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UNIT3 Fun Times Park- Always a Fun Time!Alice and He wei are in space worldAlice: I wonder where we should go next.He wei: how about that new ride over there?Alice: wellit_1_(look) scary.He wei: Come on! I promise it well be _2_ (excit)! If you are scared , just shout or hoid my hand.After the ride Alice: You_3_(be)right! That was fun! I was scard at first, but shouting did help.He wei: See,that_4_(was) so bad, right? You never know until you try something.Alice : Yes,I am so glad I tried it! He wei : Do you want_5_(go) to Water World now ?Alice: Sure,but I am_6_(get) hungry. Do you know where we can get some good food_7_(quick)?He wei: Of course! I suggest Water City Restaurant in Water World. It serves delicious food.Alice: Great! Let us go ! On their way to Water City Restaurant, Alice and He wei pass by Uncle Bobs. Alice: Look! This restaurant looks interesting. The sign_8_(say) a rock band piays here every evening.He wei: Why don not we come back here for dinner later? Letus ask what time the band starts_9_(play).Alice and he wei walk up to a staff person at the door u! He wei: Excuse me, could you tell us when the band starts playing this evening? Staff : Eight oclock. The restaurant is always bus一 at that time, so come a little _10_ (early) to get a table. He wei :OK. Thank you.
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