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成人高等教育本科毕业生学士学位英语考试(样题)(非英语专业)(考试形式:闭卷,考试用时:120分钟)注 意 事 项一、请务必工整清晰地将自己的校名、姓名、准考证号等考生信息写在答题纸密封线内的指定位置。二、多项选择题只能选一个答案,多选以答错处理。所有答案一定要写在答题纸上,凡是写在试题册上的答案一律无效。三、在120分钟内答完所有试题,不得拖延时间。考试结束后,考生将试题册和答题纸放置桌上,均不得带走。待监考老师收卷,清点无误后方可离开考场。Part I Grammar and Vocabulary (20%, 20 minutes)Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A). B). C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1. I _ a long pole in the centre of the field, and on top of it I hung the lamp.A) put upB) put onC) put outD) put up with2. We all _ the achievements he has made in his experiments.A) admireB) adviseC) adoptD) adjust3. If the test taker finds an item to which an answer is not known, it may be _to leave it blank and go on with the test.A) valuableB) advisableC) considerableD) probable4. Though the long term _cannot be predicted, the project has been approved by the committee.A) affectB) effortC) effectD) afford5. The teachers lecture on American history was three hours long, and Morris felt very _.A) hurtB) boredC) disturbedD) neglected6. Its surprising that this innocent-looking person should have _such a crime.A) performedB) actedC) madeD) committed7. Ted agreed to _the strike if the company would satisfy the demand if the workers.A) call outB) call offC) call toD) call on8. Not long ago, John Smith, whom you know very well, was _a car accident.A) related toB) involved in C) included inD) damaged by9. All particulars should be carefully checked. Nothing should be_.A) born in mindB) put up with C) taken for grantedD) taken into consideration10. Weve been _ with that company for many years.A) comparingB) dealingC) keepingD) combining11. This multiple-choice test _40 incomplete statements with several choices to complete them.A) is composed ofB) consists in C) makes upD) sets out12. In the theatre the actors are very _to the reaction of the audience.A) sensibleB) sensitive C) emotionalD) positive13. He wore dark glasses to avoid _.A) having been recognizedB) to be recognized C) recognizedD) being recognized14. It _around nine oclock when I drove back home because it was already dark.A) had to beB) must have been C) was to be D) must be15. There was a teapot fashioned like a duck, out of _ open mouth the tea was supposed to come.A) whichB) itsC) thatD) whose16. _ being used in industry, laser can be applied to operations in the hospital.A) Except forB) In addition to C) Out ofD) In spite of17. _ on a clear day, far from the city crowds, the mountains give him a sense of infinite peace.A) If walkingB) Walking C) While walkingD) When one is walking18. The Vikings are believed _America.A) to have discoveredB) to discover C) in discoveringD) to have been discovered19. Husband and wife with a common duty to the country will find themselves _closer together.A) been drawnB) to drawC) drawnD) drawing20. Prisons in some countries are short of staff, _means each prison officer is overworked and underpaid.A) whichB) thisC) whatD) itPart II Reading Comprehension (20%, 30 minutes)Directions: There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the choice that best answers the question or completes the statement. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:Versailles is the site of the Palace of Versailles, one of the most storied buildings in the history of France. It was originally built as a hunting chateau by King Louis VIII in 1624. In 1669, King Louis XIV began searching for a grand site where he could conduct the affairs of France and control the government. He settled on the hunting palace and expanded it into the worlds largest palace. In addition, the King hoped to build a governmental center apart from Paris. The palace took 36,000 workers fifty years to build. The palace is spread out over 280 acres and can house 20,000 people! The palace features over 700 rooms and 67 staircases. There are dozens of unique rooms, features, gardens, and halls. One of the most renowned rooms of the Palace of Versailles is the Hall of Mirrors. Recently restored, the Hall of Mirrors is the centerpiece of the dazzling building. Originally added to the palace in 1684, the Hall of Mirrors was built to be a dazzling display of the pow
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