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*2011年雅思考试题目及参考范文Felix2011年雅思考试题目及参考范文2011.1.8Some people think that robots are very important for humans future development. Others, however, think that robots are a dangerous invention that could have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion. For centuries, people have fantasized that someday robots could have intelligence like mankind and work as faithful servants. Today this dream has come true in many fields thanks to the rapid development of artificial intelligence researches. However, the issue of the wide application of robots can be deemed as beneficial as detrimental.On the one hand, there is no denying that robots bring about an array of positive aspects, such as high work efficiency and low work risk. First, the workload that could take months to finish by manual labor could be done flawlessly by robots in minutes, which allows individuals to be involved in other activities. Second, it is widely acknowledged that robots could do dangerous jobs instead of people in high risk businesses like mining and construction; therefore, a host of peoples safety can be ensured to a considerable degree.On the other hand, a great number of people hold an opposite opinion, asserting there are numerous demerits which should not be neglected. To begin with, people lose jobs when machines take their places, especially in the mass production industry such as automobile business. In factories of the famous car company Ford, almost every step of car making is done by giant robots that work faster with higher reliability and precision. As a consequence, employees will have great pressure. Admittedly, there are indeed some occupations that robots might perform much better than human beings, but they cannot work in a flexible way as people do, and they are less likely to make corresponding changes once something unexpected happens. Then human beings supervision tends to become imperative.Taking all factors into account, robots have many merits that make our life easier and more convenient, but workers may suffer from unemployment stress. (292 words2011.1.15 Nowadays, some workplaces tend to employ equal numbers of men and women workers. Do you think it is a positive or negative development? The gender imbalance has long been a general phenomenon in the labour market. Some analysts argue that it is impossible to eliminate the underrepresentation of women in job markets, while others propose that women should be entitled the same opportunity to be engaged in a position. The essay will compare these two opinions before giving my own opinion. From some peoples point of view, the practice that equal numbers of male and female workers should be employed is unreasonable. First, the packed-schedule of certain positions is likely to make women so busy with their jobs that their family life is neglected. Another point is that it is much easier for female workers to be influenced by marriage and motherhood, and their jobs are often interrupted by daily domestic events. To keep the continuity of work, employers are more inclined to put male workers into their top priority.Opponents of this issue hold that the positive aspects of the practice are more influential. First of all, employing equal numbers of male and female workers can help create positive working environment, for it is usually the case that men or women perform less aggressive in the face of the opposite gender. Second, there is a large possibility that men and women workers bring their respective talents into full play since men are more determined and less likely to be affected by external influence and women are generally more careful and patient. Finally, the move could be regarded as a sign of equality, for in many workplaces, employers used to limit the numbers of women workers and welcome a substantial percentage of males to join them. The practice that equal numbers of men and women workers are accepted indicates the realisation of womens value.To sum up, it does bring drawbacks to some workplaces if equal numbers of men and women workers are employed, but this cannot deny the benefits of the practice. This essay is inclined to maintain that equal numbers of male and female workers can be employed in the same workplace given that there is a rational division of labour, with all employees developing their own particular advantages for mutual benefits.(360 words)2011.1.22Nowadays some people have the anti-social behaviors such as committing crimes. Whatare the reasons? Who should take responsibility for dealing with it? A dramatic rise in crime rate during the past several years has become a major concern among the public. It is urgent to identify the underlying root causes and adopt proactive approaches.A variety of factors are responsible for the surge of anti-social behaviors such as committing crimes. The predominant factor resulting in this problem is the lack o
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