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情景作文 审题1. 文体2. 时间、地点、人物3. 每张图片的要点和必要细节可添加的细节(情感,动作,过渡) 结构:以2010年情景作文题为例 开头:(注意加入体验中国传统文化的魅力)1. 介绍背景法例:我从小是爷爷奶奶带大的,他们给了我太多的关爱,我一直希望有一天能为他们做点什么。I was brought up by my grandparents, who have given me so much love that I hope one day I can do something for them in return.2. 提出主旨法例:众所周知,懂得感恩和回报是一个人成熟的标志。It is well known that being grateful and willing to pay back is a symbol of being mature.是上周的帮爷爷奶奶准备北戴河之行让我第一次感受到照顾别人比被别人照顾更快乐。It was in last week, during which I helped my grandparents to prepare for a trip to Beidaihe, that I felt for the first time that taking care of others is even happier than being helped. 结尾1. 强化主旨法例:直到那时我才感受到,原来帮助别人比被别人帮助更加幸福It was at that moment that I felt that offering others help or taking care of others is even happier than being helped or cared.2. 展望未来法例:我没有想到我帮爷爷奶奶做这么一点小事就能让他们如此高兴,我以后一定要多为他们做一点事情,让他们开心长寿。I didnt realized that such a little help from me can make them so happy, I made up my mind that I would do more for them, so that they can be happy, healthy and live for a longer life.3. 总结升华法爷爷奶奶的笑容可能是因为期待着北戴河愉快的旅行,而我的微笑则是因为感受到自己成长的自豪。My grandparents smiled because they were expecting a happy journey, while I smiled because I felt proud of my growing up. 好词好句一、情绪 开心1. (do sth) in good part 欣然地2. burst into a sea of happiness 成为欢乐的海洋3. utter cheerful words 说开心的话4. my heart swelled with joy5. be overwhelmed with joy6. Brim with rapture and fulfillment 7. Breathing the fresh air , the day seemed to have a good start.8. Rejoice over our glory 难过1. I can feel my tears building up泪水模糊了视线2. Hold back ones tears强忍泪意3. Floods of tears眼泪哗哗地4. Tears streaming down our cheeks泪水顺着脸颊流下5. Sorrow flooding me被悲痛淹没6. Painful memories flood back悲伤逆流成河7. My heart sink into gloominess8. Feel a lump in ones throat哽咽9. The thought that burn a hole in my stomach 一想到肚子都很难受10. Take the edge off the hovering sorrow 缓解悲伤11. Let tears spill freely down our cheeks 任凭泪水落下12. Sink into utter silence陷入死寂 期待/激动1. With high spirits and expectation伴随着高涨的士气和满心期许2. Half nervous and half expectant既紧张又期待3. Set sb on fire 让大家都燃起来了4. Thrilled with excitement 抚慰人心1. A kind of comforting atmosphere descending around us被抚慰人心的气氛环绕2. Relieve sb of sth宽慰某人3. Be overwhelmed by a sense of warmth and pride 内心被温暖包围4. i was immersed in a . atmosphere5. sniffing the scent of flowers wafted along by the breeze, all the tension will just flash away. 荣誉感1. A sense of honor(荣誉感)fulfillment(成就感) shot through me2. Fight for the class honor on the court为班级荣誉而战3. Sb trains hard so as to bring victory and glory for 为了的胜利和荣誉而刻苦训练 犹豫不决&战胜恐惧/胆怯/1. Hesitate over/about (doing) sth 犹豫不决2. Struggle with/against shyness战胜了羞怯3. Overcome by pity 同情占了上风4. Tension build as 渴望1. Have a hunger to do2. Have a strong need/desire for sth3. Show the thirst/ resolution to4. Show a strong appetite for5. Be keen to do/ on doing6. Express a keen interest in doing7. Long to do/ for sth/ for sb to do 8. Be eager/anxious to do 惊讶/受惊/紧张慌神儿1. The crowd gasp as人们倒吸了一口凉气2. Turn pale with fright 吓得小脸煞白3. I panicked and my mind went completely blank大惊失色大脑一片空白4. The result was beyond my wildest imagination 结果超乎想象5. My feet rooted 忙碌1. .flood our schedule 2. sb. immersed himself completely in the work3. sb. contribute his time to sth.4. The perspiration was running down my back 入迷1. be entranced with2. be enchanted3. be obsessed by4. be fascinated by/with二、常见剧情 颁奖1. Award sth to sb = award sb sth2. Present sb with sth3. Present the $100 award to sb.4. Reward sb with sth5. Got the trophy symbolizing拿到了象征的奖杯 专心致志1. Fix ones attention on sth.2. Apply oneself to = sb be (fully) applied to3. Absorb oneself in = sb be absorbed in4. Occupy oneself in = sb be occupied in5. Without moving ones gaze 目不转睛 坚定决心/竭尽全力/积极参与1. Try ones utmost尽己所能2. Set ones heart/mind/sights on sth下定决心3. Involve oneself in every aspect of积极参与4. Racing against time争分夺秒5. Theres no obstacles we cant conquer没有战胜不了的难关6. Invest efforts in 在方向努力7. Make full preparations 做好全方位准备8. Be a feast to ones eyes一场视觉盛宴9. i was determined to strive for my dream bravely against all the possible obstacles.10. i finally made it by my efforts as well as devotion11. Sacrificed our leisure time12. It was certainly a hard time but our intense desire provided the energy we needed to persevere and we both were keen to bring out the best part of us.13. Pour ones souls into 鼓掌/欢呼1. With a round of applause鼓了一阵子掌2. The cheers burst out from the audience观众爆发出欢呼3. Be drown in the thundering applause被雷鸣般的掌声包围4. all of the students clapped as a surge of contentment,which was beyond description ,flowed through hearts, 开会/讨论1. Discuss heatedly/ a heated discussion热火朝天地讨论2. After a thorough and
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