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阅卷须知:阅卷用红色墨水笔书写,得分用阿拉伯数字写在每小题题号前,用正分表示,不得分则在题B号前写0;大题得分登录在对应的题号前;统一命题的课程应集体阅卷,流水作业;阅卷后要进行复核,发现漏评、漏记或总分统计错误应及时更正;对评定分数或统分记录进行修改时,修改人必须签名。题 号Part IPart IIPart IIIPart IV总 分复核人得 分阅卷人. 得分评卷人Part I Rewrite the following sentences using the two patters.(40%)We expect that he will be coming.a) It is expected that he will be coming. b) He is expected to be coming.1 People think that he is coming.2 They believe that he is honest.3We know that you were in town on the night of the crime.4 we understand that she was the best singer that Australia has ever produced.5 People suppose that he is in Paris.6 People say that the murderer is hiding in the woods.7 There is a report that unidentified flying objects were seen over New Jersey last night.8 There is a rumour that he has escaped to Dublin.9 People expect that electricity supply will be adequate next year.10People know him to be a good teacher.得分评卷人Part IIA) Rewrite the following sentences using “adjective+infinitive” constructions.(10%)It is easy to remember this rule.This rule is easy to remember.1. I was sorry when I learnt that he had had an accident.2. You will be sad when you hear what I have to tell you. 3. They would be very surprised if they were to receive an invitation.4. She is happy that she has found such a nice place to live in.5. I was afraid at the thought of going past the haunted house alone.6. Bob was pleased when he heard he had been promoted.7. I very much want to meet you.8. We received your telegram and were delighted.9. It was sensible of you to stay indoors.10 The clerk answered the call promptly.B)Replace the words in italics by an infinitive or an ing construction.(10%)The headmaster suggested that I should try the examination again the following year.The headmaster suggested my trying the examination again the following year.1. The police hope that they will solve the crime soon.2. The Minister of Labour readily agreed that he would meet the union leaders.3. He didnt even acknowledge that he had received the invitation.4. The witness reported that he had seen a dark saloon car parked outside the bank at the tine of the robbery.5. I didnt recall that he had said any such thing.6. The defeated champion swore that he would have his revenge.7. The Company has decided that it will close down uneconomic factories.8. The accused admitted that he had received the stolen goods.9. He claimed that he was an expert in such matters.10. The accused pretended that he didnt understand the lawyers questions.C)Replace the words in italics by a that-clause.(10%)Researchers have now proved earlier theories to have been incorrect.Researchers have now proved that earlier theories were(or had been) incorrect.1. The police believed their informant to be reliable.2. Our correspondent reports the situation to be now under control.3. The sitting member stated it to be unlikely that he would stand fir Parliament at the next election.4. Many British people thought it to be cruel to send animals in rockets into outer space.5. Everyone assumed what he said to be based on fact.6. Pressed by shareholders for further details, the chairman confessed it to be likely that profits would show a further fall.7. On the other hand, he maintained his long-term optimism to be justified.8. The Prime Minister clearly suspects his party to have little chance of winning the next election.9. The climbers reckoned the ascent to have taken nearly five and a half hours.10. The witness later disclosed his evidence to have been perjured.得分评卷人Part III Rewrite the following sentences in such a way as to avoid the dangling participial constructions.(10%)While cleaning his gun, it went off unexpectedly.(While) his gun being cleaned, it went off unexpectedly.1. Walking in the fields, a snake bit Eurydice in the heel.2. Running into the room, a rug caught her foot and she fell.3. Pinned to the door by a knife, the men saw a notice.4. Written in large letters, they read the word “Beware”.5. When planting these flowers, care must be taken not to damage the roots.6. When carrying a gun, it should never be pointed at anyone.7. Barking furiously, I led the dog out of the room.8. Having paid my taxes, the amount left in the bank is hardly worth mentioning.9. Tied to a post, the sea was tossing the boat up and down.10. Uprooted by the gale, the road was blocked by a huge tree.得分评卷人Part IVTranslate the following into Chinese.(20%)1. a) He deserves shooting first.b) He deserves to shoot first.2. a) The boy wants watching.b) The boy wants to watch.3. a) I remember paying the
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