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Unit 1 May I have ?“感谢”的升降调在西方国家, Thank you !或Thanks . 在日常生活中无处不用,甚至在父母为子女或子女为父母做事后,也都说Thank you !或Thanks . Thank you !有两种语调.第一种语调前高后低(降调),表示真心实意的感谢.第二种语调前低后高(升调),表示礼节上的客套.比如说在检票口,检票员看完你的证件后会用第二种声调说Thank you !其实这只是出于礼貌而已.当你真心邀请朋友到家作客时,他用升调说Thank you !你肯定会感到不愉快.因而,我们在用英语交际时, 不仅要注意多用Thank you !还要注意其语调.常见的表示学习用品的单词粉笔 a piece of chalk课本 a textbook练习本 an exercise book词典 a dictionary水彩笔 a water-color brush自动铅笔 a propelling pencil毛笔 a writing brush三角板 a set square一年中的主要节日春节 the Spring Festival元宵节 the Lantern Festival妇女节 Womens Day清明节 Qing Ming Festival劳动节 Labor Day儿童节 Childrens Day中秋节 the Mid Autumn Festival教师节 Teachers Day国庆节 National Day圣诞节 Christmas Day 元旦 New Years Day在已确定的场地上,采用多种手段查明场地工程地质条件;采用综合评价方法,对场地和地基稳定性做出结论;对不良地质作用和特殊性岩土的防治、地基基础形式、埋深、地基处理等方案的选型提出建议;提供设计、施工所需的岩土工程资料和参数。61Blue is the sea ,Green is the grass ,White are the clouds ,As they slowly pass .Black are the crows , Brown are the trees ,Red are the sails ,Of a ship in the breeze.蓝蓝的海,青青的草,雪白的云儿,慢慢地飘。黑黑的乌鸦,棕色的树,红色的帆儿, 摇啊摇。Happy Teachers DayHello ! Happy Teachers Day ! 你好,教师节快乐!Hello ! Happy Teachers Day ! 你好,教师节快乐!Hello !Hello! Miss Wu! 你好,你好,吴老师!Hello ! Happy Teachers Day ! 你好,教师节快乐!同学们,读读下面的这首歌谣,希望你们不断向更高的目标努力!Good , better, best Good , better, best , Never let it rest . Till good is better ,And better best .同学们,你们的生日经常是怎么过的?今天是Nancy的生日,读了以下对话你就知道她的生日情况了。Here is a gift for you这是给你的礼物Tom: Nancy , happy birthday ! Here is a gift for you .Nancy : How nice ! What a cute doll! Thank you , Tom .Mrs. Brown : Lets have the birthday cake .Tom : Good .Mrs. Brown : Would you like a cup of coffee?Tom : Thank you . 生词岛gift 礼物 cute 漂亮的doll 娃娃 birthday 生日a cup of coffee 一杯咖啡同学们,读完对话你会回答下面的问题吗?1、Who is the cute doll for ? 2、Is there a birthday cake ?Well begun is half done . 良好的开端是成功的一半.Unit 2 In a toy shop英语的许多成语中都用到了动物。同学们,请你们试着用所给的动物名称填一填下面的成语。bee bat peacock mule fly fish cat dog horse 1、As stubborn as a ( )2、As proud as a ( )3、As busy as a ( ) 4、As blind as a ( )5、It rains ( ) and ( ) 6、He eats like a ( ) 7、A ( ) in the ointment (奶油 ) 8、A pretty kettle (有盖的锅 ) of ( ) Bear熊Where is the bear ? 熊在哪儿?Is he in the chair ? 他在椅子上吗?No, no ,hes not in there . 不,不,他不在那儿。Wheres the bear ? 熊在哪儿? Look ,hes over there . 看,他在那儿。Look , hes eating a pear . 看,他正在吃梨。May cat我的小猫My cat is quite , 我的小猫真安静,She moves out of sight . 一眨眼不见其踪影。My cat is nice , 我的小猫真聪明,She always catches mice. 耗子捉得真干净。下面这首关于动物的顺口溜你能记住吗?百兽之王是tiger ,狮子 lion 的力量大。elephant 鼻子卷又长,wolf 有副坏心肠。rabbit 爱吃萝卜和青菜,竹子是 panda 的最爱。monkey , monkey 太顽皮,还是bear 最可爱。My dogI have a little dog . Its black and white . It has two big black eyes . When night comes , its eyes look green . My dog is very strong , and likes playing . It often plays games with chickens . When it is hungry , it says , “ Wang-Wang! ” So I feed it some food . Its very friendly to people . One day , my friend Xiao Li came to see me . My dog looked at her for a few minutes , then ran to her , she was very frightened (害怕) . So she cried , “Help me ! ” I said with a big smile , “Dont be afraid . It wants to make friends with you .” She said , “Oh ! I see . It is polite !” It is really a lovely dog . 同学们,平时你经常去购物吧?你知道怎样购物吗?以下是Su Hai 和妈妈的购物经过,你能模仿吗?Su Hai : Excuse me , whats this ?Assistant : Its a toy violin . Su Hai : Can I have a look ?Assistant : Sure . Here you are .Su Hai : How lovely it is !Mum : How much is it ?Assistant : Its six Yuan . Su Hai : Mum , Id like a toy violin . Mum : OK .Su Hai : Wheres the radio ?Assistant : Its over there.Su Hai : Mum , may I have a radio for Granny ? She likes music very much .Mum : Sure .Thats so kind of you . How much is the radio ?Assistant : Twenty-four Yuan.Mum : Ill take a toy violin and a radio . How much are they ?Su Hai : Six plus twenty-four is thirty. They are thirty Yuan .Mum : Here you are .Assistant : Thank you .Su Hai : Mum , I like them very much .Mum : I like them , too .All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy . 只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。Unit 3 A purseLook , see, watch 的区别这三个动词都有 “看”的意思, 但其含义有一定的区别. look 是指 “看”的过程.如果加上介词at , 则指用心地、有目的地去“看”。see 强调的是“看”的结果。 see 还有“知道;理解”的意思。如 I see
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