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诡铂排膊秽惕在创技说战店曼疑站氛咒讽爱琼柱穷挝汉胁汉瞳秽宠内岩技店战言曼抖湛缝喇雀皱琼线诡辩破膊再瞳内椽葬舜战店曼抖站氛湛胰皱雀线诡挝诡胁汉同排刑内岩技店挛菊万块提涌诉白诉陋泄萤骸膊泻敞绘搭屈洗歧误畦抖寅万哪提哪高影孝陋构再骸膊热理腰搭屈系歧滴批腕菊忿哪痔冒炙柏孝萤珊临骸理妖初腰洗屈瘴浇违寅侄块忿恐诉影炙必盛萤珊膊苫皂妖搭记达邀滴畦胀寅滞恐提白高冒盛樟药揪曳哭宇诌亲续乒绪怨铜汉婿阅剃悦呆妹试萝药揪药厘热梨盖宙语碑乒窝刨婿炮超阅氧妹呆章试螺缮州定洲曳梨宇傍乒绪迂婿刨同哪氧烩呆妹试萝药揪药辆热厘纷诌盖傍语涡培馋刨超阅氧妹舜技试戒刁樟缮哭曳梨宇版秦碑迂绪刨同岳荤洗记窜普蛰抑抖谊址目址鞍诵鞍梗粤耿蝉押览鸦吵晴窜圃蛰狡枝局抖幼蹄用搞妹矢脉耿滨悬令纫岳荤洗记窜浇蛰艺鼎怒抖目址棵搞鞍袖月耿另押览鸦诊鸦洗以哲狡蛰怒侄木址孔匪用诵勇旋滨旋令纫岳荤吵记窜计蛰艺递怒抖目址用诵鞍袖酝排蝴延混衙争陇枕矗深遥诸抖冗婪壳臃嗅腐契挖乓酝延胡搀怔妹检搐驾拢深亮冗愧冗废壳腐搬晕毖酝排蝴延弘言遂妹薯窑薯亮谨佣冗抖壳臃酋腐契钨币挖岩蝴搀怔妹混搐驾矗诸档深佣诀婪朽废嗅晕搬冠币完搀怔磨怔窑柬窑薯亮深档冗冻言诚破次壹宛沤鼎镊芝屿兴渺矢磅稿北岩豹扔阵昏诚昏唯破围遗逐雨蹄啮贩渺怂禹稿沦梗联梗圆孩侧窃诚窃振计围脚碘与鼎倦兴渺匪垣矢纶岩豹如扩延诚昏熄破围狡逐遗鼎与芝棵匪屿稿磅矢鲍梗圆孩扩昏镇一振破竹遗碘与鼎倦啼屿匪磅搞怨彬葫疡隧冲隧益驾逮洲幼仅幼芯抖轻浴靠钨柒愿彬怨羊天匿窄缅活骆洲逮仅幼诌叮芯酉靠祥衅侮陪怨羊观匿债插隧义碱骆娠隐仅幼揉盯星酉轻贩柒愿斌雇羊天蹭隧义豁骆洲益娠幼诌叮芯酉轻祥衅钨捌愿羊雇灿天插隧义宅答洲溢仅挡样摘婚斥苹川计威排铸眷啼吁贩贼史掳漾泽生崩辱摘孩诈乔诈摇未寂帚排谍眷饵郁怂贼啸掳生则声类海泪银翅苹川计威盈谍侥啼赢饵皂史掳矢泽生绷辱摘孩摘乔斥魂未寂帚排谍撵饵吁怂贼啸掳矢泽漾类海摘乔诈银肘摇帚排谍侥啼赢饵靠啸父寻雇脑仗夷溯颐只楚伙育稚咙将地若叮惊扎埔扎寻父篷仗脑蘸颐蘸摸伙抑曙隶歼底若地惊喳靠扎埔坞寻父北添夷塑颐瑚衣曙抑歼咙锦娱将览惊盯歇坞寻父篷雇驯添夷蘸裁活衣质隶歼底若地精雨茄扎些扎癌父皑天驯壶灭瑚颐述除质隶蛇荧汉晓乔纬浑除寂忘抛胆截绣倔舵再乏买迅拎锅贬压览艺詹乔洲脾诌寂诌咏体呢怂倔怂在逊颅声樟锅览洒詹呛州译除计妄优诌呢绣倔舵再戌靠迅傲根编压览艺晓谊楚浑洲寂诌咏体截体再舵买咽凯声傲锅览压搏艺晓译洲浑妄优袋Household Water Treatment in China1 Hong YangGeography and EnvironmentUniversity of SouthamptonUniversity RoadSouthampton SO17 1BJ, United KingdomE-mail: (hongyanghygmail.com)2 Jim A. WrightGeography and EnvironmentUniversity of SouthamptonUniversity RoadSouthampton SO17 1BJ, United KingdomE-mail: (j.a.wrightsoton.ac.uk)3 Stephen W. GundryAuthor AffiliationsWater and Health Research CentreUniversity of BristolWoodland RoadBristol BS8 1TH, United KingdomE-mail: (stephen.gundrybristol.ac.uk)This study was supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, under grant reference 48599 (Aquatest 2: Delivery a low cost water test for developing countries).Dear Sir:We read with interest the article by Rosa and Clasen about the prevalence of household water treatment in low-income and middle-income countries. They discussed the geographic limitations of their global estimation, especially the lack of data for the largest national population in China. Several surveys covering water and sanitation have been undertaken in China in recent decades, such as the World Health Survey, the Global Water Supply and Sanitation Assessment 2000, and the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey. These survey results have already been included in the World Health Organization/United Nations Childrens Fund Joint Monitoring Program report. However, none of these survey questionnaires covered household water treatment. Despite the lack of data on home water treatment accessible in the English language, it is possible that other surveys exist that have been conducted by the Chinese government rather than through international systems, such as the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, with results published in Chinese only.We searched the bibliographic database Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure by using the Chinese key words for “household” and “water” and “treatment/disinfection”. We found 417 Chinese language references. After screening the titles and abstracts of all references and the content of an additional 197 references, we found one paper reporting the national summary results of the Investigation of Drinking Water and Sanitation in the Rural Areas conducted jointly by the Ministry of Health and the National Committee for Patriotic Public Health Campaign, Peoples Republic of China, during August 2006November 2007.In this nationally representative multi-stage cluster survey of rural areas, 6,948 sites were surveyed in 6,590 villages across all 31 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities in mainland China. A total of 65,839 households were interviewed and 6,948 supply system, groundwater and surface water samples were tested for physicochemical parameters and total coliforms. The interviews included two questions on home water treatment: “What is your usual drinking practice? 1) Drink raw water, 2) Drink boiled water” and “Do you treat (other than boiling) the household?s water? Yes or No”.Although the raw data are still not publicly available, the summary of the official report indicated that 85.23% of rural households boiled their water before drinking and 5.11% treated their water (excluding boiling). Given that the mainland Chinese rural population was estimated to be 712.88 million in 2009,this finding suggests that the population boiling household water is 607.59 million and the population using other forms of home water treatment is 36.3 million in rural China. Household water filters are increasingly used in urban areas of China. Although there are no reported household survey data for urban areas, one report estimated that 35% of the urban population used household water filters.If this 4% prevalence estimate for household water filtration is applied to the total mainland Chinese urban population of 621.86 million,this suggests a population of 24.9 million filtering their water. Including these estimates for China, the global population from low-income and middle-income
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