12. Im hungry, Sam. 山姆,我饿了。 When do you have dinner every day? 你每天几点吃晚饭? At six. 六点。1) hungry adj. 饿了的;饥饿的 【反义词】full同类词:thirsty 渴的;口渴的2) “When”,特殊疑问词,表示“什么时候”,相当于“What time”,只不过“What time”表示的时间比“When”更具体,更精确。在英语中,小学阶段学到的特殊疑问词除了“When”之外,还有:What 什么 What + n. ( eg. What colour/ class 什么颜色/ 班级,etc.)Which 哪一个,哪个 Who 谁 Whom 谁(宾格) Whose 谁的When 什么时候 Where 在哪里 Why 为什么How 怎样(表方式) How about . ? = What about + (doing) sth. ? (做) 事怎么样? How many + 可数名词复数 + (are there) ? (有) 多少? eg.: How many teachers are there in your school? 你们学校有多少老师? How many ball games can you play? 你能打多少种球? How much 表示“多少钱”? 实际上是“How much money”的缩略问句,“money”意为“钱”,是不可数名词,在口语中一般省略“money”,直接用“How much”表示“多少钱”。 How much + 不可数名词 + ( is there) ? (有) 多少? eg.: How much water is there in the bottle? 瓶子里有多少水? How much time do we have to do our homework? 我们有多少时间做家庭作业?3) every + day
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