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五年级上册英语句型专项复习一、一般疑问句:用yes或no回答的句型(一) 由be(am,is,are)引导的一般疑问句1、Am I a student?我是学生吗? Yes,you are./ No,you arent.2、Is this /that/it a chair?这/那/它/是一把椅子吗? Yes,it is. /No,it isnt.3、Is she/Amy your sister?她/艾米是你的妹妹吗?Yes,she is ./ No,she isnt.4、Is he/Mike your brother?他/迈克是你的哥哥吗?Yes,he is./No,he isnt.5、Is your brother helpful at home?你哥哥在家有用吗?Yes, he is./ No, he isnt.6、Is there a forest in the park?在公园有一个森林吗? Yes,there is./No,there isnt.是的,有。/不,没有。 7、Are there any pandas in the mountains?在山上有熊猫吗?Yes,there are./No,there arent.是的,有。/不,没有。8、Are they dusks?它们是鸭子吗?(问物)Yes, they are. /No,they arent.是的,它们是。/不,它们不是。9、Are they famers?他们是农民吗?(问人) Yes, they are. /No,they arent.是的,他们是。/不,他们不是。10、Are you a teacher?你是一个老师吗?(问you用I回答)Yes, Iam./No,Im not.是的,我是。/不,我不是。11、Are you teachers?你们是老师吗?Yes,we are./No,we arent.是的,我们是。/不,我们不是。(二)、 由do引导的一般疑问句1、Do you like apples?你喜欢苹果吗? Yes,I do./No,I dont.喜欢。/不喜欢。2、Do you often play football,Mike and John?迈克和约翰你们经常踢足球吗?Yes,we do. /No,we dont.是的。/不是。3、Do they like apples?他们喜欢苹果吗?Yes,they do./No,they dont.喜欢。/不喜欢。(三)由does引导的一般疑问句1、Does your sister like apples?你姐姐喜欢苹果吗?Yes, she does./ No, she doesnt.2、Does your brother like apples?你哥哥喜欢苹果吗?Yes, he does./ No, he doesnt.(四)由can引导的一般疑问句1、Can Iwear my new shirt today?我今天可以穿我的新衬衫吗? Yes,you can./No,you cant.可以,你可以。/不,你不可以。2、Can you set the table?你会摆饭桌吗? Yes,I can./No,I cant.3、Can Tom set the table?汤母会摆饭桌吗?Yes, he can. /No, he cant.4、Can Sarah set the table?萨拉会摆饭桌吗?Yes, she can. /No, she cant.5、Can Mike and John (they) sweep the floor?迈克和约翰/他们会扫地吗?Yes,they can./No, they cant.会,他们会。/不,他们不会。6、Can I help you?=What can I do for you?我能帮助你吗?Yes,please.I want two pears.二、特殊疑问句 (一)、由what(什么)引导的特殊疑问句1、Whats this/that/it ?这/那/它是什么?Its a desk.它是一张椅子。2、What are they/these/those?它们是/这些/那些是什么?They are apples.(问物时根据实际情况回答)3、What do you do?=What are you? (what后面加人便问职业)你是干什么工作的?I am a teacher.我是老师。4、What does your father do?=What is your father?你爸爸是干什么工作的? He is a doctor.他是医生。5、What do they do?=What are they?他们是干什么工作的? They are nurses.6、What can you do? 你会做什么? I can cook the meals.我会做饭。 7、What can your father/brother do? 你的爸爸/哥哥会做什么? He can sweep the floor.他会扫地。8、What can your mother /sister do?你的妈妈/姐姐会做什么?She can cook the meals.她会做饭。9、What do you like?你喜欢什么?I like pears.我喜欢雪梨。10、What would you like for breakfast?早餐你想吃什么? Id like some milk and bread.我想吃牛奶和面包。11、What would you like for lunch?午餐你想吃什么? Id like fish and green beans.我想吃鱼和青豆。12、What would you like for dinner (supper)?晚餐你想吃什么? Id like fish and tofu.我想吃鱼和豆腐。13、Whats the weather like in Beijing?北京天气怎么样? Its warm and windy.14、Whats your favourite food?你最喜欢的食物是什么? I like +任何食物。15、Whats your favourite meat?你最喜欢的肉是什么? I like +肉类。16、Whats your favourite fruit?你最喜欢的水果是什么?I like +水果。17、Whats your favourite drink?你最喜欢的饮料是什么?I like +饮料。18、Whats your favourite class?你最喜爱的课程是什么?My favourite class is+课程/ I like +课程19、What is your favourite animal?你最喜欢的动物是什么? I like +动物20、Whats your favourite sport?你最喜欢的体育是什么?I like swimming.21、What do you have on Mondays?星期一你上什么课? I have English,math and art.22、What is your mother like?你的妈妈长得怎么样? She is tall and young.23、Whats your father like?你的爸爸长得怎么样? He is tall and strong.24、What is your room like?你的房间怎么样? Its big and nice.25、What do you do on the weekend?周末你通常做什么?I often play football.(二)由what colour(什么颜色)引导的特殊疑问句 1. What colour is the dog?这只狗是什么颜色? The dog/Itis yellow.2. What colour is it?它是什么颜色? It is green.它是绿色。3. What colour is your shirt?(单数)你的衬衫是什么颜色?My shirt/It is white.4. What colour are your jeans?(复数)你的牛仔裤是什么颜色?My jeans/They are blue.(三)由what time(几点)引导的特殊疑问句 1、What time is it?=Whats the time?现在几点钟?Its seven oclock./Its 8:50.(四)由what day(星期几)引导的特殊疑问句 1、What day is it today?今天星期几? It is Monday.今天是星期一。2、What day is it tomorrow?(明天星期几?) It is Tuesday.明天是星期二。五)由how(怎样)引导的特殊疑问句 1、How are you ?你好吗?Im fine,thanks.我很好,谢谢。(六)由how old(多大,几岁) 引导的特殊疑问句1、How old are you?你几岁? Im ten(10).我10岁。2、How old are they?他们几岁? Theyre thirteen(13).他们13岁。3、How old is Mike/he?迈克 /他几岁? Hes ten(10).他10岁。4、How old is Amy?艾米/她几岁? Shes ten(10).她10岁。(七)由how many(多少)引导的特殊疑问句1、How many apples are there?有多少个苹果?(How many接名词的复数) There is one(1). 有一个。 (回答单数)There are twelve(12).有12个。(回答复数)2、How many apples do you have?你有多少个苹果?I have three.3、How many applescan you see?你看见多少个苹果? I can see one.4、How many daysare there in a week?一个星期有几天?There are seven.5、How many people are there in your family?在你的家里有多少个人?There are three.(八)由how much(多少钱)引导的特殊疑问句1、How much is the shirt/it?衬衫/它是多少钱? Its thirty yuan.2、How much are the shirts/they?这些衬衫/它们是多少钱?Theyre sixty yuan.(九)由where(哪里)引导的特殊疑问句1、Where is the closet ?衣橱在哪里?(问单数)Its near the bed.2、Where are the pictures?这些图画在哪里?(问复数)Theyre on the wall.3、Where are you from ?你来自哪里?
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