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第1章 句子的构成最后,来翻译英文观止里面的句子。弄完了以后,打印出来,装订好。语法的目标:看懂句子,分析句子的结构,这是学习语法的终极目标。修饰的时候不一定是连接在一起的, 要分清格局, 用大块结构的形式来分析.动词块, 不定式块.1.句子由主语(subject)+谓语(verb)构成;2.主语省略时,构成祈使句。 Work hard! Be quite! Dont be silly.1.1 可充当主语的词类1.名词2.代词3.动名词,不定式短语Seeing him makes me angry.其实应该是动名词短语做主语或不定式短语作主语To see him makes me angry.但是,这种动名词或不定式短语做主语时,一般用形式主语。It makes me angry seeing him.这里不是修饰angry。 It makes me angry to see him. 分析句子时,先看一看是不是形式主语。4.名词从句做主语That he doesnt work hard makes me angry.三种形式:that从句,whether从句,疑问从句(when what how where why)Where he lives is still a doubt.一、名词从句:名词从句作动词宾语I know that he will go abroad in the nearest future(名词从句作动词宾语)I dont know how hell handle it.名词从句作介词的宾语I am worried about whether he can do itI am sure of how hell cope with the problemI am sure of the fact that the team has won the game.I am worried about the fact that he can do it.这里因为介词+ that从句,所以,需要在介词后加the fact ,that 从句变为the fact的同位语,都是介词的宾语。I am worried about his playing around all day.I am worried about his not studying.这里,介词后边的还是宾语,其实是由that 引导的。但是介词加that从句,需要变换,所以变成这样了。原句是:that he plays around all day.-his playing around all day. that he not study.- his not studying.变化的过程中,去掉that,助动词,变所有格,动词变成动名词。that he doesnt study- his not studying.That the team will win the gamethe teams winning the game.be + adj. + that 从句I am worried that he plays around all day.(状语从句,修饰形容词)I am sure that the team has won the game(状语从句).有时,介词后也可以直接加that从句。是固定的。In that = becauseExcept that He is great in that he can speak five different languages.二、名词短语做主语名词短语:疑问词+不定式短语Where to liveWhether to try again.When to talk to hime三、表距离的地点副词短语做主语From .to It is about 160 kilometers from Beijing to Xiamen.1.2 动词的种类及其用法完全(complete) 及物(intransitive) 两种修饰,出来4个形态,还有一个是授予动词(Dative),所以总共有5种动词。Atransitiveverb has a direct object. (动词) 及物的; 传递;及物动词1. 完全不及物动词 判断方法:把动词放入中间。我。他他被我。两句都没有毛病的及物,有毛病的,不及物。如kill 我杀他 他被我杀,可以,为及物动词Dance 我跳他,他被我跳,不及物动词有的动词既是及物动词,又是不及物动词。如kill 有杀某人,也有杀戮的意思,前者是及物,后者是不及物动词2. 不及物动词+同源名词有些不及物动词,以同源名词作宾语后,可以变为及物动词Dream a terrible dream.Live a happy lifeSmile a bright smile.3. 完全及物动词与完全不及物动词完全及物动词(需要加宾语的动词):即加了宾语后,意思完全。He killed her. 有一个作用对象的动词。完全不及物动词(无需加宾语):He laughed.The book was written by himThe book :主语,此时,为write的对象。He wrote a book.4. 完全不及物动词出现的形态。Something happened.过去时Something was happening. 进行时。完全不及物动词:完整的动词,放在主语后,可单独存在,意义完整,无需任何词类补充其意思的不足;但,完全不及物动词之后,可接副词或副词对等语(如介词短语,状语从句),以修饰该动词。Something happened yesterday. 时间名词作状语,修饰happened.这里,yesterday做时间状语He died in an accident. 介词短语,做副词,修饰died.He left because he didnt want to see Mary again. 状语从句,做副词,修饰left5. 不完全不及物动词即,系动词,意思不完全,无法单独存在,周后要接名词、形容词的对等语(如代词,动名词,不定式,动名词从句,名词短语等),以补充其意思的不足。此类补足语,同时修饰主语,故称为主语补足语或表语。He looks happy. Look是系动词,形容词happy做补语,做主语补语。He became a good student. 名词做补语,做主语补语,修饰主语。My trouble is that I have no money 名词从句做补语,做主语补语。He is in danger now. 介词短语做补语,做主语补语。6. 不完全不及物动词的判定方法 系动词我。他他被我。 如become(1)确定及物不及物我变成他他被我变成。所以为不及物动词(2)确定完全不完全。 主语+动词 主语+be+动词-ing 我变成 我在变成。 所以为不完全动词。综上为,不完全,不及物动词,需要加补语。什么是完全,即看看要不要加补语。7. 不完全不及物动词的种类及其主语补语用法 系动词7.1 be动词be动词后用名词对等语(名词,名词从句,名词短语,动名词,不定式),形容词(做形容词的现在分词,过去分词,介词短语,地点副词或地点副词短语)做补语。Be动词的三种翻译:名词作补语时,翻译为“是”;形容词做补语时,be动词,不翻译;地点副词或地点副词短语做补语时,be动词,翻译为“在”。He is a great hero 名词作补语。The problem is whether he can join us 名词从句做补语。The question is when to set off 名词短语做补语。My hobby is collecting stamps. 做名词用的动名词短语,即名词,做补语My purpose is to see him. 做名词用的不定式短语,即名词,做补语。She is beautiful. 形容词做补语。The question is interesting. 做形容词用的现在分词做补语。I am interested in the question.做形容词用的过去分词做补语。 The book is of no use.做作形容词用的介词短语做补语。Of+抽象名词(形容词) She is there.地点副词做补语。 They are upstairs.地点副词做补语。 Is he home now?地点副词做补语。Be 动词后的现在分词有两种形式:做形容词,做动词。形容词时,翻译为“。的”动词时,翻译为“正在。”Be 动词后的过去分词也有两种形式:形容词,动词的被动语态。形容词时,翻译为:的。动词时,翻译为:被是哪个词性的判断方法:把be动词后面的和主语互换,看能不能换。He is washing the car.换了以后:Washing the car is he.不可以,所以是现在分词,不是动名词。His job is washing cars.换了以后:Washing cars is his job。可以,所以,是动名词,动词短语做主语。Whether从句做及物动词的宾语时,名词从句连接词whether可用if代替。I dont know whether the typhoon will come.= I dont know if the typhoon will come. Whether引导的名词从句,作宾语。介词之后无宾语时,可单独存在做副词使用,和地点副词一样,有形容词的功能,也可以作为be动词之后的补语。He is in.介词副词。He is in the house 地点副词短语,有形容词功能,做补语。强迫/要求/催促。此类动词+宾语+不定式短语。此时,不定式短语宾语补足语。I forced him to recite the lesson. 不定式短语做宾语补足语,即修饰宾语。I asked him to write the letter. 不定式短语做宾语补足语,即修饰宾语。He was asked to write the letter 不定式短语修饰主语,做主语的补语。任命动词:选举,指派,宾语之后用表支委的名词作补语,通常该名词之前要省略冠词。Elect ,assign.We elected him chairman of the committee.We assigned him platoon leader.认定动词:即,表“视为”的意思,加了宾语以后,用名词或形容词做宾语的补语We regard him as a geniusWe take him for a genius.We consider him to be a genius.也可以省略to beWe consider him a geniu
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